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PETA is one of my least favorite organizations on the face of Earth.

I wonder: do they care when fish eat other fish? Shouldn't they condemn every animal on this earth because of their position in the food chain?



People Eating Tasty Animals,



I posted this on an environmental forum a few days ago:-



BRUCE FRIEDRICH: Well, PETA when we're discussing what campaign we want to launch, we have both our ultimate and our practical end, and with regard to this campaign right now, what we're asking the Australian wool industry to do and what we're asking AWI to do is to commit to stop harming animals in ways that would warrant cruelty to animals charges if they were dogs or cats, and to stop doing that right now.


SEAN MURHPY: What is your ultimate aim?


BRUCE FRIEDRICH: Well, as an animal rights organisation, we don't think that people should be using animals for human purposes. Period.

Landline - 27/07/2008: Brand and Deliver . Australian Broadcasting Corp


I had a very intelligent pet sheep "Millie" who I saved from a fate worse than death.


She got fly strike and it was terrible.

The maggots eat live flesh from the inside. She was in agony.

I had to drench her in all sorts of deadly pesticide. There was no alternative.

I wonder how many from PETA have seen such a sight in an animal they love.

She survived and had a very-long, happy life supplying local spinners and weavers with wool.

Human male circumcision is no worse than musling, and it drops your chance of getting Aids by 50%

So would you have your son circumcised if it helped his chances of survival by that much?


Musling is not great, but the alternative is truly horrific- same as circumcision in Humans.


The Wool industry has invested millions in looking for alternatives.

Sheep are becoming incredibly valuable -especially the fine wool.

You only have to go to country or R.E. Show to see the care lavished on them.

I doubt if any farmer would put that investment & bloodline at risk.

12th-January-2009 at 09:05 PM.

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Now for sea kittens - Page 2 - The Environment Site Forums


Even so the venom directed at the Australian sheep industry is mind boggling.

You would think PET would have better things to do like protecting all the animals that are in danger of immanent extinction.

these peopel ar farmers who love and care for their animals. They are their livelihood. Most Australian framers are struggling with over 10 years of drought and no income.

I made these posts on Care2

Landline - 27/07/2008: Brand and Deliver . Australian Broadcasting Corp


I think it ha had one hit.



But these posts are tyical

Ultra Cruel: The Ultra-Fine Wool Industry. - The Petition Site

Animals (tags: abuse, AnimalCruelty, IntensiveFarming, Australia, sheep, AnimalWelfare, animalrights, cruelty, investigation, law, protection, suffering )



- 66 days ago - thepetitionsite.com

PETITION..Ultra-Fine wool growing is an intensive animal industry in Australia. Specially-bred sheep are kept indoors in individual small pens 24 hours a day for four or five years. We cannot allow this Industry to flourish.

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A Baaa-d Idea? Aussie Sheep Made to Wear Gas Masks So Scientists Can See How Their Breath Can Affect Climate

Offbeat (tags: australian sheep, wearing gas masks, bizarre, scientists )



- 94 days ago - dailymail.co.uk

It sounds like a woolly idea, but Australian sheep are to be fitted with gas masks to find out how much they are affecting the climate. Researchers will fit the masks over the sheep for a short time to obtain a reading from their breath so it can be

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This will probably mean sheep are drenched in chemicals (?)

There are still no viable alternatives in the pipeline.

A Western Australian government agency has received wide-spread praise over its decision to ban mulesing on its research stations from next month.


Australian wool producers have agreed to phase out the practice by 2010, but the Department of Agriculture and Food says it will ban mulesing from April.


Mulesing involves removing the wrinkly skin from the rear of a sheep to reduce the likelihood of fly-strike. The practice is controversial internationally, and is considered cruel by animal rights organisations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).


The WA Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) announced at Wagin Woolorama on Friday that it would ban the mulesing of sheep on all it's research stations from the 1st of April.


Roger O'Dwyer, Executive Director of Industry and Rural Services for DAFWA says the department needs to show leadership on the issue and develop a viable alternative to mulesing before the 2010 deadline.


Max Watts from the WA Farmers Federation says he's pleased the Department has shown leadership on the issue.


"We've assured our retailers that we'll come up with a suitable alternative and we will be able to cease mulesing by 2010," he says.

ABC Great Southern - DAFWA stops mulesing


I posted this on an environmental forum a few days ago:-


BRUCE FRIEDRICH: Well, PETA when we're discussing what campaign we want to launch, we have both our ultimate and our practical end, and with regard to this campaign right now, what we're asking the Australian wool industry to do and what we're asking AWI to do is to commit to stop harming animals in ways that would warrant cruelty to animals charges if they were dogs or cats, and to stop doing that right now.


SEAN MURHPY: What is your ultimate aim?


BRUCE FRIEDRICH: Well, as an animal rights organisation, we don't think that people should be using animals for human purposes. Period.

Landline - 27/07/2008: Brand and Deliver . Australian Broadcasting Corp

Landline - 27/07/2008: Brand and Deliver . Australian Broadcasting Corp


I had a very intelligent pet sheep "Millie" who I saved from a fate worse than death.


She got fly strike and it was terrible.

The maggots eat live flesh from the inside. She was in agony.

I had to drench her in all sorts of deadly pesticide. There was no alternative.

I wonder how many from PETA have seen such a sight in an animal they love.

She survived and had a very-long, happy life supplying local spinners and weavers with wool.

Human male circumcision is no worse than musling, and it drops your chance of getting Aids by 50%

So would you have your son circumcised if it helped his chances of survival by that much?


Musling is not great, but the alternative is truly horrific- same as circumcision in Humans.


The Wool industry has invested millions in looking for alternatives.

Sheep are becoming incredibly valuable -especially the fine wool.

You only have to go to country or R.E. Show to see the care lavished on them.

I doubt if any farmer would put that investment & bloodline at risk.

12th-January-2009 at 09:05 PM.

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Now for sea kittens - Page 2 - The Environment Site Forums


Even so the venom directed at the Australian sheep industry is mind boggling.

You would think PETA would have better things to do like protecting all the animals that are in danger of immanent extinction.

These people are long-term farmers who love and care for their animals.

They are their livelihood. They are not going to endanger that.

Most Australian framers are struggling with over 10 years of drought and no income.Yet still provide the best fine wool in the world.



I made these posts on Care2

Landline - 27/07/2008: Brand and Deliver . Australian Broadcasting Corp


I think it has had one hit.



But these posts are typical on Cre2

(Some help from people who used logic would be appreciated!)

Ultra Cruel: The Ultra-Fine Wool Industry. - The Petition Site

Animals (tags: abuse, AnimalCruelty, IntensiveFarming, Australia, sheep, AnimalWelfare, animalrights, cruelty, investigation, law, protection, suffering )



- 66 days ago - thepetitionsite.com

PETITION..Ultra-Fine wool growing is an intensive animal industry in Australia. Specially-bred sheep are kept indoors in individual small pens 24 hours a day for four or five years. We cannot allow this Industry to flourish.

add a comment | visit site | problem?



A Baaa-d Idea? Aussie Sheep Made to Wear Gas Masks So Scientists Can See How Their Breath Can Affect Climate

Offbeat (tags: australian sheep, wearing gas masks, bizarre, scientists )



- 94 days ago - dailymail.co.uk

It sounds like a woolly idea, but Australian sheep are to be fitted with gas masks to find out how much they are affecting the climate. Researchers will fit the masks over the sheep for a short time to obtain a reading from their breath so it can be

add a comment | visit site | problem?


This will probably mean sheep are drenched in chemicals (?)

There are still no viable alternatives in the pipeline.

A Western Australian government agency has received wide-spread praise over its decision to ban mulesing on its research stations from next month.


Australian wool producers have agreed to phase out the practice by 2010, but the Department of Agriculture and Food says it will ban mulesing from April.


Mulesing involves removing the wrinkly skin from the rear of a sheep to reduce the likelihood of fly-strike. The practice is controversial internationally, and is considered cruel by animal rights organisations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).


The WA Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) announced at Wagin Woolorama on Friday that it would ban the mulesing of sheep on all it's research stations from the 1st of April.


Roger O'Dwyer, Executive Director of Industry and Rural Services for DAFWA says the department needs to show leadership on the issue and develop a viable alternative to mulesing before the 2010 deadline.


Max Watts from the WA Farmers Federation says he's pleased the Department has shown leadership on the issue.


"We've assured our retailers that we'll come up with a suitable alternative and we will be able to cease mulesing by 2010," he says.

ABC Great Southern - DAFWA stops mulesingf


I just posted something similar to this in So long and thanks for all the fishthread.

You really need to look at some of this PETA campaign it it is very offensive. It seems targeted to children and I think it is evil.


Sea Kittens

PETA's anti-fishing campaign renaming fish "sea kittens" so people willl stop eating them.

Perhaps this is a good thing.

It is so outrageous that it will get people talking about an important issue.


But to manipulate and brainwash children is beyond the pale. It is despicable.

You have to read the Bedtime Story Book at their Sea Kittens site to believe it.

I think it is totally over the top and I would not let young, impressionable children read it.


PETA // Save the Sea Kittens // Sea Kitten Stories

PETA // Save the Sea Kittens // Sea Kitten Stories


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