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In Israel, Colorado, Yemen, Australia and South America?


The majority of the petroglyphs have already been verified to be of ancient origin, which makes it quite puzzling to experts. How did they all have the same language and tell the same story on opposite ends of a globe? Perhaps our ancient ancestors traveled more than previously thought possible.

Ancient Language of Universal Symbols Discovered


Ancient Thamudic (Thalmudic) American Alphabet Discovered - viewzone


Remarkable how clear and fresh these look:-


Petroglyphs Around the World : Viewzone

Global Petroglyph Map


Click on the region of the map to view the growing collection of petroglyph images

You are now in what was formally a private archive devoted to an amazing discovery concerning the similarities of ancient petroglyphs (carved stone images) from many different and distant parts of the planet.


Thanks to the internet, we have been able to assemble this growing collection from amateurs and professional archaeologists

Petroglyphs Around the World : Viewzone


Is that a map of Australia in the Australian (M) petroglyph?

Maybe with Antarctica ® underneath with asquiggly line though it.

Can anyone blow it up and look?


I am no image analysis expert, but the third picture has been altered. In the middle of the picture, there is clearly a white line extending over a deep crack in the rock without breaking. Similar phenomenon with the animal legs in the top right.


I did some further looking, and this site admits the touch-up, so the above doesn't necessarily prove anything.


Colorado wall originally enhanced with aluminum powder on location but here enhanced with white in Photoshop to reveal shapes. 37-44'58.91"N 103-28'48.96"W


From the same site:

While we continue to receive photographic material from new finds in Yemen, we have decided to refrain from posting these. Why? Inevitably some traditional archaeologists will attempt to argue about the methods of the translation or of the possibility of the scripts being found in various geographic areas. In our younger years we would have debated these points and adhered to the traditional paradigm of journal publication etc. Instead, since the translations are revealing important prophetic information we have decided to focus all of our efforts to this task. Our goal is not academic or to achieve fame. In actuality, there is no time for that.


I don't know, but something stinks...


ETA: further googling has led me to believe that there is a distinct tie to the LDS church. It appears that they may be "finding" evidence of an ancient global Hebrew culture. I'm surprised they are sharing their "evidence" and not hiding it away like Joseph Smith's golden plates. This whole thing reeks of at the very least biased interpretation of interesting local phenomenon, if not outright falsifying history to meet one's preconceived notions. As far as I can tell, there is no reliable study linking any of these sites.


Here are some pics of petrogyphs just down the road from my house.


The prehistoric Mississippian Indians were believed to inhabit this area around A.D. 1000. They made spiritual carvings of thunderbirds, sunbursts, fertility & other symbols called "petroglyphs" in outcroppings of dolomite rock on a mountain above Big River. This site located at the northeast edge of Washington County, now Washington State Park, was used for the Indians' religious rituals & ceremonies.


"Most of the carvings are of birds, arrows, footprints, turkey tracks, human figures, and various geometric shapes and patterns. The three petroglyph sites in the park are thought to be all that is left of a more extensive site. They make up almost 75 percent of the known petroglyphs in Missouri and contain over 350 symbols."[1]






i am not an expert but this is the sort of thing I think of when talking of the earliest Australians rock art and petroglyphs.

They were very often 'stretches' of animals, some very large. There are lot around here in Brisbane Water national park and on some private properties. (Most aboriginals native to this area were slaughtered). Usually kept secret because of fear of vandalism.

Picture of Australia, Kakadu national park, aboriginal petroglyphs F0011547 - Search Stock Photography, Photos, Images, and Photo Clipart - F0011547.jpg

Pictograph Photos | Geology.com


This not so much, although the concentric circles donate a water source.


Tasmanian art



This is too far out and unsupported to be believable

Australian Petroglyphs & Artifacts - Crystalinks


JMJones, the LDS has a long history of 'finding" things to support their somewhat less than realistic version of history. Many religions are guilty of this, or to be more precise people who want to make everyone believe in their religions version of reality. Some dinosaur foot prints that were supposed to have human foot prints along with them was admitted to being a hoax perpetrated by fundamentalists who wanted to "prove" humans lived along side dinosaurs.

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