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___Somewhere above I think...or did I dream it?... I have noticed that I don't recall dreams much except when I stop smoking cigs for awhile; problem is I hardly ever can stop. I have had to stop lately simply because I haven't any money & so I have a couple dream snippits to report.

___In one, a round bright green bush ran in front of me & as I followed it with my eye I saw it had a black sheep inside it.

___In another I was in the midst of some harrowing dream when I chanced on some guys with a beautiful old wooden sail boat & they invited me to go on it for some kind of adventure.

___Maybe by the time I ever have money again I will not feel like smoking anymore & I can have a dream addiction. :)

hahahaha, will do infamous. will do.
Orby, your the man. Any friend of mine that is willing to fix me up with some beautiful chick deserves a few reputation points. Check out your user control panel Buddy.


Oh heck, they won't let me add to your reputation yet. I'll give it another try later on, that's a promise!!


so umm, weird dream last night.

i fell asleep melting.

anyways, i was in a kingdom.

a castle's kingdom, back hundreds of years ago. there were villagers gathering, peasents stealing, and a mix of the two in this band playing up against the rock walls of the castle. the wet acoustics were nice, i enjoyed them. the sky was cloudy and the redwoods were taller than they should have been.

i played with this band. instruments that you could tell the guitar evolved from.

just a few guys in funky tunics jamming celtic tunes.

then, paco de lucia showed up.

who is a guitar player from our generation.

a really, really good one.

but he was here, and so was i, and we were tunic'd and he was amazing.

babooshkas watched with wrinkled faces

as children sword sticks

and chickens clucked


  • 4 months later...

lalely ive found my dreams consist more of sensory packets of memory.

impulses, and feelings mashed up together.

the visuals are left blank.

my dreams are focusing on the other senses i guess...


i feel like there are other senses here, in these dreams

sub concious senses

self concious senses


i figure things out in my sleep

especially music

i play guitar in my head all night long

while listening to another song

while watching my brain activity

while thinking of my main thought

while feasting about the fringes of the other thoughts in the thought swap pool thing


now, all of this occurs at the same time.

now that ive figured out the dream, there are unexplainable things that need to be explained

and i have so many nights to look forward to!

even when i dont remember

which is most of the time

i still sense progression



i know this guy, hes a friend of mine

and this guy just turned 18, and he realized he is now responsible for his own actions.

my friend had to fly to florida for christmas to visit his family, and thats where i am---er, i mean, my friend is, right now.


well, so this guy i know hates flying. he thinks it is boring(yeah i read, write, draw...but the setting SUCKS), he can never sleep because of all the noise, he is so uncomfortable up there in that plane because hes over 6 feet tall, too!!

so what is he to do?

how could he enhance the travel experience???


a few hours before arriving at san jose international airport, my buddy of mine ingested a chemical extracted from ergot root.

not a high dosage, just a mild moodlifting trip, for the trip.


there is too much detail to get into...that he explained to me..of course....but my friend told me that he actually fell asleep somehow, on a flight from texas to tampa. he told me he could barely feel the chemical, but he dreamt.

and in his dream, the world was submerged in acrylics, warm and cool colors.

colors beyond temperate. colors leeking and leaping thru thermodynamics in other non-perceivable dimensions.

i was standing there on a planet so small i could walk around it in a minute.

so i could see it curving. such a tiny planet!

it was ALL grass, beautiful...the most vibrant and brilliant green i have ever seen....and to think i wasn't even seeing. this was a dream!

the sky was blue, of course.

the clouds were white, and impermeable! but how? who knows. not him, nor i.

i found myself


i found myself standing on this tiny planet that resembeled our beautiful earth.

before me was a long red balloon hovering horizontally in the tiny skyed atmosphere.

how was it floating?? i realized that i was making it float.

amazing! i can make this simple, contrasted, red long balloon float up there with what must be MY MIND.

but i looked at the sky, and got sidetracked.

the balloon slowly fell, resting on the grass.

grass swaying in omni directions

grass singing

beautiful, the natural.

oh, but theres the balloon again.

from the ground, i lift it back into the sky and just watch it, play with it, with no motion detected. just thought from my kinetic being.

yeah i got distracted again, i laughed and jumped in the small field with funny gravity.

for hours i just laughed and played and thought.


hours, it really must have been minutes. who knows?

THE BALLOON!!!! i forgot all about it! its on the other side of the planet!

why is there always sunshine from an unknown source?


i found the balloon, and i found myself not being able to move the balloon with my mind anymore.

i also found the grass stationary.

the balloon, so tangible, i walk up, crunching through my grass, reaching-



i woke up sober.


I was at war in nam. I was hiking up a hill with my troop. The landscape was strange... and kept on changing colors. All the plants had a pink and purple ora to them... with the occasional burst of yellow. All of a sudden, the enemy appeared from over the hill. They started firing at us. We started firing at them. But none of us were shooting bullets. We were launging random objects at eachother. like toilet bowls and teddy bears. A teddy bear hit me... And I tumbled backwards. Then I woke up.:)


every now and then, as i have mentioned in the past, i have a reoccuring dream that i am in a purple forest, and i am walking barefoot on a path of paints.


everytime i have this dream, it seems to start over, allowing me to notice different things about my surroundings.


the last time i had it, about five days ago, i found that i am being watched by pigmy smurf-hobbits that want to show me something. i follow, and they lead me to a giant clam.


i had never been this far into the dream before.


then, as the clam opens its mouth, i wake up. WHAT THE **** MAN!


by the way, i remember that same friend telling me that he may trip on a flight. its good to hear that he did it.


I kept a dream diary back several years ago. Here is one from it:


Jan 15, 2002 -- Drew Barrymore

I am at a family reunion on a lavish estate somewhere in Europe. We are all outside, perhaps a hundred yards from a huge mansion, playing and talking in the beautiful sunny weather. I notice one woman in particular. She is quite beautiful, outgoing, and she seems familiar. I ask my mother who she is, and she says, "that's Drew Barrymore, your second cousin".

I approach the woman, and when she turns and sees me, she lights up with a big smile, opens her arms and runs over to hug me. It really is Drew Barrymore, the actress. She is wearing a lovely white dress with puffy sleeves, and her hair is short and blonde. We hug for a long time and I kiss her neck. As we part, she looks into my eyes, then leans over and kisses me on the cheek. She is very happy to see me, and I can feel my face smiling broadly. This is like a dream come true for me, for I think that I have loved Drew Barrymore for a very long time.

We are sitting under a tree, within a small copse of trees, on two chairs that allow us to sit facing each other closely, side by side. Drew is telling me how her shopping patterns affect the economics of Europe. If a certain industry, like pharmaceuticals begins to do poorly, then she goes out and buys shoes and panties until the markets correct themselves.

I look down, and her dress is pulled up into her lap, revealing her legs up to her underwear. I caress her thighs slowly and lovingly, and kiss her knees. She laughs and gives me a smile that lets me know that she enjoys my caresses. I'm entranced by this lovely creature. I am very much in love.

She is still talking merrily and I silently observe her face from very close. She no longer looks like Drew Barrymore, the actress. She is plain looking, with a small, narrow chin and muddy brown hair. But it's still Drew's voice I hear, and I still think she's the most beautiful woman I have ever known.

I wake up feeling wonderful.

...i try every night to become aware that i am dreaming,

but still, lucidity evades me.

You think YOU'VE got problems!?!?!?!

Lucidity is evading me RIGHT NOW, and I'm at the office, working!!! :lol:


in a nutshell, i got really drunk at a toga party last night.


i came home, and instantly passed out on my couch thing.


Every day I have been further studying the methods of lucid dreaming (ex. shifting my assemblege point) developed by sorceres about six thousand years ago.


Dear hypography,

that must sound crazy.

I am not talking about magic or anything, Just simply becoming concious while i am dreaming, and just exploring the mind.

I'm learning how to walk,

it is extremely hard, and a tedious task!

but i want to so bad

and once i learn

i'll wonder how it was so hard to learn in the first place

and it will become automatic.


Last night, the night i wouldn't expect to dream lucidly at all!!! :rainbow: :


im staring at a shoe, a brown shoe....

a wavy shoe, andrews shoe, that's andrew

OH ****



i then began to explore my surroundings,

it seemed to be a room with people in it.


as i began to move my focus away from the shoe

i would start to lose my lucidity

and lose my awareness all-together

so i just stared at the shoe

and thought

and tried so hard to remain

but there was this emmense force pulling me back

to what im used to

this passive mode!

I dont want to be passive

i want to explore this realm....

the shoe

andrews shoe


just pretty much melted and then i woke up hours later.


I think that because i was so intoxicated that i could not have further control over my dream at the time.


O!!! i felt so groovy in my dream!

i was still drunk at the time!


i remember just standing there swaying like a van goh painting

smiling if i had a smile

just that...happy feeling...

and andrew

his yetti face!

made me so happy to see while i was asleep

just laying there.


Status report:

3rd lucid dream. Every one gets easier, and I'm getting a feel for the dream realm.


Need to do more research! This is just so amazing! :rainbow:


so, I had a lucid dream 2 nights ago. It was very short and very hard to maintain. I can't even remember what sparked it.... I just remember realizing I was in a dream... then a black cloud of some sort of fluid substance came and pounded into me.... and I was trying to fight it.... the black cloud was sort of like a metaphor for my brain forgetting that i was in a dream. but I was fighting it.... i wanted control of my dream.... but this cloud didn't want it to happen. the cloud was probably me imagination getting bored and wanting to move on to some new dream.... but I knew I'd forget I was dreaming if I did. And eventually, I ended up waking up in me dream. I knew I'd fallen asleep on the couch.... and so i dreamt that I'd woken up from this dream.... but what i didn't know was that... I was still asleep. A couple minutes after thinking i was really awake and trying to find my mom to tell her about my lucid dream.... i ended up waking up for real. Then i realized that I'd just had a dream about having a lucid dream. It was strange.


woah, i just remembered a dream i have been trying to remember for a long time. . .



i was on the santa cruz beach boardwalk, on the cyclone, only, it wasn't the cyclone at all, it was a rollercoaster made out of a line of people waiting to get on, and they were the track, and i was "riding" them, which was actually me in a standing position whizzing past everyone at about head level, and the track was made of square queing line, so each turn was immediate, and there were no curves, only 90 degree turns and 45 degree grades.


and suddenly, i hit a part of the ride that went 45 degrees downhill and immedeatly whipped around in two 90 degree right turns, but with the speed i gathered on the downhill part, i was flung off the ride and sailed upwards, and looked down over the boardwalk as i was falling.

the weirdest part was i wasn't actually falling. in my head i knew "i'm falling, and im going to die when i hit the ground," but i wouldn't go downward.


i was flung upwards, and when i hit the arch where i was supposed to start going down, i just didn't lose any altitude. i was suspended in "falling to my death mode" and everyone below me was looking up and saying "oh my god, look, he's about to die" and i was slowly creeping around on the invisible plane that consisted of forward backward left and right, but as i was falling, up and down stopped existing.


so i just floated slowly forward at what looked something like a hundred feet up, looking at everyone look at me, it was at that point that i just kind of stopped dreaming that dream altogether, and i found myself in a house made of greek stone pillars. i wandered around for a while and this girl, an old childhood friend, dressed in the most, maroon, cloth i have ever seen or imagined.


that's pretty much all of it.


dreams are weird.

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