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Interestingly, early explorers to the Amazon Basin reported Anacondas 45 to 60 feet long. In modern times several Anacondas in excess of 40 feet have been reported killed but none have been seen by westerners with any authority.


Sci*en*tists have re*cov*ered fos*sils from a 60-mil*lion-year-old South Amer*i*can snake whose length and weight might make to*day’s ana*con*das and re*tic*u*lat*e pythons seem a bit cut*er and more cud*dly.


Named Ti*tanoboa cer*re*jo*nen*sis by its dis*cov*er*ers, the size of the snake’s ver*te*brae sug*gest it weighed 1,140 kilo*grams (2,500 pounds) and spanned 13 me*ters (42.7 feet)—at least, U.S. re*search*ers say. The long*est snake spe*cies to*day is the reticu*lated py*thon of South*east Asia, which grows to 10 me*ters.



Yep, it does do that. :)

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