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Leviticus 11:20-32 and the number of feet on a grasshopper

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Grasshoppers, locusts, and beetles are flying insects. The author didn't get that wrong, it was the 4 legged part. Can you support your statement "my Bible doesn't say that grasshoppers have four legs"?




Lev 11:42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination.


and yet John the baptist ate grasshoppers, he understood that grasshoppers were not of the four legged bugs you shouldn't eat.


of all the isects (the creeping, the flying, the four legged) you can only eat locust, beetle, and grasshopper


if i were half as smart as i think i am, maybe i could explain it better :)


how many legs do beetles have?

The bible clearly states that some insects have four legs, I suggest you go back and read these posts.


and it also says not to eat those four legged insects, well it accually says "things"

if you read on it talks about turtles, mouse, lizard, snail, mole

and yet John the baptist ate grasshoppers, he understood that grasshoppers were not of the four legged bugs you shouldn't eat.


Verse 22 says it's ok to eat 4 legged grasshoppers.

All the winged insects that walk on all fours are detestable to you. Yet these you may eat among all the winged insects which walk on all fours: those which have above their feet jointed legs with which to jump on the earth. These of them you may eat: the locust in its kinds, and the devastating locust in its kinds, and the cricket in its kinds, and the grasshopper in its kinds. But all other winged insects which are four-footed are detestable to you.


-New American Version Lev. 11:20-23


You obviously cannot support the statement "my Bible doesn't say that grasshoppers have four legs". You're faced with a choice. You can blindly believe your bible and blindly believe that insects have 4 legs and walk on all fours (science has been counting wrong all these years). You can admit that (for whatever reason) this passage is mistaken. Or, you can pretend you don't understand it and refuse to man up.


It won't bother me one way or another, but you need to support any claims you make on this site.


and it also says not to eat those four legged insects, well it accually says "things"

if you read on it talks about turtles, mouse, lizard, snail, mole


If you read my posts you'd see I already explained this. The Hebrew word "sherets" means "teeming or swarming things, creepers, swarmers... of insects, animals, small reptiles, quadrupeds". If you understood that then vs. 41 would make sense to you as well. "Creeping things" comes from the hebrew word "sherets" (שרץ) which I think is better translated "vermin".




well, that is as good as i can do. the version you just quoted doesn't say what the KJV says.


but i didn't know that insects have six legs, never heard it, never thought about it. i reckon i learned me som'em new taday :)

well, that is as good as i can do. the version you just quoted doesn't say what the KJV says.


but i didn't know that insects have six legs, never heard it, never thought about it. i reckon i learned me som'em new taday :)


Goku, that is basic biology, my kinds knew that in preschool. Did you go to school?

well, that is as good as i can do. the version you just quoted doesn't say what the KJV says.


The KJV which I quoted in post #241, the New American Version which I quoted above, about 20 other English translations which Criag mentioned in post #232 and the ’original’ Hebrew—*all* say the same thing. They all say that certain flying critters such as crickets and grasshoppers are 4-legged and walk on all fours.


Your bible is wrong. Your statements regarding it:

i believe the Bible is perfect. (KJV)

the ink may be of man but the words are of God.



I'm sorry, Goku. You've been lied to. They told you "the Word was God". As it turns out, "the word" was just a story.




:shrug: Nothing to get hung about... Strawberry fields forever. :cap:


your not reading the words. it's just like what some one said about solomn's horses.


the first verse quoted said "40000 stalls of horses", the next one said "4000 stalls for horses and chariots"


a stall for each of his 40000 horses and 4000 stalls for horse and chariot, you know, when the chariot is hucked-up to the horse. a larger stall, kinda like those parking places at big truck stops that are really big (long) so the truck and trailer can fit in them.


i had to read those verses over and over before i understood.

you must take into consideration when the Bible (KJV) was written and how much language has changed from then to now.

your not reading the words. it's just like what some one said about solomn's horses.


the first verse quoted said "40000 stalls of horses", the next one said "4000 stalls for horses and chariots"


a stall for each of his 40000 horses and 4000 stalls for horse and chariot, you know, when the chariot is hucked-up to the horse. a larger stall, kinda like those parking places at big truck stops that are really big (long) so the truck and trailer can fit in them.


i had to read those verses over and over before i understood.

you must take into consideration when the Bible (KJV) was written and how much language has changed from then to now.


Goku, you are obfuscating, you want to confuse not understand. To me the number of feet on an insect is trivial, but still difficult to believe that God would get it wrong but how about more important and much clearer contradictions such as this one?


When will the second coming happen?


MAT 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.


MAR 13:30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.


LUK 21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.


These statements are obviously not true, no human much less that generation is more than 2000 years old so what happened? The bible is claims and tell things are are obviously not true. Why should it be thought of as truth?


There are many more at this site,


A List Of Biblical Contradictions

the first verse quoted said "40000 stalls of horses", the next one said "4000 stalls for horses and chariots"


a stall for each of his 40000 horses and 4000 stalls for horse and chariot, you know, when the chariot is hucked-up to the horse. a larger stall, kinda like those parking places at big truck stops that are really big (long) so the truck and trailer can fit in them.


i had to read those verses over and over before i understood.


It’s fine if you want to believe this—I’m not going to twist your arm. I bet if you read “4-legged” and “walk on all fours” enough times you could somehow convince yourself that it means “6-legged” and “walk on all six”. The issue is not how far you’re willing to go to believe scripture is infallible. I’m sure there’s no limit to that.


But, if anyone is interested in truth, I’ll quickly explain what most-likely happened with 1Ki 4:26 and 2Ch 9:25. One verse says “forty thousand stalls” and the other says “four thousand stalls”. They both were written in Hebrew and they both discuss the same events in history. Kings was written before Chronicles and Chronicles is often seen as something similar to an appendix to Kings and Samuel. In fact, in the Septuagint Chronicles is actually titled “supplements” (referring to things left out of the previous texts).


In Hebrew Kings has “forty thousand” while Chronicles has “four of thousands”. The relevant difference is the word “forty” and “four of” which in Hebrew is:


There is only one letter's difference between them which is a very easy thing to miscopy. It's possible the authorship of Chronicles misread an earlier script and wrote the wrong number, or it's possible either was mis-transcribed in some later copy. It's not difficult to see why this would happen when the two Hebrew letters are so similar.


In any case, this thread is dragging on beyond the point of pointlessness. Goku can not support his statement that his book does not say grasshoppers have 4 legs, and nobody is going to convince Goku that anything in that particular book is wrong. So, I'm going to gracefully step out.




So now we see the basic different between science and religion. Religion is based on belief, belief in what you want to be true. Science is based on reality independent on what you want to be true.

Religion can be used to make people believe anything is real, science is used to see what is real independent of belief.

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