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I was wondering I am having a problem I am not crazy well as far as I know and I have always talked to myself but in my head not out loud, and now the voice that is answwering back is not my own I am kinda freaked out this has been going on for over 2 years now and I am afraid to talk to any one because I don't want them to think I am crazy is there any exlpenation? I go on with my every day life but they are still there trying to tell me some thing but I can't stop my mind enough to listen can any one help??


MAggie D


hello Maggie

I certainly understand you not wanting people to think you are crazy.

You do have a problem here, though. Sounds alot like schizophrenia in my opinion. Have you been to a professional concerning these voices? Unfortunately alot of people do not understand schizophrenia and it has a social stigma that may prevent individuals from seeking help.

From Wiki

Schizophrenia is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational dysfunction. Onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with approximately 0.4–0.6%of the population affected. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior. No laboratory test for schizophrenia currently exists.


Studies suggest that genetics, early environment, neurobiology, psychological and social processes are important contributory factors; some recreational and prescription drugs appear to cause or worsen symptoms. Current psychiatric research is focused on the role of neurobiology, but no single organic cause has been found.

Schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schedule an appointment and do a little research on the web. This will help you better gain an understanding of the disorder and allay some of your fears.:naughty:


Thank you all so much for your help I am a mother and I work 5 days a week I try to ignore the voices but they are still there, what makes me think they are real is that they have told me some things and come to find out it was real what it they had said really was real, I also wonder if it has any thing to do withsome thing called morgellons disease I did not even want to mention that for some reason they don't think it is a good idea god I must sound like a cook I dont know where to turn it is not like they are telling me to jump off a bridge or any thing plus I love life to much to die I am stuck I need some answers that is why I am here. thank you



Maggie, are you saying that you have been diagnosed with Morgellon's? Or do you think you have the disease?

for clarification


From Wiki

Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome) is a name given to a proposed infectious condition characterized by a range of cutaneous (skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations; finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores). Current scientific consensus holds that Morgellons is not a new disorder and is instead a new and misleading name for known illnesses. Most doctors,including dermatologists and psychiatrists, regard Morgellons as a manifestation of known medical conditions, including delusional parasitosis, although some health professionals say that an infectious cause could one day be found. Illnesses such as delusional parasitosis can be serious and debilitating, but tested and effective treatments exist.



Treatment for delusional parasitosis

Many dermatologists treat Morgellons as delusional parasitosis. After a thorough medical examination to rule out known organic causes for the symptoms, delusional parasitosis patients are typically prescribed one of several typical antipsychotic drugs. In the past, pimozide was the drug of choice; in addition to antipsychotic activity, it also has antipruritic activity, meaning it inhibits the sensation of itching.However, pimozide requires frequent electrocardiographic monitoring. Currently, atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine or risperidone are used as first line treatment.[58] Antipsychotics are effective at treating delusional parasitosis at doses as low as one-fifth to one-tenth the dose typically prescribed for schizophrenia. It is common for patients who believe they have Morgellons to reject a physician's diagnosis of delusional parasitosis. It has been suggested that the term Morgellons should be adopted by dermatologists to enhance their rapport with their patients, allowing them to overcome this resistance.

Treatment appears to be along the same line with treating schizophrenia:)


Morgellons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it is not like they are telling me to jump off a bridge or any thing plus I love life to much to die I am stuck I need some answers that is why I am here.


It is a negative stereotype that Schizophrenia or similar such disorders make people evil, violent, or suicidal. That is not the case. I'm sure you are a wonderful and loving person and a great mother as well.


There are many medical conditions that make it hard to function normally. I, for example, get migraines. When this happens, it's hard for me to focus on my work and it makes it very hard to enjoy life.


Because of this, I have needed medical help. I now take Imitrex which helps me control my migraines and makes me an overall healthier and happier person. I think it's very likely that you could receive the same kind of help. What you're describing is very common. Ignoring all the negative stereotypes—it's just a medical condition that doctors have gotten very good at helping people with.


I think you would be very relieved to talk to doctor. If you're honest with them and trust their advice then you surely will benefit for doing so.



Thank you so much for your time you have no idea what this means to me I have been thinking I am going comletly insane with out realy going insane sorry but I realy needed to hear see what you are saying it is starting to make a little bit more sense but it is all so real down to the information could I know things that I did not know I knew I sound so crazy any more info have you ever heard of Morgellons disease???

Maggie D


No trouble. I don't know enough about Morgellons to comment intelligently. Pamela's link to the wiki page in her above post is probably the best place for general info. Here’s a couple more:


Strange List of Symptoms Perplexes Patients, Doctors -- Arehart-Treichel 41 (24): 19 -- Psychiatr News

Home | Unexplained Dermopathy

Psychiatric Arsenal Has Weapons Against Morgellons Disease -- Arehart-Treichel 41 (24): 19 -- Psychiatr News


Good luck, and please, please, please... go see a doctor.




I am postpolio and came to this section to ask for suggestions on how to deal with a profound phantom itch between my shoulder blades.


Talk to your primary care physician. Neural responses can be very strange. A pinched nerve can cause sensations that make no sense at all. You may have a purely neurological problem.


There's only one way to really find out what's going on. See your doctor.


Good luck.




I do not imagine that any one is giving the ultimate authority to Wiki.

Too many times have I found errors or incomplete information. This was only a suggested starting point for Maggie. We have all suggested that she see a professional and be diagnosed for both problems. She very well indeed may have Morgellons, I do not doubt the validity of it being a true illness. However this symptom may indeed fall under delusional parasitosis and can be treated accordingly with the schizophrenia, She needs to be diagnosed


yes, I am actually aware and do try to keep myself apprised of the current data that is out there for these types of illnesses. The problem is, I am not convinced this is the case for Maggie. She has not stated that she has been diagnosed and I fear that she has not. Her "voices" did not want the Morgellons to be known, and that sounds suspect. I sincerely hope that she makes an appointment with medical professionals


I have seen many docyors all of them claiming not to know any thing about morgellons I have been prescribed depakote reperadol haldol every anti depresent out there I took them all like I was souposed to and nothing worked so I have honestly gave up on doctors they know some thing and are not helping I am doing alot better now with the freeking out that I used to do and I am not on any thing I have just gotten used to all this but I can'y stop untill I have an answer my 4 yr old daughter talks now and she has been telling me about biutting sensations and the doctor said she had a foot mout virus because she is always itching but none of the cremes have helped are we both psytso??

Maggie D



I detect a lot of fear in your post. You are afraid because you do not understand what is happening to you. That's normal--we all get afraid when things happen to us that we do not understand.


The doctors may not have helped you as much as you like, I'm sure. But they have helped you a little, yes? More importantly, the doctors have greater understanding and knowledge. You should trust the doctors -- at least the ones who have helped you. Don't be afraid to go back to the doctors and try again. They are your best hope.


Hang in there. We are on your side. :singer:


hello Maggie

The medications that you have tried consisting of an anticonvulsant and antipsychotics, may not have been the right mix for you. Either go back to the original doctor or find a new one. Having a job and being a mother can put alot of stress on you and may exacerbate your current mental health problem. You need to tell the doctor all of your symptoms, regardless of embarrassment. Be honest with him/her, so that he/she may better prescribe what is necessary for your treatment. I know many people for whom the treatments administered worked and thus the voices have stopped. Their lives have become more productive and their sense of well being has greatly improved. Be good to yourself and take care of this for all the fantastic times ahead with your wonderful daughter. As far as the symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease, the itching should have already subsided; it only lasts a few days as a general rule. Have you considered an allergy? Or even contact dermatitis or excema as far as the itch? Food allergies can also be present here and giving her a problem. Start a journal of everything she eats. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and bring the journal. The doctor should be able to identify the problem and maybe due some testing as well. Sometimes it is the most common things that can cause a problem, such as apple juice. Also for yourself, make notes of any behaviour that may occur after certain items are consumed. This will be a great tool if there is a current problem or one that may arise in the future. Good Luck! being a mother is the hardest job that i have found, but certainly the most rewarding:)


yes I am very scared I don't know what is happening and all these things are happening and the doctors are just so quick to say I am dilessional I hope that is all it is but when my daughter started saying the same thing and of course I never spoke of it in front of her because I didnt want to freak her out it is very hush hush around my house on this matter I call the cdc and they tols me to look up morgeellons .org and I did everything I was explaining to the lady on the phone was right there infront of me I had never heard of this disease and I had described almost every symptom rite down to the colors of the strings or fibers what ever they are then came the voices but they came after the cuts and weird things stopped happening to me

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