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The computer has a mind and life, teaching you how to prove it with experiments

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Pheew, finally someone else who can't stand the madness...

please define:


living creature










Hey check it out he could be right....


if "living creature" meant a something that changed


"feeling" meant any process that instigated an external event


etc etc..... see we just arent considering it the way he truly meant it!


What hes really trying to say is


"Computers are devices that have software that is constantly changing as part of the complex evolution of information technology" :shrug:


ok jek and ufo you guys really need to read up on computers before you start posting again this is really getting out of hand.... if you do not take this advice than please get some phycological help because if you think that any machine has intellegence than you probably think 2+2= fish ................. O_O


Buddy, actually Jet hit it spot on with

Computers are devices that have software that is constantly changing as part of the complex evolution of information technology


That is 100% right, but it is, i'm afraid, not what ufo is trying to say though :)

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