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I think the purpose of life is to improve efficiency. Like in seeking the grand unified theory & the idea of a short equation that describes everything. That same pursuit of efficiency is our purpose in everything. Don't quarrel, because it wastes energy. Plan ahead, because it may save energy. Get the most from the least.:eek: Be efficient.

___I needed to go way back in this thread to find my post; I don't keep many subscriptions long. Now in view of the last post, is it efficient to form new categories in order to understand this thread's question? When is maximum efficiency reached? When the question has a completely agreeable answer, therefore no more energy needs expending? I don't know the answer, but I know it's my (our) job to ask; until or unless we have all the answers, getting them is our purpose. :eek_big:


For example Che. He was shot when he was young but it his fight made him alive for decades.


Hitler, he had thoughts , right or wrong, but still alive , still powerfull.


I can count more. You can fight for anything you believe. And that gives you satisfaction...


has anyone here had a supreme being contact him about a purpose? we obviously all envision a purpose based upon our internal feelings and not on some celestial order board.

a Muslim fanatics purpose is quite different from the Bhuddist monk or the Amazon fisherman. our purpose is our own human choice. make a good choice and you help yourself and your society.

make a good choice and you help yourself and your society.
Yes, take hold of the persons hand standing next to you and both of you pull in the same direction. Humanity should seek a symbiotic relationship.

I think the purpose of life in general is simply to live. Because living is better than not living. But, as far as the purpose of life here on earth, or in this life, I think there is a secondary purpose. It must be a way of sorting people. A way of determining what happens to everyone in the life after this one.


And for those who don't believe in a life after this one, consider this: If there is no life after death, nothing we do in this life matters. Which means, there's no reason not to believe in life after death. And if there is a life after death, the natural assumption is that something we do in this life makes some degree of difference in the next life.



And if there is a life after death, the natural assumption is that something we do in this life makes some degree of difference in the next life.

This observation has a great degree of truth to it Wizdumb.
___I needed to go way back in this thread to find my post; I don't keep many subscriptions long. Now in view of the last post, is it efficient to form new categories in order to understand this thread's question? When is maximum efficiency reached? When the question has a completely agreeable answer, therefore no more energy needs expending? I don't know the answer, but I know it's my (our) job to ask; until or unless we have all the answers, getting them is our purpose. ;)
THAT! I agree with THAT! :hihi:
All of y'all's purpose is to serve me and obey me without question.


My purpose is to punish non-believers, especially meddling superhero types, with involuntary, and very painful, prostate examinations.

I squirmed a bit when i read that :hihi:

  • 2 weeks later...

Funny how this thread kind of piques in activity for a while then kind of dies back down... Kind of like the surf on a beach, waves come in... waves go out :hihi:.


Our purpose in life is to never stop.


Never stop questioning.

Never stop learning.

Never stop living.

Never stop thinking.

Never stop experimenting.

Never stop posting in this Forum :hihi:.

Never stop.

Are we here to fullfill whatever our Earthly desires may be? Should we focus on balancing the condition of mind and body? Or should we focus mainly on the absorption of knowledge to become the greatest thinker of all time? Or should we focus our efforts solely on the bettering of our body? Does any of this even matter though, since we will all one day die, at least until they get that immortality thing down :). What are your thoughts on the purpose (not meaning) of life.
I had forgotten about my opening post to this thread :lol:. Just thought I'd bring it back :).
I think the purpose of life is to improve efficiency. Like in seeking the grand unified theory & the idea of a short equation that describes everything. That same pursuit of efficiency is our purpose in everything. Don't quarrel, because it wastes energy. Plan ahead, because it may save energy. Get the most from the least.:lol: Be efficient.
This is the type of answer I like :).

I find it amusing that, i believe, NO ONE has yet given sufficent reson to why they believe their purpose in life is the correct one. Im talking about a little more complicated reasons then the extreme solipsism wich many of you use. That everyone decides for them self. This is not true in many other respects. The sun dosent stop to shine because you close your eyes. Just because you believe your purpose in life may be what ever you believe, dosent automatically make it true.


Ponder on this. You people, including myself, may be living our whole lives on such basic assumtions as that we "should have as much fun(?) as possible." This could and probably is wrong. What then? Have your purpose in life been to waste your oh so precious time here, or have you failed to find youre purpose and therefore also failed to achive it?


My point is that we should consider our conclusions a little deeper, when after all our whole life depends on it. But then again, humanity does not seek correct answers, only something to make the stay a little more pleasant. If the "truth" isent pleasant, well we dont wont it. And this is where religion and much of your so called science comes in very, very handy.


Just my 2 cents...


Well that was a an interesting post. I don't believe our "precious time" has been wasted here in seeking the true purpose of our life. But that's only because we have not yet discovered one (That can be universally applied to everyone, and based on that I doubt we will ever have a single purpose that suits everyone.. :lol: ).


Religion I believe is used to make our life more pleasant and less depressing to live. Science I believe just searches for the raw facts, indiscriminant of what people believe :).


First of all I dont think you can call the activity performed by most people to seek their true purpose in life. That would be a gross overstatement. They get a question, what is the meaning of life? Think for about... two seconds and write some mubo jumo with no respect to what science has to say about it. Thats like creating your own theory of atoms or what not without having a clue about it. Its amusing and funny, yes, but it gets sceary when you spend 80 years based on your little "theory."


Basically I believe there to be quite a lot of misunderstandings to the question mentioned.

1. If its been asked since the dawn of civilization, mabye we should see if there is any better way to solve it than the one we have used for 10.000 of years?


2. The fact that we ask for a purpose or meaning might be the reason this mind boggering question have followed us for all this time. If we ask for a purpose or meaning we presume that something have given us that purpose or meaning. (The idéa that we create our own meaning is not founded on any resaon I can think of and i therefore disregard it.) Already here you see that we can not ask this question at all! Problem solved! The real question I believe is: What is our function here? Which is alot easier to answer, but stil fairly complecated to explain in a easy way.


3. As you see, I believe in objective truth, and therefore also that the objective truth goes for everyone. So yes, i believe that we can find one function for all.


4. As I have explained science can now solve all the problems you have left to the obviously bogus thing called spirituality. (I dont know if you are aware of it but the bodysoulspiritmind thing is getting more and more down to the fact that there is noting but our body and the materials its made of. But again, who gives a sh** about facts and stuff?)




OBS! This is of course my view of right now, and i have no problems seeing that it has quite a bit of holes, but I think it does a better job keeping the water out than most other theories.

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