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[Paper] Millennium Ranking of the Universities

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Millennium Ranking of the Universities


Why the Millennium Ranking?


Global university ranking has become a common phenomenon, but the results have been mixed at the best.

The THES – QS ranking depends on subjective methods, which in turn is a reflection of personal impressions of the interested parties. The top four have been typically Harvard, Yale, Oxford and Cambridge. Even though I did not expect such a rating to be balanced and objective, it is still astonishing to see that 19 out of the top 20 universities are in the English-speaking countries, which inevitably undermines its credibility.

The ENS professional ranking, on the other hand, is based on the income and power of the graduates. This pragmatic approach has been hampered by the impact of the differential cost of living that is rather difficult to calibrate to say the least. The outcome of this ranking is also highly biased, as indicated by the fact that four out of the top ten are Japanese universities, an indicator of the high cost of living in Japan rather than a better education.

The so-called academic ranking by Shanghai Jiaotong University is allegedly obtained by calculating the papers on Nature, Science and those cited by SCI、SSCI、AHCI, etc. This kind of indiscriminate addition of numbers fails to take into account of the differential significance of research projects in different fields, and strongly favor those universities producing a large amount of low quality papers. Perhaps the project leaders thought that this undesirable influence could be neutralized by including papers on big name journals such as Nature and Science. In reality, it merely produces new distortions as the two journals are devoted exclusively to natural science especially life science, which is only a small part of the university research and education. Worst of all, it has been found that the results is irreproducible by independent parties. Obviously, the credibility of this ranking is in doubt.

Regardless, all the existing rankings are current rankings, which could not reflect the historical contribution of relevant schools and the overall trend of evolution of the rankings. Hence, it leaves much to be desired. This is particularly obvious if we consider the fact that the modern university system has a history of approximately one thousand years, during which time a modern industrial civilization sprung up. We gained tremendous progress, if I may, in our understanding of the universe, the structure of matters, the life on earth, as well as the psychological and social phenomena, and made numerous attempts to renew our theory of ethics, belief, and philosophy. It was within the time frame that things took place and evolved; we may not be able to gain a complete understanding of it without considering the time factor as it played and still plays a critical role in determining our lifestyle and our way of thinking.

For this purpose, a new method of evaluating the scholars has been devised, which would receive further treatment later, to evaluate historical performance of various institutes. The result speaks for itself on the validity of this approach.


Methods and Conclusion


First of all, a number of outstanding scholars were selected based on their achievements. No quota was given to any fields of study. As matter of fact, all the fields are merely divided into five areas: physical sciences, engineering, biology, medicine, and arts. A high standard was adopted to minimize the differential academic attainment by different scholars. Politicians with important influence on the history are also included. Altogether, approximately 1400 names were selected. Each selected person gives a positive score to relevant colleges and universities. The sum becomes the score of the schools, which forms the basis of the ranking. Only the existing universities are ranked. A university that have been functioning as a single entity but divided recently is treated as a single university. All the colleges and affiliated institutes are considred part of a university.

I. Academic Ranking

A. Millennium Cumulative Ranking


The following reflects the cumulative scores from the 11th until the 20th century.


1 Université de Paris

2 University of Cambridge

3 Harvard University

4 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

5 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

6 University of Oxford

7 University of Chicago

8 Columbia University

9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10 Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова

11 Princeton University

12 University of California, Berkeley

13 University of London

14 École Polytechnique

15 Cornell University

15 Leland Stanford Junior University

17 Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

18 California Institute of Technology

19 École normale supérieure

20 Yale University

21 Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München

22 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

23 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

24 Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

25 Universität Leipzig

26 Università degli Studi di Padova

27 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

28 Johns Hopkins University

29 Universiteit Leiden

30 Université de Strasbourg

31 Universität Wien

32 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

33 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

34 University of Wisconsin-Madison

35 Københavns Universitet

35 Московский Физико-Технический институт

37 New York University

37 University of California, Los Angeles

39 University of Edinburgh

39 University of Minnesota

39 Universität Hamburg

42 Российский государственный университет имени Иммануэла Канта

43 Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

43 Technische Universität München

43 University of Pennsylvania

43 東京大学 Tokyo U.

43 University of California, San Diego

48 Università degli Studi di Pavia

48 Philipps-Universität Marburg

50 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

50 Victoria University of Manchester

50 University of Calcutta (কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)

53 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

53 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

53 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

53 École nationale des ponts et chaussées

53 Technische Universität Berlin

53 Uniwersytet Warszawski

59 Universität Basel

59 Universität Zürich

59 École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris

59 University of Toronto

59 City College of New York (City University of New York)

59 University of Washington

59 Rockefeller University

66 Uniwersytet Wrocławski

66 Carnegie Mellon University

66 京都大学 Kyoto U.

69 Universidade de Coimbra

69 University of St Andrews

69 Università di Pisa

69 Universiteit Utrecht

69 Московский государственный технический университет им. Н. Э. Бауманаа

69 Duke University

69 Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Политехнический Университет

76 Univerzity Karlovy v Praze

76 Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

76 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

76 McGill University

80 University of Glasgow

80 Uppsala universitet

80 Université de Genève

80 Università degli Studi di Torino

80 Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg

80 Imperial College, London

80 University of Texas at Austin

87 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

87 Université de Lyon

87 Case Western Reserve University

87 Washington University in St. Louis

87 Universiteit van Amsterdam

92 Universidad de Salamanca

92 Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowski

92 Università degli Studi di Ferrara

92 University of Dublin

92 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

92 Universität Karlsruhe

92 University of Virginia

92 École centrale Paris

92 University of Colorado

92 Vanderbilt University

92 University of Bristol

103 Université de Montpellier

103 Universität Rostock

103 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem

103 Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка

103 Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

103 Казанский государственный университет

103 Харківський національний університет імені Каразіна

103 Amherst College

103 Indiana University

103 Universidade de São Paulo

103 University of Sheffield

103 Université Libre de Bruxelles

103 Purdue University

103 Illinois Institute of Technology

103 Московский городской народный университет имени А. Л. Шанявского

103 Урáльский госудáрственный университéт и́мени А.М. Гóрького

103 Московский авиационный институт

120 جامعة القرويين‎

120 Université d'Orléans

120 Università degli Studi di Firenze

120 University of Groningen

120 Tartu Ülikool

120 Karolinska institutet

120 Universiteit Gent

120 George Washington University

120 Санкт-Петербургский Технологический Институт

120 University of California, San Francisco

120 Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

120 Ohio State University

120 Stockholms universitet

120 University of Liverpool

120 École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris

120 Націона́льний техні́чний університе́т Украї́ни «Ки́ївський політехні́чний інститу́т»

120 北京大学 Peking U.

120 University of British Columbia

120 Australian National University

120 Московский Инженерно-Физический Институт

120 Новосибирский Государственный Университет

141 Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

141 Université de Toulouse

141 Université catholique de Louvain

141 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie

141 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

141 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

141 Brown University

141 University of Pittsburgh

141 Université de Bordeaux

141 University of Birmingham

141 University of Cape Town

141 University of Leeds

141 Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

141 University of Florida

141 University of Melbourne

141 University of Maryland, College Park

141 Università degli Studi di Milano

141 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

141 State University of New York at Stony Brook

160 Università degli Studi di Perugia

160 Universitat de Barcelona

160 Université de Poitiers

160 Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

160 Nancy-Université

160 Lund Universitet

160 Dartmouth College

160 Universitetet i Oslo

160 Universidad de Buenos Aires

160 University of Rochester

160 University of Sydney

160 Pennsylvania State University

160 University of Mumbai (मुंबई विद्यापीठ)

160 大阪大学 Osaka U.

160 University of the Punjab (جامعه پنجاب)

160 The University of Auckland

160 清华大学 Tsinghua U.

160 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

160 Freie Universität Berlin

There are 178 institutions in total.


B. Centennial Ranking

All names are modern to avoid any confusion.

11th -12th Centuries

1 Univ. Paris

2 Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. Bologna

3 Univ. Oxford

13th -14th Centuries

1 Univ. Paris

2 Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. Bologna

3 Univ. Oxford

4 Univ. Perugia


15th Century

1 Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. Bologna

2 Univ. Paris

2 Univ. Ferrara

4 Univ. Oxford

4 Univ. Padova

4 Univ. Cambridge


16th Century

1 Univ. Padova

2 Univ. Paris

3 Univ. Oxford

4 Univ. Cambridge

5 Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. Bologna

5 Univ. Pisa

7 Univ. Leiden

8 Univ. Coimbra

8 Univ. catholique Louvain

10 Univ. Salamanca

10 Univ. Poitiers

10 Univ. Basel


17th Century

1 Univ. Oxford

2 Univ. Cambridge

3 Univ. Paris

4 Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. Bologna

4 Univ. Padova

4 Univ. Basel

4 Univ. Leiden

8 Københavns Univ.


18th Century

1 École Polytechnique

2 Univ. Paris

3 Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen

4 Humboldt-Univ. Berlin

5 École natl. des ponts et chaussées

6 Univ. Cambridge

6 Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena

8 Санкт-Петербургский гос. унив.

9 Российский гос. унив. Иммануэла Канта

9 Univ. Edinburgh

11 Univ. Oxford

11 Univ. Pavia

11 Univ. Leipzig

11 Univ. Torino

11 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn

There are 15 institutions in total.


19th Century

1 Humboldt-Univ. Berlin

2 Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen

3 Univ. Paris

4 Univ. Cambridge

5 Санкт-Петербургский гос. унив.

6 Univ. London

7 Ludwig-Maximilian-Univ. München

8 Harvard Univ.

9 Московский гос. унив. М. В. Ломоносова

10 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn

11 Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg

12 École Polytechnique

12 Eidgenössische Tech. Hoch. Zürich

12 Univ. Chicago

15 Univ. Oxford

15 Univ. Leipzig

17 Univ. Wien

18 Columbia Univ.

19 Univ. Strasbourg

20 École norm. sup.

21 Johns Hopkins Univ.

22 Univ. Zürich

22 Philipps-Univ. Marburg

22 Uniw. Wrocławski

22 Cornell Univ.

26 Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg

26 Princeton Univ.

26 École natl. sup.mines Paris

26 Univ. Calcutta (কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)

30 Российский государственный университет имени Иммануэла Канта

30 Univ. Leiden

30 Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz

30 Univ. California, Berkeley

There are 33 institutions in total.


20th Century

1 Harvard Univ.

2 Massachusetts Inst. Tech.

3 Univ. Cambridge

4 Columbia Univ.

4 Univ. Chicago

6 Princeton Univ.

7 Univ. California, Berkeley

8 Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.

9 Московский гос. унив. М. В. Ломоносова

9 California Inst. Tech.

11 Univ. Paris

12 Cornell Univ.

13 Yale Univ.

14 Univ. Oxford

15 École norm. sup.

15 Univ. London

17 Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

18 Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor

19 Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen

20 Eidgenössische Tech. Hoch. Zürich

20 Univ. California, Los Angeles

22 Univ. Wisconsin-Madison

22 Johns Hopkins Univ.

24 Univ. Minnesota

24 Univ. California, San Diego

26 Univ. Pennsylvania

26 New York Univ.

26 Московский Физико-Техн. инст.

29 東京大学

30 Univ. Washington

31 Санкт-Петербургский гос. унив.

31 Tech. Univ. München

33 Univ. Toronto

33 City Col. of New York (City Univ. New York)

33 Carnegie Mellon Univ.

36 Ludwig-Maximilian-Univ. München

36 Humboldt-Univ. Berlin

36 京都大学

36 Univ. Hamburg

40 Rockefeller Univ.

41 Univ. Leiden

41 Univ. Strasbourg

41 Duke Univ.

44 Univ. Roma “La Sapienza”

44 Københavns Univ.

44 École Polytechnique

44 Uniw. Warszawski

44 Case Western Reserve Univ.

44 Univ. Colorado

44 Univ. Texas at Austin

44 Санкт-Петербургский гос. ПолиТехн. унив.

52 Rutgers, The State Univ. New Jersey

52 Univ.eSão Paulo

52 McGill Univ.

52 Victoria Univ. Manchester

52 Vanderbilt Univ.

52 Univ. Bristol

52 Purdue Univ.

52 Illinois Inst. Tech.

60 Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg

60 Tech. Univ. Berlin

60 Univ. Sheffield

60 Imperial Col., London

60 Washington Univ. in St. Louis

60 Univ. California, San Francisco

60 Ohio State Univ.

60 Univ. Amsterdam

60 Univ. British Columbia

60 Новосибирский гос. унив.

70 Univ. Wien

70 Univ. Leipzig

70 Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen

70 Univ. Edinburgh

70 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem

70 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn

70 George Washington Univ.

70 Univ. Virginia

70 Univ. LibreBruxelles

70 Univ. Florida

70 Univ. Calcutta (কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)

70 Univ. Maryland, Col. Park

70 Уральский гос. унив.

70 Московский авиационный инст.

70 Московский Инженерно-Физический инст.

70 Australian natl. Univ.

70 State Univ. New York Stony Brook

87 Univ. St Andrews

87 Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg

87 Uppsala Univ.

87 Univ. Genève

87 Brown Univ.

87 Karolinska inst.

87 Amherst Col.

87 Indiana Univ.

87 Univ. Cape Town

87 Московский гос. Техн. унив. им. Н. Э. Бауманаа

87 Univ. Rochester

87 Univ. Melbourne

87 Pennsylvania State Univ.

87 Stockholms Univ.

87 Univ. Liverpool

87 The Univ. Auckland

87 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main

87 Univ. Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. Dallas

There are 104 institutions in total.


The University of Paris leads the others by a comfortable margin. This is primarily a result of its long history. It is known that Oxford essentially resulted from the split of Paris, and Cambridge, from Oxford. Harvard was derived from Cambridge since Mr. J. Harvard was an alumnus of Cambridge. In this sense, the University of Paris is the starting point of the modern university. The best graduates of Oxford and Cambridge went to Paris to complete their study. Pope Gregory IX praised the university as “the mother of the sciences” and “city of letters”. Its dominance was not challenged until the Italian Renaissance, and it remained among the top three before the rise of the American universities in the 20th century.

It is interesting to note that the top two universities often belong to the same country staring from the 17th century, and could be associated with historical events. When Oxford and Cambridge toped the academic world, there was a revolution on Britain. When École Polytechnique and Paris ranked on the top, it was the time of French Revolution. The European revolution of 1848 swept through Germany, when Berlin and Göttingen bested the world. In the 20th century, Harvard and MIT were sitting on the crown, presumably as the result of the rise of the new superpower. What we have described here is a historical phenomenon, and not of minor significance. Although it is hard to prove the cause-and-effect relation, it is unlikely that the observation was merely a coincidence. It is conceivable that the European revolutions apparently had a liberating effect on academic research in that country concerned. It has little to do with the economic development since the Spanish and the Dutch empires did not achieve much in this aspect, nether did the British Empire of the 19th century when Cambridge merely grasped the 4th place.

In contrast, the independence movement in the third world has little positive impact on the academic research. As matter of fact, it often has a negative impact. For example, the University of Calcutta was the best university outside Europe and USA in the 19th century, but it started to decline after the Indian Independence. Similar situation happened to the other South Asian universities. Also the Chinese universities in the mainland declined after Mao’s Revolution. Hence, the academic performance of the universities in a given country could serve as a useful indicator for the progressiveness of the social change.


II. Nationalities of the Selected Scholars


These scholars come from 52 countries (by birth) listed below.


No. Counrty %

1 USA 16.59

2 Germany 13.89

3 France 13.41

4 Russia/CCCP 11.61

5 UK 11.06

6 Italy 6.08

7 Netherlands 2.63

8 India 2.35

9 China 2.00

10 Austria 1.94

11 Japan 1.87

12 Switzerland 1.80

13 Poland 1.38

14 Canada 1.24

14 Hungary 1.24

16 Sweden 1.11

17 Spain 1.04

18 Denmark 0.90

19 Belgium 0.83

20 Australia 0.69

21 Iran 0.62

22 Portugal 0.55

23 Brazil 0.48

23 Czech 0.48

23 Ireland 0.48

26 Norway 0.41

27 Argentina 0.28

27 Finland 0.28

27 South Africa 0.28

30 Croatia 0.21

30 New Zealand 0.21

30 Pakistan 0.21

30 Turkey 0.21

34 Bulgaria 0.14

34 Iraq 0.14

34 Lithuania 0.14

34 Philippines 0.14

34 Romania 0.14

39 Algeria 0.07

39 Azerbaijan 0.07

39 Bosnia 0.07

39 Egypt 0.07

39 Greece 0.07

39 Kenya 0.07

39 Mexico 0.07

39 Morocco 0.07

39 Palestine 0.07

39 Serbia 0.07

39 Syria 0.07

39 Tunisia 0.07

39 Uzbekistan 0.07

39 Venezuela 0.07


The distributions of the scholars from the top-six ranking countries and the total number are shown in the figure. The total curve display a clear downward trend in the 14th century, obviously related to the “Black-Death”. It was followed by a minor peak in Italy corresponding to the Renaissance. Afterwards, there was a major peak in France, corresponding to the French Revolution, followed by a sharp peak in Germany corresponding to the European Revolution and a peak in Russia corresponding to the Russian Revolutions. The rise of the US was characterised by a much greater scale and was probably a different kind of matter, possibly a result of the emergence of the superpower in the 20th century.


Taken together, the evolution of the academic ranking of the nations and of the universities suggest that the western history in the last one thousand years could be divided into four periods: (1) the High Middle Age centred in Paris; (2) the Renaissance centred in Italy; (3) the European Revolutions spreading from the Britains through France and Germany and eventually ended in Russia; (4) overlapping the Russian Revolutions was the rise of the superpower in North America as the beginning of capitalist globalisation. Russia was never a superpower judging either from its academic performance or from its GDP.


III. Ranking by Research Areas


A. Physical Sciences

1 Paris

1 Cambridge

3 Göttingen

4 Chicago

5 Princeton

6 Berlin

7 Mosccow

8 Harvard

9 EP Paris

10 MIT

11 UC Berkeley

12 ETH Zurich

13 St. Petersburg

13 ENS Paris

15 Columbia


B. Engineering


2 Stanford

3 Harvard

4 Moscow Tech. U.

4 Cal. Tech.

6 Cambridge

6 Columbia

6 ETH Zurich

6 Moscow Phys.-Tech. Inst.

10 Michigan

10 UC Berkeley

10 St. Pertersburg Tech. U.

10 Moscow Aviation Inst.


C. Biology

1 Cambridge

2 Standford

3 Oxford

3 Berkeley

3 Cal. Tech.

6 Harvard

6 London


6 Wisconsin

6 Illinois

11 Columbia

11 Rockefeller


D. Medicine

1 Cambridge

1 Harvard

3 Columbia

3 London

5 Johns Hopkins

6 Paris

6 Berlin

8 Padova

8 Cornell

8 U. Washington

8 Rockefeller

12 Bologna

12 Washington U. St. Louis



E. Arts

1 Paris

2 Oxford

3 Berlin

4 London

6 Columbia

7 Harvard

8 Bologna

10 Yale

10 Göttingen

12 Wien


IV. Ranking of the Academic Cities


This is based on the universities located in the metropolitan area:


1 Paris

2 Boston

3 New York

4 Berlin

5 Москва

6 Chicago

7 London

7 Los Angeles

7 San Fracisco

7 Санкт-Петербу́рг

11 München

12 Zürich




Ranking of higher education institutions has always been a controversial affair, not least because the subject matter is often a matter of opinion depending on the philosophy of science and education. For some people, education is primarily a mean of investment, and comparison of the graduate’s income has been going on for many years in the US. The ENS ranking brought this matter to everyone’s attention as it is consistently dominated by the Japanese universities, presumably due to the high living cost and thus higher nominal income in Japan, which has nothing to do with the real income or the quality of the education system.

As far as the academic performance is concerned, it is difficult, to say the least, to formulate a universally accepted criteria and a method of quantification, which could explain why so many rankings have been based on subjective scoring. If subjective method is still somewhat meaningful within a country, it breaks down rapidly once applied in an international setting as most people would like to rank those in their country on the top, followed by those in country of the same language. As a result, international ranking of this nature often becomes mixed with unhealthy doses of nationalism, as the THES-QS results have demonstrated. Such results are merely generated to please the reader and its value rests primarily on political propaganda and reinforcement of cultural identity.

SJU made an attempt in quantifying the research output in an objective manner, but the outcome has been problematic, as already mentioned in the beginning of this article. In essence, SCI and the like were not designed to be used for this purpose. There is no way you could compare the pea paper of Mendel that laid the foundation of modern genetics with papers on those run-of-the-mill journals. Some scientists could publish as many as a thousand papers and yet achieve mo more than the single paper of Mendel. Hence, we are facing the possibility of huge distortion if we rely on paper counting to measure academic performance. Here, we are not even considering some papers involving unethical misconducts, which is not so rare in certain parts of the world.

To overcome this problem, counting the outstanding scholars is a viable alternative, as it reduces the workload and allows a more careful consideration of the achievement on individual basis regarding originality, difficulty, influence, and pragmatic values. Any error that is bound to happen will only be in the scale of one instead of several hundred folds as it happens in counting papers. In addition, errors in scholar selection are generally random and could cancel out in larger samples whereas errors in paper counting are often systematic in nature and tend to accumulate in larger samples. The judgments by experts in history of science and in individual fields as shown by the honours and awards are given careful consideration, although this does not prevent necessary correction of the past mistakes in judgment. For example, Nobel prize were never given to Lise Meitner, Дми́трий Менделе́ев, Rosalind Franklin, Лев Толсто́й, Henrik Ibsen and Émile Zola, just to name a few. The ranking here is not award-based, but it takes such element into consideration to maximize the objectivity of the process and the result.

Certain reader has raised the question about relationship between the proof of the education and the achievement of the scholars. This is a delicate issue, and it is considered a job of the historians and education researchers. It is obviously beyond the scale of this study.

Overall speaking, the most significant contribution of this study is not about the method of scoring but the fact that it takes the entire history into account. By observing the dynamic change of the individual schools and the entire nation over time, it has been possible to reveal certain general trends of the academic performance of the schools and nations in relation to critical historical development. This achievement by itself demonstrates the validity of the methodology and provides an important point of departure for anyone interested in such investigations.


(first posted on Science Forum)


This has been posted to many forums, by both you and apparently other people, over the years. What is new about it now?


Are you sure? The first posting in English was only done one week ago.


Fair enough, I may have looked at the wrong date when I first saw it elsewhere.


But it has appeared here which is not a science forum:


Millennium Ranking of the Universities


And here:


Science & Philosophy :: View topic - Millennium Ranking of the Universities


And here:


Science Forum - Which is the Best University in HIstory?


I wonder - why are you posting this in so many places? What is the purpose?


Are you suggesting that I have an ulterior motive?


Chronicle was suggested by the moderator in Science & Philosophy Forum. So I followed his advice and also found some other forums. Obviously, not everyone is hostile to my paper.


By the way, the THES ranking and the Shanghai Jiaotong U. ranking has also appeared in many websites. Hey, we live in a society of free speech.


Finally, I should mention that I have just posted another article on some other English forums, but not in this forum, so I don't have to engage in an endless destructive conversation.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

In view of the previous post on university ranking, there has been some debate about how my list compare to the others. Here I am presenting a list of the top 20 schools below for those interested in such issues. All the data are from 2008 although the Wuhan Univ. ranking is from 2007. Of course, I use the 20th century ranking in my original article instead of the millennium list, which is a totally different kind of beast. The 20th century list is the closest to a current ranking I have got. It seems my ranking is fairly consistent with the “average list”, so to speak. The French and the Spanish rankings are the lists that are really out of line with the rest. But they are measuring different things. In theory, you could do statistical treatment to demonstrate different lists, but the lack of certain schools from certain list makes it tricky, so I decided not to bother.



To compare various ranking results as posted above, a power regression was conducted using the data from each ranking against the sum of Fields Prizes and Nobel Prizes. The results of R2 are listed below (all being highly significant except for the last two showing no significance):


Shanghai: ARWU 0.85

Lin: 20th century 0.70

UK: Times 0.41

US: Newsweek 0.39

Spain: Cybermetrics 0.38

France: ParisTech 0.15

Taiwan: HEE 0.076


How much correlation is most desirable is contestable. Too much of it is not desirable since it would mean nothing more than another way of calculating the prizes. On the other hand, a complete lack of such correlation as in the French and the Taiwanese rankings suggests serious faults in the methodology.



In a second round of similar test involving more than 50 schools, the Shanghai ranking and Lin's 20th century ranking were compared, and the results are listed below:


Lin: 20th century 0.58

Shanghai: ARWU 0.46


Therefore, Lin's method has held out better when the range extends to wards the lower end of the list compared to the method of the Shanghai ARWU by showing a higher consistency.

  • 6 months later...

Dishonesty in academia(China Daily)

Updated: 2009-02-04 07:43 Comments(0) PrintMailIf honesty is the best policy, it is nowhere more so than in scientific research and the academia in general.


That explains why professors have always been held in high esteem and so have institutions of higher learning.


Yet, repeated exposures of cheating and plagiarism by professors in recent years have brought to light an unholy link between academic papers and dishonesty.


The latest exposures of cheating in academic research papers published in several overseas magazines last year add to the sad story. They seem to have come as another bombshell further shattering the public credibility of academic research in institutions of higher learning.


The fact that an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, along with the prestigious Zhejiang University, is involved points to a deeper malaise. It lends further credence to the increasingly strong accusations about a contaminated academic environment and lack of professional ethics among professors.


In several papers showing how a herbal medicine impacts cardiac infraction, the same figures were used for different experiments. And the same papers have been submitted to different magazines for publication after minor changes were made.


Further investigations are yet to be conducted into how the research team headed by the academician in Zhejiang University had plotted the cheating in more than a dozen papers.


But this biggest-ever academic scandal is for sure a wake-up call that the Chinese universities are facing a crisis of credibility.



And behind the crisis is the phenomenon that quite a number of professors or so-called scholars have benefited from their dishonest "dissertations" and "research programs".


As everyone knows, good breakthroughs do not come without hard work, but hard work does not necessarily bring about any substantial result. This is the cruel truth about academic study. This also means anyone dedicating his or her life to academic research should never assume that his or her work will necessarily produce worthwhile results.


It should be always those who have truly dedicated themselves to academic studies without bothering about fame and material gains who will hopefully make the greatest contributions to scientific progress.


But some academics' pursuit of fame and material gains, even with dishonest means, is eroding fundamental principles for academic research: hard work and spirit of dedication.


Their "success" will quite probably encourage more to follow their examples and thus further deteriorate the academic atmosphere.


We need a thorough investigation into this scandal primarily to warn the entire academic community against the dangers of dishonest practices. The bad apples involved should be severely punished to serve as a deterrent to others.


Actually we need something much bigger - an overhaul of the mechanism for academic study in institutions of higher learning. The quota on the number of research papers to be published annually by professors needs to be scrapped. This has exerted pressure on professors, and some are forced to cheat or plagiarize in order to get their papers published.


The exposure of all irregularities behind this scandal may probably provide useful ideas for thoroughly restructuring the management of academic studies.


(China Daily 02/04/2009 page4

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