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How to control a herd of humans

04 February 2009 by David Robson


HITLER and Mussolini both had the ability to bend millions of people to their fascist will. Now evidence from psychology and neurology is emerging to explain how tactics like organised marching and propaganda can work to exert mass mind control.


How to control a herd of humans - science-in-society - 04 February 2009 - New Scientist


It would appear that religion grasps this concept as well. In a 2005 speech Rick Warren, told the masses in a stadium to model Hitler's Youth.


On April 17, 2005, at the southern California Anaheim Angels sports stadium thirty thousand Saddleback Church members, more than ever gathered in one spot, assembled to celebrate Saddleback's 25th anniversary and listened as Rick Warren announced his vision for the next 25 years of the church: the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.


Towards the close of his nearly one hour speech, Pastor Warren asked his followers to be as committed to Jesus as the young Nazi men and women who spelled out in mass formation with their bodies the words "Hitler, we are yours," in 1939 at the Munich Stadium, were committed to the Führer of the Third Reich, a major instigator of a World War that claimed 55 million lives. Rick Warren has exhorted Christians towards Nazi-like dedication in at least several public speeches and also during a one hour video recording of a talk by Warren, explaining his P.E.A.C.E. Plan, that is currently hosted on the official P.E.A.C.E. Plan website (see 'video page', "The Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan"). A version of the anecdote can also be found on page 357 of Rick Warren's 1995 book The Purpose Driven Church, which sold over one million copies.


During his Anaheim stadium speech Warren, sometimes called 'pastor Rick' talked about a number of visions and communications he had received from God. By calling on his church members to follow Jesus with the fanatical dedication with which the Nazis, or Hitler Youth, gave to Adolf Hitler, Rick Warren appeared to be in effect asking his Saddleback members to be fanatically dedicated to Warren's own leadership, given his role in divining God's intent for the Saddleback church flock. During his speech, Rick Warren also explained that God had personally instructed him to seek, for the good of the world, more influence, power and fame.

You may remember Rick Warren from the inauguration.


Bruce Wilson: Follow Jesus Like Nazis Followed Hitler, Rick Warren Tells Stadium Crowd

originally posted by belove

"your divinity lies within"


ralf waldo emmerson


from dictionary.com


1. the quality of being divine; divine nature.

2. deity; godhood.

3. a divine being; God.

what exactly are you saying here? tap into your inner god? and so as to avoid mind control? or are you touting transcendentalism as a means of rising above the herd of sheeple?


the latter for sure


basically seek your own divinity

or i would say look for enlightenment



if someone who is your spiritual teacher is teachin stuff that is morally wrong in word or action

question it

i believe everyone has something to teach

and even though teaching is grand

learning is preferred

even if its learning from someone else's misteaks :)


I always say its better to be a student, than a teacher.


well Belove, not every one thinks they are divine much less, have a spiritual leader. Could you honestly tell me that if Timothy Leary was alive, and giving a speech in a stadium, that you would not be swept up in some sort of charismatic type awe? and hence, be no different than the herds listed above? Or have you never been swayed into some type of thing or movement or ideology at a Rainbow gathering?

You may want to reread the article that started this thread:)


Well if you are a cristian, your spiritual leader would be a priest.

If you were Jewish, a rabbi.



These are examples of a spiritual leader.

Spititual leaders usually define a set of valued known as good, and bad.

So, theoretically killing would be a bad thing. Thus the evolution of society.

Through history religion has been the moral light for each civilization.

Not to say that philosophers didn't have their role, but they probly made the religion.

Basic shepard/sheep relationship.

Most people look into others ideas to define ther own existance. Its a trait of at least our

humanity. If you are part of a forum, [hypography], you have a set of rules and customs.

If you break the rules, you get an infraction ( i speak form experience ).

Now this is a type of social ettiquite similar to religion, accept the moderators don't consider

themselves your connection to god (at least i hope so). But it still has a group polocy,

group actions, and ettiquite.


now to go to a rainbow gathering, it is a mix of every religion, spitituality, race, creed,

ethinicity, gender, hair style, profession, political views, idealisms.

to say this would influence someone, well all i would have to say to that is,


and you can quote me


Human beings are in a constant state of conditioning.


We condition eachother when we go out to party, this person's cool

that person is not. That shirt is cool, that shirt is not.

That style of voice is cool, that style is not.

Those actions are cool, those are not.

the list goes on


As we live life the influence that the people around you directly affect your view of reality.


take for example the geo-centric view of the universe 5 centuries ago.

because it was ingrained by society, the only people that knew otherwise

(in europe at least), were those who question their athority.


Some were excommunicated, some killed. But the majority of the populace believed it.


Same thing as rumors, and rumor control.


There is a duality there. like the yin-yang





IS IT BETTER THIS WAY, or is it better this way


who knows


only through persuit of truth do we define anything


Now think of the world as a rainbow gathering. How are you influenced.

Do you cross your eyes, and dot your tease.


Do you take one persons subtle clues over another.

Do you flirt, if so whose cues do you take as a flirt.


Do you recognize the dynamics of this question you ask.



originally posted by belove

Do you recognize the dynamics of this question you ask

of course, I do not type off the cuff. Did you reread the article?


We condition eachother when we go out to party, this person's cool

that person is not. That shirt is cool, that shirt is not.

That style of voice is cool, that style is not.

Those actions are cool, those are not.

the list goes on

When you mature, you don't notice these things any more. You accept people as they are, no matter what they are wearing.Cool is defunct


As we live life the influence that the people around you directly affect your view of reality.

no, they do not. I am not swayed by people or their opinion. Who I am and what makes up my perception of reality, is my own, and no others. I listen, learn and comprehend what others are stating, but I choose what applies to my own ideology, they do not choose for me

only through persuit of truth do we define anything

define yourself through honesty and truth. Are you really you, or are you some compilation of all the things that you deem "cool" by other's standards?

now i ask you- do you recognize the dynamics of what you just typed?


Belove i hate to be an "adult" here but how old are you? I can remember when it was important to me to be a part of the crowd, i can honest say i was never as hot to do what others did as much as many other people but to say it wasn't a factor would be disingenuous to say the least, by the time I was 25 i didn't give a rats *** what others said or did. I've pretty much operated on what I thought rather than what others thought from then on.


I understand the dynamics of my statement.

no, they do not. I am not swayed by people or their opinion. Who I am and what makes up my perception of reality, is my own, and no others. I listen, learn and comprehend what others are stating, but I choose what applies to my own ideology, they do not choose for me

This sounds to me like you have a certain level of mind control.

You sound to have matured enought to rely more on your perception, than anyone else's.


Although I could tell you stories where the most absurd thing was believed, similar to a herd of

cows mooing.

Did you know some people actualy believe the moon landing was a hoax.


The difference with age I've noticed, is the wisdom to percieve things in less influenced way.

We can only hope that this is an increasing trend. Seems to be, since the history of the world I

read is full of people following the herd.


One of my favorate quotes from the Monty Python's "the life of brian"


brian:you don't need me, you don't need anyone, your all individuals


crowd: we're all individuals


random homeless looking guy: I'm not



The thing is, I could talk about the herd.


or i could just say we are all individuals


or i could say, in youth, there are nieve,

in the old there are memories,

a bunker or a pool

will it rain today

a shooting star

2 suns in the sunset


where do we go

what do we do


some people like numbers

some people like books

some people like rooks

to teach in thier nooks


then koobobs and inkers

make oodles of glitchers

the oobobs and tinkers

make plastic wrap shrinkers

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