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I'm new here. My friend told me that people here are very friendly. I'm an expert on laser pointers,hope we can make lots of new friends here. Good luck.


BTW: Is it allowed to post site link here?

I'm new here. My friend told me that people here are very friendly.

Welcome to Hypography! Glad to hear we get good reviews! :)

Is it allowed to post site link here?

After ten posts....but not if you're just trying to sell laser pointers!


Have fun!


There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? :phones:



Welcome to hypography, beamq. I look forward to reading about your laser exploits, and any other sci/tech stuff that you’re into. :hihi:

… what's the most powerful laser pointer, power wise and wavelength, you can buy? Can you get one that can ignite flammable materials?
We ought to take this to a science projects or engineering thread to get into the details, but in short, in the US, laser pointers can’t legally have more than 0.005 W output. Even adding some optics, I don’t think any hobbyist work could make that burn or ignite common materials.


A typical DVD burner has about 0.245 W output. Various folk have extracted the diode laser from them and built little handheld lasers that can burn stuff using 3 V DC power or so, which you can get from a pair or more of ordinary 1.5 V batteries (AA, AAA, etc).


Obviously, you wouldn’t want to use such a thing to point at a whiteboard or play with your cats. :hihi: Seriously, you don’t want to play at all with a laser of that power, but follow laser lab safety protocols – such lasers can blind you. :hihi:


Moderation note: Replies to this post have been from this introduction thread to the engineering thread 18704


as long as you dont start advertising, which is against our policy here, you are more then welcome to discuss whatever your heart desired...


Now, who was that guy who got to play with a 2 watt argon ion laser at work on a daily basis?

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