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Ready to have Medicare, our road system and even the White House privatized?

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Beware! Our own and Europe's own Libertarians now run the IMF and the World Bank. In that role, they run the world's financial system. The Libertarian IMF and World Bank goal is to strip all government of ownership and to privatize and outsource all public property including all functions of government. This religious-like goal/ideal is as intense in them as Marxism is to Marxist Party members. To them, it is the "wave of the future."


What is ominous about all that is that by stripping away and privatizing social welfare, they pretty well manage to eliminate it. That is not popularly welcome, to, they tend to favor dictators instead of legislators.


Their modus operandi is to take advantage of every shock and crisis. When the South Asia nation's and South Korea suffered an economic melt-down like we are now undergoing, the IMF and World Bank did nothing to help with the escalating debt but only insisted on continuing payments aided by forfeting national resources and services to the corporate world.


Are we setting ourselves up for just such a stripping? Right now, we are pilling up immense treasure and pouring it into the financial-corporate world. With prices now low---energy and real estate especially---all this money will be used to buy assets here in the US when the turn around comes---then, prices will shoot up into hyperinflation. The IMF and World Bank led corporate world can only stop it by a devastating rise in interest rates---or a selling off of assets.


What could be sold off to the corporate world would Social Security, Medicare, the national road system (to become loaded with toll booths), the National Park system, the nation's gold hoard, what is left of the army after Rumsfeld's massive privatizing of it, and, why not?, even the While House (it could then be rented back to the president).


After all, the corporate world is becoming truly global with no real attachment to any one country. The libertarians especially hate America's social welfare services. They look forward to the day when they can be stripped from government control to become money makers for the international community of the affluent who own the stock of these huge corporations.

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