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My point exactly. (The abundance of spiritual self-help books, evidence of the great demand for this knowledge.)


So, since you cannot provide proof of anything you BS people with nonsense and make money off them? Sounds like a good way to get rich if you have no morals and give no care to cheating people by telling them things as truth you have no more evidence of than the Loch Ness monster.

originally posted by Moon

So, since you cannot provide proof of anything you BS people with nonsense and make money off them? Sounds like a good way to get rich if you have no morals and give no care to cheating people by telling them things as truth you have no more evidence of than the Loch Ness monster.

Let's be fair, here. This is not nonsense to Soulman, he believes in it. Let's respect his right to that.

originally posted by soulman

I don't expect to ever "get rich" from my chosen path in life, but I'm confident I'm on the right path.

and apparently, money is not the motivation here
Let's be fair, here. This is not nonsense to Soulman, he believes in it. Let's respect his right to that.

and apparently, money is not the motivation here


So far soulman has done nothing but make wild claims, absolutely no evidence that this is anything but a wild claim. So instead of making money he does this so he can tell everyone about the truth justice, and the metaphysical way? We don't allow people to come in and claim special knowledge about religion why should we allow this guy to do the same about metaphysical/paranormal phenomena? If I said I knew UFOs were real and I was in contact with aliens I guess i wouldn't be required to back up such a claim? He should put up or shut up.

originally posted by moon

So far soulman has done nothing but make wild claims, absolutely no evidence that this is anything but a wild claim. So instead of making money he does this so he can tell everyone about the truth justice, and the metaphysical way? We don't allow people to come in and claim special knowledge about religion why should we allow this guy to do the same about metaphysical/paranormal phenomena? If I said I knew UFOs were real and I was in contact with aliens I guess i wouldn't be required to back up such a claim? He should put up or shut up.

Soulman has already been instructed to back up his claims earlier in this thread. This thread has also been placed in a strange claims forum.Members need to respect each other and not resort to criticisms using such terms as BS or nonsense in reference to their beliefs.

Soulman has already been instructed to back up his claims earlier in this thread. This thread has also been placed in a strange claims forum.Members need to respect each other and not resort to criticisms using such terms as BS or nonsense in reference to their beliefs.


I know he was, and he has failed to do so, this thread is four pages long and so far all he has done is claim to be in contact with spirit channelers. He's had plenty of chances, I see no reason to continue to coddle him.


Pamela et al:


Thank you for the moral support, even though you retain your skepticism. I don't blame you, I'd be skeptical too. But believe me, there is a lot more truth here than most would admit.


However, I don't "believe" this; but rather, I "know" this, because I have directly experienced many of the things we've talked about. I don't profess to be a metaphysical performing talent, I just happen to know a great deal about it, in all likelihood a lot more than my detractors.


You can't debunk something across the board without investigating, experimenting, and activating as I have done. It was part of my learning process, and my accrued knowledge led me to an understanding that has been fundamentally transforming.


Those of you with a scintilla of curiosity could benefit by expanding your knowledge horizons. Remaining in denial over the entire field doesn't allow for much of a learning curve.



from moon

I know he was, and he has failed to do so, this thread is four pages long and so far all he has done is claim to be in contact with spirit channelers. He's had plenty of chances, I see no reason to continue to coddle him

No one has been coddling him.He is a new member here, let him become acclimated. These 4 pages have consisted of him answering questions from members, give him a chance:)


good for you. You've read a lot of books. You can explain the paranormal.


But what can you DO with it? ........


If he can actually demonstrate any of what he claims, then he can go collect his cool, one million dollars with it from the James Randi Educational Foundation:

Challenge Info

The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.


At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The JREF does not involve itself in the testing procedure, other than helping to design the protocol and approving the conditions under which a test will take place. All tests are designed with the participation and approval of the applicant. In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform a relatively simple preliminary test of the claim, which if successful, will be followed by the formal test. Preliminary tests are usually conducted by associates of the JREF at the site where the applicant lives. Upon success in the preliminary testing process, the "applicant" becomes a "claimant."


To date, no one has passed the preliminary tests.


The whole "I'm not in it for money" thing doesn't fly here; any reasonable person would collect this money and donate it to charity if they didn't care, or at least use it to print a bunch of copies of their magic-book and pass it out to people.

I'm guessing that the most that can be done with Soulman's special knowledge is to create vague threads on internet forums and new age books about it.




As noted earlier, I'm not a metaphysical performer, although I have experienced a number of metaphysical abilities and traits. I'm very familiar with The Amazing Randi and his challenge, which I will leave to the performers. (Although personally, I think Randi's anti-spiritual convictions would drive him to discount any metaphyscial or paranormal abilities.)


I'm here because I believe there is a higher message in my books for those with open minds. I don't cater to the gullible or the naive, but to those spiritual seekers who want answers to the many unanswered questions humanity faces. If I can help in that regard, it's worth the effort it takes.

If he can actually demonstrate any of what he claims, then he can go collect his cool, one million dollars with it from the James Randi Educational Foundation:



The whole "I'm not in it for money" thing doesn't fly here; any reasonable person would collect this money and donate it to charity if they didn't care, or at least use it to print a bunch of copies of their magic-book and pass it out to people.

I'm guessing that the most that can be done with Soulman's special knowledge is to create vague threads on internet forums and new age books about it.


I've read some of the excerpt’s from Soulman’s book , its pretty much like some other books and author's I've read like Celestin Prophesy's, Castaneda's series , Deepak Chopra , Wayne Dryer and many more.



These types of books deal mostly with personal spiritual exploration & growth and I have been reading them for years to explain certain phenomenon such as synchronicity, intent, personal power, The higher self. Creating and expanding ones own spiritual awareness.


The main contention of the author appears to be.., and correct if I’m wrong, is that we do not seek this personal development because organized religion has programmed us not to because we are boomed if we do not follow someone else's special experiences instead of following our own.


In my opinion the world can not be hurt by these teachings. Originally Christianity, as in the new testament was attempting to seek this personal growth but has been perverted to give the power to the church. These types of teachings have been around for a very long time and represent a simple tenant. Get to know you’re higher self though practicing self awareness after throwing off social programming though fear.

Good luck Soulman, and may the force be with you. :)




Thanks for comparing my "Awakening The Soul" to the works of Castenada,

Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer (one of my personal heroes) but I think the similarity ends pretty much with the subject matter. I've read the works of all of these authors, and ATS goes far beyond all of them.


(I don't want to discount any of their work, however, for each is a vitally important piece of the puzzle, and each influenced me. ATS, however, deals with some very different concepts that can't be directly compared to their work, while acknowledging all of their work. I quote a lot from Dyer's "Your Sacred Self.")


You stated: "The main contention of the author appears to be.., and correct if I’m wrong, is that we do not seek this personal development because organized religion has programmed us not to because we are boomed (doomed?) if we do not follow someone else's special experiences instead of following our own."


Correction: We seek this personal spiritual development because it has been denied us by our religions (most of them, anyway) for much of the last 2,000 years. The books don't provide individual guidance in any particular dogma, as much as they provide spiritual knowledge and tools to introduce you to your own spiritual nature, and thereby to learn from your own special, individual spiritual experiences. You're not following someone else, but creating your own path.


You are quite correct about the perversion of Christianity, because every single one of the spiritual talents/abilties/traits that St.Paul cited in his Letters to the Corinthians were later denied by the church as "demonic," "heretical," "evil" or somehow off-limits. Now we are taking these powers back.


You said: "Get to know you’re higher self though practicing self awareness after throwing off social programming though fear." Righteous on! That's it exactly.


Thanks for the encouragment. The Force is with me.


Namaskara, Bill (Soulman)


Soulman we are almost polar opposites, when I was very young I believed in this paranormal BB. I read the books, experienced the madness they espoused and really believed in it. As I grew older and wiser I realized the paranormal wasn't any better than the religious BB that was being espoused by the charlatans in that field. There is absolutely no empirical evidence that supports any of it! If you have some please show it. To claim such knowledge and not back it up is against the rules. If you know it's true tell us how you "know" it's true, anecdotal evidence is not proof. I used the "power" of dowsing to find water, does that make it true? No it does not, I have no idea why dowsing worked for me when i was young, but the fact that I thought it did is not proof. Your thinking you have experienced the paranormal does not make it true. Give us some real world evidence, it's what is required of everyone else here, lets see it :) If you can't do that then you are no better than any other charlatan that stands in a pulpit and claims to know something special that others cannot see! Of course if you follow them, buy their books or pay them to speak or give an offering when the plate is passed around then you too will be able to experience it too, BB

Soulman we are almost polar opposites, when I was very young I believed in this paranormal BB. I read the books, experienced the madness they espoused and really believed in it.
Moonman Could you state specifically what you are referring to please.
Moonman Could you state specifically what you are referring to please.


T-bird that was 40 years ago, I read everything I could get my hands on about every paranormal topic I could find, telepathy, distant viewing, precognition, telekinesis, if it was paranormal I was there. It took me a long time to realize this stuff had absolutely no basis in reality, none, it was all hog wash, stuff that people claimed was true because the "felt" it had to be or they "believed" it had to be. No real evidence what so ever any more than there is evidence of God, purple unicorns, Thor, or the flying spaghetti monster. It was belief, nothing more.




I'm going to deal with your assertion that there is no evidence with a section from my book which deals with this very issue. It cites further case by case refutations as well. I would also suggest you read Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe," Dr. Dean Radin's "The Conscious Universe," and Damien Broderick's "Outside the Gates of Science: Why it's time for the paranormal to come in from the cold."


The ATS excerpt © Awakening The Soul: The Trilogy:


Scientists were so intimidated by the Church’s ban that it was not until the late 19th Century before science broke the Church’s embargo on investigating spiritual “phenomena,” when the London Dialectical Society appointed 33 members in 1869 to form a committee to study such phenomena. The more formal and dedicated British Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1882 for its own investigations. The lateness of this formal inquiry is directly due to the Church’s complete suppression of such “phenomena” and the fact that the Inquisition officially ended only two generations before, in 1816. Three Nobel laureates and a number of prestigious scientists helped create the Society, with Cambridge University philosophy professor and noted psychical skeptic Henry Sidgwick as its first leader. Members included Sir Oliver Lodge, the eminent physicist from Liverpool University; Sir William Barrett, professor of physics at the University College of Dublin, Frederic Myers, lecturer at Trinity College, Cambridge, and Henry Balfour, later to become British prime minister. Other esteemed scientific minds of the era – including physicists Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Erwin Schrodinger, psychologist William James and psychiatrists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, as well as radiation researcher Madame Curie – tracked the Society’s impressive work investigating a broad range of spiritual experiences. This led to the establishment of an American branch of the society in 1885, which began making inquiries into “inexplicable” (spiritual) occurrences in the U.S. This in turn spawned a series of extensive, serious studies of “paranormal” experience, including those of Frederick Myers (1903), William James (1885-1909), J.B. Rhine (1927-1966) at Duke University, Dr. J.G. Pratt (1933) and numerous others joining the field after the 1950’s.

These extensive investigations conducted millions of tests, using thousands of volunteers, proving the validity of a number of “paranormal” (literally, “beyond normal”) human abilities. The mere fact that testing was this extensive indicates – at the very least – there was something valid to test. “Between 1880 and 1940, 145 empirical ESP (extra-sensory perception) studies were published which used 77,796 subjects who made 4,918,186 single trial guesses,” writes psychotherapist Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. “These experiments were mostly conducted by psychologists and other scientists. In 106 (of 145) such studies, the authors arrived at results which exceeded chance expectations.”170

Since 1940, the studies of out-of-body and near-death experiences, reincarnation, and a host of other fields, prove the validity of personal spiritual experience. Despite the fact that spiritual experiences such as telepathy, out-of-body remote viewing, precognitive insight and intuitive visions are spontaneous more often than not, lab testing has repeatedly verified their reality. As metaphysical researcher Renee Haynes states: “Many spontaneous instances of the paranormal ... have been checked and verified by standards of evidence acceptable in a court of law.”171

Metaphysical researcher Jeffrey Iverson, in his 1992 book In Search of the Dead, confirms the validity of the experimentation for proof of metaphysics: “... There is hard scientific evidence, from hundreds of repeatable laboratory tests, computer analyzed, suggesting such things may be possible. Most scientists who dismiss psi (spiritual) phenomena out of hand as superstitious nonsense have almost certainly never read Charles Honorton’s analysis of 15 years of Ganzfeld tests in 14 different laboratories. His statistical conclusion to this vast series of remote viewing tests is that the odds against the high success rate due to chance or lucky guesses are ‘trillions to one’.” He also notes, “Most scientists who concede the possibility of the paranormal do so from some personal experience and not because of the strength of the evidence.”172

The late Prof. Hans Eysenck of London University’s Institute of Psychiatry noted the absurdity of dismissing all these tests as bogus: “Unless there is a gigantic conspiracy involving 30 university departments all over the world, and several hundred highly respected scientists in various fields, many of them hostile to the claims of psychical researchers, the only conclusion the unbiased observer can come to must be that there does exist a small number of people who obtain knowledge, existing either in other people’s minds or in the outer world, by means as yet unknown to science.”173


Food for thought ...




Food for thought? Out dated investigations that have never done anything but prove nothing? That comes about as close to food for thought as donuts and taffy are food for the body, all flash and no substance. Even the most favorable tests of the paranormal are well within statistical variations. You can believe all you want but to claim proof you need a lot more than "sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't"

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