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a shark hovers with the breeze above me in the trees,

weaving through a maze he's been predicting for a hundred days,

his tail trails behind him a thousand feet or so,

and like a deep sea jelly, oh do those trails glow. :Alien:


Quirky quaint quatrain quickly quarters quince quietly,

Real rude rhymes rapidly roll right riotously,

Serious sorry sonets scurry slop sad sonorously,

Torrid trendy triplet trundles tenderly toward totality.




I was just thinking maybe I'm keeping you from studies Orb, composing quatrains. GETE ( Grinning Ear To Ear) Maybe people just have to warm up to it; at least no one has put us in the stocks yet. Nice contributions though you guys. Another cool thing is since it's Hypography, you can do the reprise thing off a good idea someone else posted. That's a science part of this (humanities, whatever); In what other venue has the quatrain ever had so many degrees of freedom? None I say. Long live Hypography & its contributors.


One, two, three, four,

that many lines,

and simply,

no more.

why won't anybody else throw some words together? just me, turtle, and gahd so far.

Some words for you

I've jotted here

A phrase that's new

Now gimme a beer :Alien:


the people of this town wilt in their unpaved streets of purity beneath the church of marble and stained glass that hides the sun around this time,

the frail remains of a hawk echoes back and forth between the saloons and clay fortresses that line these walls of fermament,

like a fibrous tumbleweed have i drifted here accumulating dust without a cause or knowledge of further destination,

and the sky turns red.


"Hello in there!", I heard him say

above the hole I dug today.

"Do you need some help, are you O.K.?"

He asked, and then he ran away.


"what's a soul to do I said?"

with narry a morsal nor crumb of bread.

To need a hand, but find instead,

the lack thereof, from him who fled.


So out of the hole I slowly crept

while many cried and others slept

and reached to lift a one who wept

above the hole where pain is kept.


-I just composed that.



In what other venue has the quatrain ever had so many degrees of freedom? None I say. Long live Hypography & its contributors.


One, two, three, four,

that many lines,

and simply,

no more.


Hypograpy, will always be

you and them and they and me

writing what we think we see

another voice in print for free!

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