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The Maltese Falcon, in a large hat-box.

Desicated skulls lie strewn in black and white.

VHS or Beta, the mysteries never weary.

Old story lines occupy my mind and fading sight.

Old Ma Hubbard ...a bone of his own!


My mind drifts backward over the years.

Pulled by the memory of first hearing that poem.

It was so very funny, and I laughed so hard,

That I kicked the slats out of my crib. :surprise:


so i wrote a quat about a cute picture i saw on hypography !!(after i blazed a bong, of course) :surprise:


(view picture to understand wtf a radar honeybee is)



O the "Radar Honeybee"

Transmits back to me

data I compile

for the Company.


You and I

with our Jeans and our conciousness

We are all antenni

projecting, sharing our existence.


duck back down now

into your sleep

where you dream

and You rest,


your subconcious is begging for your unconcious to become concious.

So what-

you overexcited your nervous system for half of a day,

and i bet it felt like a constant morning stretch in the sun as displayed by Monet.


Quit my job and this quatrain so i could watch clouds.

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