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A vision quest is defined as "In many Native American groups, the vision quest is a turning point in life taken before puberty to find oneself and the intended spiritual and life direction. When an older child is ready, he or she will go on a personal, spiritual quest alone in the wilderness, often in conjunction with a period of fasting. This usually lasts for a number of days while the child is tuned into the spirit world. Usually, a Guardian animal will come in a vision or dream, and the child's life direction will appear at some point. The child returns to the tribe, and once the child has grown, will pursue that direction in life. After a vision quest, the child may apprentice an adult in the tribe of the shown direction (Medicine Man, boatmaker, etc)."

how would this work? I can understand if you are either dehydrated or starved severally you might imagine something, but how can they imagine somthing that makes sense like seeing a certain animal.


hey theory,

their mindset has been preconditioned to expect to see an animal long before they actually ventured out on the quest. For many years prior, they would have heard much about other's guardians and shared experiences. Saturating the memory with this concept over time, would bring it to the forefront when the quest was taking place. As to the specific type of animal that would appear in the vision, would likely have some traits that the individual would identify with. The eagle being able to soar, the strength of a bear, the hunting ability of a wolf, would be traits that would be sought after and hence that animal that would appear in the vision. They may also associate with a guardian of a person they admire. The input fed into the mind will generate the vision or dream

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