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On the other hand, I invite you to read my lengthy pontifidations on the New and all three Old testaments now in common use. http://hypography.com/forums/theology-forum/8683-who-re-wrote-the-bible-3.html


Further, I am an equal opportunity lampooner. For instance, almost anyone (footnote 1) who raises any English Lanquage bible, either New or Old, into the air and thumps "The word of God" seems unaware NONE of the revealed, inspired, or simply historical (St. Paul) inclusions were revealed, inspired, or written in English! This is a mistake not commonly made by Catholic, Jewish, or Islamic theologans. All of those traditions reject English translations as authoritative. Instead, they insist, respectively, on Vulgat Latin, Hebrew, or Arabic.


Footnote 1) Primary Mormon theological books are English. There may be others. The authoritative Eastern Orthodox Old Testament is called the Septuagent and is written in Greek. The Septuagent is the Bible referenced by St. Paul, and prehaps Jesus. Jesus's disertation with Temple Scholars could have included documents in various forms of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.


In addition, I have already been taken to task for writing about athiests in general, and now limit myself in general to discussing the aithiests who placed their manifesto in Washington State. They are bores, and seem determine to violate all the decorum you suggest I have violated. Accordingly, they are fair game!


Litespeed, did you ever consider the "atheists" who placed thier manifesto in Washington State were just a couple of jackasses trying to stir up some ****? The was obviously a childish thing to do and it was probably young boys who just wanted to see some people step and fetch to their tune for a few seconds. While i consistently see and read religionists dig at anyone who disagrees with them or their own little sect atheists seldom seem to have a need to do this, I have no doubt it has been done but lets see this for what it is, someone just jerking the public around, nothing more.

I watched 1010 [A 2001 Space Odysy sequel]. It is as good a place to start as any concerning the rather odd IMHO religion of Aithiesm. Specifically, I have never heard any Athiest even discuss the possibility the Old Testament mght include real 'supernatural' events.


Atheism is not a religion and it is not about the existence of the supernatural. Atheist literally means not-theist. To be theist means to have an affirmative belief that there is in fact a God. Anyone that lacks such an affirmative belief is not theist or atheist for short. It does not even mean that they have an affirmative belief that there is no God, only that they lack belief that there is one. It does not have an institutionalized set of beliefs or a common creed, In fact it tells you nothing about atheists in general except that they lack an affirmative belief in a God. It is not a religion. If atheism was a religion then bald would be a hair color.


As for the supernatural you are confusing naturalism with atheism. Naturalism is philosophically a position that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws. This implies that naturalists are also atheists but not the reverse. It is true that most atheists are also naturalists but they are two different things. There are such things as spiritual atheists that lack a belief in God(s), yet believe in a soul or spirit, so there are some atheists that have some belief in the supernatural.


Perhaps you should try using more factual sources for information that sci-fi flicks from Hollywood...




First, I resticted comment to those who posted their creed at the Washington State capitol. Further, I defer to your deffinitions and qualifications posted above. However, I do not renounce the possibility phenomena commonly referred to as supernatural (Moses meeting the Supreme Being in the Tent of The Meeting, angelic and satanic forces etc etc) could simply be Natural World Manefestations we don't yet know about in a scientific way.


This is where I admit to getting a bit playful; do you really want to cross a Superior Being who is willing to kill every first born Egyptian male child in order to get what he wants? Personally, I will take my chance such a being is not about to show up just to smite insignifficant me any time soon.


But if he does, smited I will likely be!


Further, Live Long and Prosper "V"

Tuttle - You wrote: "I see your Chuckle & raise you a Gut-bust."


Have you heard of the dislexic athiest who ponderer if there really is a dog?



Oh yes; she also was an insomniac and stayed up all night pondering the existence of dog. :)


Litespeed, did you ever consider the "atheists" who placed thier manifesto in Washington State were just a couple of jackasses trying to stir up some ****? The was obviously a childish thing to do and it was probably young boys who just wanted to see some people step and fetch to their tune for a few seconds. While i consistently see and read religionists dig at anyone who disagrees with them or their own little sect atheists seldom seem to have a need to do this, I have no doubt it has been done but lets see this for what it is, someone just jerking the public around, nothing more.


Well I'm no litespeed and we may have drifted away from the topic a bit, but I have to challenge your assertion. In my view, the creche was put in the capital building by Jesus freaks who mean it as a thumb in the eye of secularism and a shot to the gnads of the Constitutions's separation of church & state clause. The atheist sign then is no more or less than callin' them out and I'm all for it.


In new developments: Festivus Display Approved For Washington State Capitol Foolocracy: Government by fools, silliness and unintelligent people

Festivus, the holiday celebration popularized by the television show Seinfeld, has been granted a display at the Washington state Capitol.


When atheists placed a competing display to the nativity scene at the Washington state Capitol, it made for an odd story. It is only the second state capitol with an atheist display. The Festivus display turns an odd story even odder.


Festivus was originally created by writer Dan O’Keefe and popularized by his son Daniel in a Seinfeld episode. Festivus is becoming something more a Seinfeld episode, however. Festivus is celebrated December 23 with an “Airing of Grievances,” “Feats of Strength” and a Festivus pole. Here are a few examples of its celebration:


I hear that the state is now rethinking the policies of allowing any public display in the capital building, which if it goes the way I'd like to see it there won't be any allowed.


That's all I got on the supreme for now. :)

do you really want to cross a Superior Being who is willing to kill every first born Egyptian male child in order to get what he wants?


Yep, sure do. I'd like to know if it sat there and watched while the Germans executed millions of Jews for being Jews. If it had a martini and enjoyed the show. I'd like to know if it watches every time a little 3, 4, 5 year old child is sexually molested and if it tacitly condones or even enjoys such things since it does absolutely nothing to interrupt them. Believe me, there's plenty more questions where those come from and I'd like some answers if it supposedly loves these victims as its alleged children.


i believe that if you were to subscribe to the belief of God in Christianity, then his intervention on these things would negate freewill. God, as portrayed in the bible, was both vengeful and loving, bearing same the characteristics of mankind.

i believe that if you were to subscribe to the belief of God in Christianity, then his intervention on these things would negate freewill.


And yet those same Christians will argue in favor of divine intervention :)


excellent point

it is stated "that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways"

whereas I cannot fault someone for their beliefs, if they were to follow at least that one verse, there would be less hypocrasy.

Yep, sure do. I'd like to know if it sat there and watched while the Germans executed millions of Jews for being Jews. If it had a martini and enjoyed the show. I'd like to know if it watches every time a little 3, 4, 5 year old child is sexually molested and if it tacitly condones or even enjoys such things since it does absolutely nothing to interrupt them. Believe me, there's plenty more questions where those come from and I'd like some answers if it supposedly loves these victims as its alleged children.


Great post Clay, I've had those thoughts all my life.

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