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a black hole would be dark matter

and the light from the sun would be the process itslelf

of the reaction in post #14




now what if the impetali was itself a expantion

like this (as far as crystal densities inrelative terms goes)

ether -> impetali ->hydrogen

(not the best description but it will suit for this purose)

where in the core of a blackhole, the ether

is held still by the crystal, then as the crystal density lowers

it reacts but initiating impetali


then as that reaction occurs, other change in energy form are allowed

like impetali->electron+photon+radiation

whereas a black hole would be stable and solid eccept on the outer edges

and photons traveling at it would have a different reaction

then a star may be a chunk of ether core

then a layer of impetali

then heavy metals (periodic table elements>100)

then metals (periodic talble elements<100)


all "popcorning" which is the process of fundimental energy form

to the current galaxy we observe


This article forms galaxies from Dark Matter, and based on this hypothesis, a Blackhole is active Dark Matter.

The basis of this concept considers Dark Matter as a fundimental form of energy in the universe. Any and all elements in the universe are formed from its effects.


The Dark Matter would be a crystal of aether, at the core. Being heavily compacted, the Dark Matter would also have layers. At the core it would be Aether that, being compacted, is in a stable aether state. As you get to the second layer of a Dark Matter crystal,the aether intiates impetali. this would be because the density allows the movement of the aether.


As the Dark Matter Crystal gets less dense, it allows for change to even lighter forms of energy. this would include

(but not limited to):





When the process of impetali attracts an electron (in the instance of hydrogen), the impetali process is stabalized. This makes the hydrogen atom its properties.


On the basis of this theory, Dark Matter would be continually emiting hydrogen until it reaches a highly reactive state.

We observe this as galaxy formation. At this time, it would ignite, causing matter to be thrown. Photons, electrons, radiation, etc. would go in all directions. Matter in many forms would also go in all directions.


Since a availible size of Dark Matter that began a reactive state, could concievably have a massive magnetic field, it would react by forming a disc with "arms" at the most reactive points of the Dark Matter crystal.


At the same time it would, during the reactive process, also emit chunks of Dark Matter possibly containing stable aether, but definately containing impetali. These would in turn react themselves and form stars.




dark matter = ether + impetali

black hole = active Dark matter

matter = Impetali + electron

aether = primordial form of energy


A Dark Matter crystal core would be pure aether. The next shell would initiate impetali.

This would be what the collider recorded,in the case of the collider pictures (see ref.2),

The reason that there are more matter particles than antimatter particles would be the particle

was in direct line with the colliding particles at that moment.

For the billions of years the aether did impetali until its first decay.

That is its first change, similar to electricity changing to heat using iron.


Now when the first decay occured the proton was instantly shielded with electrons. The aether reaction process was stabilized as the electrons were at the same time attracted and repulsed by the continuing formation and annialation of the m/am pairs, and the magnetics associated with it.

Since the energy was in aether form more often then m/am pairs its effect is gravity,

observed as a weak force since the energy within the proton is rarely m/am pairs in relation to the amount of time it is aether.




Our galaxy would be the effect of this reaction. Each star/solar system a spark from the original Black Hole.

Each spark a solar system each star,the change of dark matter to matter.

Periodic similar pulses (sparks) would eject matter into the solar system (solar flares), on a relative level to the size of the dark matter formation.

All the energy that the sun emits would be the impetali process combined with nuclear fission occuring.


Now a nuetron would be the aether that change to a magnetically nuetral state, which allowed stabilization of the aether in a solid state.

as far as galaxy formation with hydrogen

its cold out there

and the hydrogen was probly solid


It's not that cold out there, hydrogen would need considerable pressure to be solid.


You are probably right, but is it warm enough, before ignition event, for the hydrogen to

be more than a liquid.


melting point

14.01 K

(−259.14 °C, −434.45 °F)

boiling point

20.28 K

(−252.87 °C, −423.17 °F)


Although thie difference is a matter of 11.28degreesF

it could be the difference between active dark matter

and full ignition of dark matter.


Although it is more likely for the dark mater to ignight

at a much higher rate of producing radiation. (impetali -> radiation+electrons)

In which case the hydrogen would be

a gas.

You are probably right, but is it warm enough, before ignition event, for the hydrogen to

be more than a liquid.


melting point

14.01 K

(−259.14 °C, −434.45 °F)

boiling point

20.28 K

(−252.87 °C, −423.17 °F)


Although thie difference is a matter of 11.28degreesF

it could be the difference between active dark matter

and full ignition of dark matter.


Although it is more likely for the dark mater to ignight

at a much higher rate of producing radiation. (impetali -> radiation+electrons)

In which case the hydrogen would be

a gas.


The values of liquid and solid hydrogen are for Earth conditions, you are not going to find droplets of liquid hydrogen or hydrogen snow flakes in interstellar space. I'm not trying to rain on your parade but Dark matter is not hydrogen and Dark matter will not ignite and produce any radiation at all. The composition of theorized dark matter is unknown but it is thought to be completely non interactive with matter and electromagnetic energy. Linking to your own theory is cute but not a good way to show you are correct when going against mainstream science.


Considering we are not sure of the true nature of dark matter,

I will agree with you.

Considering my theory goes against mainstream science, I

understand a well stated argument against my theory.

Considering my theory is a strange claim, unique within itself,

and has only itself to draw conclutions from, it should be able

to quote itself to draw conclutions.


Now, taking the Law of Conservation of Energy into account,

the amount of potential energy in a system does not change in quantity,

only in form.


according to my theory:

dark matter has an aether core

a shell of impetali

impetali changes to electrons and radiation

when unit of impetali has an electron shell, the impetali process is further stabalized


When a crystal of dark matter becomes highly reactive, we witness similar events

to nebula and/ or galaxy formation.


I meant anything other than the visible spectrum. The reason was that article was saying that

at the event horizon of a black hole, something like the particles were heated up giving them a vector away from the black hole. But according to traditional physics, radiation would be pulled into the black hole, then how would it create heat.

The given answer is the acceleration of particles moving toward the event horizon of a black hole.

I meant anything other than the visible spectrum. The reason was that article was saying that

at the event horizon of a black hole, something like the particles were heated up giving them a vector away from the black hole. But according to traditional physics, radiation would be pulled into the black hole, then how would it create heat.

The given answer is the acceleration of particles moving toward the event horizon of a black hole.


Only radiation that falls within the event horizon is pulled in. Radiation such as x-rays, which we detect from black holes, is radiation that moved away from the event horizon in a direction towards us. Radiation that goes past the event horizon is pulled in just like visible light and anything else.

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