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Moderation note: this post was moved to the strange claims forum, because it doesn’t back up any of its claims, and appears unrelated to the thread in which it was originally posted. If it’s claims can be backed up, as required by hypography’s rules, this can be moved back into a science forum.


i think the squish squash effect of speed is directly relates to my theory of bending space-time


i choose to bend it with magnetism not speed

(although they directly correlate)

so in essence where speed would limit (because of increased density, mass etc)

the advanced form of magnetism would bend space time on the other access

where space time would appear to shrink, the vehicle elongate

then form back


so say this happened on earth

then you would have to assume you are taking a different path throught space time

so in an atmoshere, on your spcific vector

because space time shrinks

you would observe going through water


now in space

through your specific vecor

all the matter in that vector would have a similar thing

where as on earth it would be air to liquid

in space it would be highly dispersed matter to air


to explain this i will attemt in this fashon


you have point a to point b

amd all the matter floating through "empty" space

on the specific vector you are on

so we would observe air with chunks of solid matter floating

although we could observe the matter and give us a way around


we would (for long distance) have to have constant deltaV to our vector

to float around it


so what is the correlation of light to magnetism

this might directly correlate to the realtionship of

using magnetism vs speed to travel


where light travels at a specific speed

why ? because :shrug:


magnetism works

why because :shrug: :smart: :fire:



why because :shrug: :fire: :painting:

YouTube - Time-Lapse Movie Of Crab Pulsar Wind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5u5nXZqYq0


now why is it like a mushroom? :shrug:

and why do celestial object make discs? :shrug:


:pain30: ;)


:pain30: ;)


:pain30: ;)


:pain30: :tearhair:


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