rodney1956 Posted March 26, 2009 Report Posted March 26, 2009 DISCOVERING THE UNIVERSE’S SECRETS UNIFIES SCIENCE, RELIGION, MEDICINE AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Imagination is more important than knowledge...Albert EinsteinGerman physicist (1879 - 1955) In this quote, Einstein isn't speaking of fantasy, but of applying scientific knowledge in an imaginative way (maybe it would be better to say "imagination is just as important as knowledge"). Anyway, the following might be dismissed as too speculative because it isn't written in mathematical equations and its conclusions can't be verified in a laboratory. But if you think imagination applied to science can teach us new things, read on … and enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After suffering any kind of illness or injury, an approach which enlists mind-body unity and all 5 dimensions in the universe is essential to a complete and lasting recovery. (Later in these comments, I’ll explain that belief in 5 dimensions arises from equations worked out by Einstein and that, remarkably, there is absolutely no difference between these 5 and superstring’s 10 dimensions.) The 3 space dimensions of length, width and height plus the 4th dimension we call time are handled admirably by the doctors and nurses involved in any necessary surgery and followup medical treatment (their efforts are aided by eating well, sleeping well, doing daily exercises, not smoking etc.) The 5th dimension seems to be responsible for unification of the entire universe * - a pursuit started in earnest with Einstein's attempt to find a "unified field theory" and continued by scientists to this day (the best known modern contender would be physics' string theory). "Unify" means "make into one" or "form into a unit". So in a truly unified universe, there can be no distance between any physical or non-physical entities in space or time (otherwise, there would be more than one entity in the universe and it would not be unified). Thus, zero separation must exist between all things (this is similar to 2 objects which appear distant from each other on a huge computer screen actually being unified by the strings of ones and zeros making up the computer code which is all in one small place). Therefore, there is no separation between a person and health (or indeed, sickness). But the conscious mind can choose one or the other, and I choose to be healthy. Everything can be done perfectly in the first 4 dimensions but to be assured of the desired outcome, we must not ignore reality and the 5th dimension (of course, consciousness has its limits too and we have to let our unconscious minds guide us to health, just as our conscious minds alone have little to do with eg maintaining a normal heartbeat). Of course, all this could be dismissed and a person's health attributed to the placebo effect. But doesn't it make more sense to accept the wonders of a 5th dimension than to assume placebos can work actual miracles? (Or maybe these paragraphs merely attempt to detail how the placebo effect works?) * According to the 1973 book ALBERT EINSTEIN: CREATOR AND REBEL by physicist Banesh Hoffman and Einstein´s secretary Helen Dukas, mathematical equations developed by Einstein in 1917 say a maximum of 3 “subuniverses” could exist in our cosmos: here, I´ll refer to them as SPACE (embracing the 3 dimensions of length, width and height), TIME (the 4th dimension) and HYPERSPACE (the 5th dimension). Particles and the universe can be regarded as closed loops of electromagnetic energy. These could be called strings or superstrings or Mobius loops ** (a Mobius loop can be visualised as a strip of paper which is given a half-twist of 180 degrees before its ends are joined). Remember that the top, side and bottom of each loop each consist of a miniaturised, fractal version of electromagnetic pulses forming length, width and depth ^^ (a fractal is a geometric structure having an irregular or fragmented appearance which is of a similar character at all magnifications - the word "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot). The 3 familiar dimensions of length, width and height along, for example, the top of a loop would have a 4th dimension (time) perpendicular to them (on the side of the twisted paper ... or electromagnetic loop). And there would also exist a 5th dimension called hyperspace, at right angles to the 4th and 180 degrees from the length/width/height along the loop´s top. The previous parts of this paragraph can be likened to astronomy´s picture of the 3+1 dimensions of space-time existing on the surface of a balloon which is expanding from an inner hyperspatial point (not in space-time) where the Big Bang occurred. These Mobius loops unite space and time into Einstein´s space-time (and add a 5th dimension, which was introduced in a letter to Albert Einstein written by Theodor Kaluza). He proposed that Einstein's dream of finding a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism might be realized if he worked his equations in five-dimensional space-time. Einstein scoffed at the idea at first but later reconsidered and helped Kaluza get his paper published. A few years after that, physicist Oskar Klein published a quantum version of Kaluza's work. In the 1970s, the resulting Kaluza-Klein theory turned out to be beneficial in working on supersymmetry (a postulated unifying relationship between elementary particles). ** Why can particles and the universe be considered as Mobius loops? The 1st reason this seems possible is - all particles in the universe have a property called spin which is related to, but not identical with, the everyday concept of spin. In the case of particles of matter, according to the book "A Brief History of Time" by mathematician and physicist Stephen Hawking, this spin is said to have a fractional value of 1/2 which means they "do not look the same if one turns them through just one (complete) revolution: you have to turn them through two complete revolutions!" Similarly, you have to travel around a Mobius strip or loop twice to arrive at your starting point. The 2nd reason it seems possible is - the concept of "dark matter" would be used today to explain the increased gravitational effects caused by undetectable matter. But that undetectable matter would not be a new, unknown form of matter - it would be known particles travelling through the 4th and 5th dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in the 3 dimensions of ordinary space). While in these other dimensions, the particles known as dark matter are invisible ... but would of course still exert gravitational influence. (Physics´ string theory states this by saying "Gravity may not be confined to 3 dimensions.") If particles circulated ^ within the universe in a simple circle, they would spend almost as much time being visible as invisible. But the circulation of electromagnetic pulses following a Mobius-shaped path in a particle would be an example of fractals (phenomena repeated on ever-decreasing scales). So, increasing the scale from pulses in particles to particles within universes, particles follow a Mobius-shaped path in universes - and they could easily spend between 10 and 25 times longer being invisible than visible. In this case, only 4% to 10% of the universe´s content could be ordinary, non-dark matter (as NASA´s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe revealed a few years ago). ^^ Why would the top, side and bottom of each loop each consist of a miniaturised, fractal version of electromagnetic pulses forming length, width and depth? Because the universe seems to be made of fractals and the microscopic world of pulses is therefore mirrored by our macroscopic world. The first paragraph stated, in a truly unified universe there can be no distance between any physical or non-physical entities in space or time (otherwise, there would be more than one entity in the universe and it would not be unified). We can already travel ^ in the 3 dimensions of ordinary space, so in a universe where all the dimensions form a unity, sooner or later we'll learn to travel in 4th dimensional space (time) and 5th dimensional hyperspace (which appears to be the location of the Big Bang our part of the universe is expanding from and may well be the location of "strings of ones and zeros making up computer code" that creates the universe's unification and zero separation in space and time). If we journey in these other dimensions, they must have spatial coordinates for us to navigate in (length, width and depth in time and 5D as well as familiar 3D - if we choose, we can therefore say the universe has 9 dimensions - and the zero separation unifying these 9 can be regarded as a 10th dimension). ^ Electromagnetic pulses would continuously circulate from each of the 3 familiar dimensions through the 4th and 5th, and back to the 3; producing a unification. This circulation means any particle interferes with itself. The circulating pulses unite the 3 dimensions of space with the 4th dimension of time ie today´s vastly expanded universe is united with the highly compressed, subatomic-sized universe of the past; as well as with the 5th dimension of our universe´s space-time generating Big Bang. In our 4-D world (3 dimensions of space – length, width and depth – plus 1 dimension called time), motion exists universally and at quantum (subatomic) scales, and is absolutely essential. In 5-D cyberspace, there would be no movement if the fifth dimension truly is the location of strings of ones and zeros creating unification and zero separation (this is relevant to world peace because it concludes that everyone´s life is scientifically unified with all other life beyond the range of our senses and experiences [but within the range of our understanding]. It will take time, but when people accept this, world and domestic peace will be inevitable since no-one will be able to attack anyone in any manner without realizing that they´re actually attacking themselves.) Every bit of space/instant of time exists like an individual frame of a movie (when these are displayed in rapid succession, what we call motion comes into being). Let’s consider ordinary, visible light and that vacuum it travels through: space. Quantum particles like the photons which compose light are not separate from space itself. The universe would not merely be a vast collection of the countless photons, electrons and other quantum particles within it, but would be a unified whole that has particles and waves built into it, just as a computerised hologram would have seemingly separate points built into its union of digital zeros and ones. It’s necessary to suggest how this unified whole could appear to us as an infinity of different and separate entities (not only in space but also in time). If light and space were unified in a digitised hologram, the apparent velocities of light and space's expansion would differ because light would be a subroutine embedded in the main space program (speaking of circulation, travel, expansion or velocity would simply be a convenience, like talking of the sun rising and setting). A megauniverse is hinted at by Einstein´s equations as well as cosmology´s Steady-State theory, which say the universe has always existed and will continue forever. Einstein spoke of a "static" universe (which accurately describes a megauniverse that has no limits in space and has always existed/will continue forever), but he thought of this local branch as static, and rightly called it his greatest mistake since the local universe is now known to have had a beginning and to be expanding. Each universe arises from a big bang, but the megauniverse they belong to has no beginning (thanks to time-travelling cosmogenesists) and no end (thanks to energy influxes from later big bangs which "create" other regions of space-time: these influxes are known as dark energy). And it maintains its average density through continuous "creation" (actually, recycling) of matter via the small amount from a preceding universe which is used to initiate expansion of its successor. This steady-state, or static, megauniverse would have its tendency to collapse (from, according to the viewpoint that only one time exists at any instant, ever-increasing gravitational attraction) always exactly balanced by, again from the viewpoint that all times cannot exist at once, the ever-increasing expansion of the universes it contains. The notion that contained universes that are forever expanding would somehow "burst" a static, steady-state megauniverse mistakenly assumes the megauniverse possesses a finite size; and it also reverts to our everyday experience that only one time exists at any instant (forgetting that all times exist and the megauniverse therefore accommodates not just some, but all, extents of expansion). Also: the megauniverse can be static even though it´s composed of expanding universes because of its literally infinite size which results from cosmogenesists being able to access unlimited points in both space and time. People can be resurrected long after death (by having their minds downloaded into clones of their bodies by scientists utilizing the unification of all space and time) then use time travel to be alive long before birth - similarly, universe producers can journey to points existing before origin of the particular universe they live in. Since the megauniverse is infinite, there´s always a place and time for them to go to - we need to abandon our purely linear or serial concept of time which says universe B can only come into existence after universe A´s origin, and embrace a holistic or whole-istic concept where universes B and A (and all others) coexist. The quantum mechanical thought experiment known as Schrodinger´s Cat in which the cat exists and does not exist at the same time (a hammer which might or might not be triggered by a source of radioactivity to break a bottle of poisonous gas both kills and doesn´t kill the cat - and all these things are placed in an airtight box) helps us understand "life before birth" and "later universes preceding earlier ones". We can regard the cosmic hologram and the megauniverse as examples of invariance (the quality of not changing) and the hologram´s relativistic property of appearing different from differing vantage points as represented by the expanding universes with their big bangs. I´d like to suggest that Charles Darwin´s evolution has far greater consequences than either he or any scientist has realized. I believe the theory is not limited to biology, but is absolutely fundamental to the very existence of our universe and everything in it i.e. to cosmology, space-time, physics, mathematics, etc. etc. In a vital way, it even goes beyond Albert Einstein´s ideas since these paragraphs conclude that a "mutation factor" (also referred to as a "randomness factor") is fundamental to the universe. In other words, Einstein was wrong when he said "God does not play dice with the universe" (he believed there could be no randomness, or mutation, in the fabric of space-time). Imagine the universe is the ultimate hologram. A tiny part of the universe, such as a card in your wallet or purse, can display a number of holographic images (each is revealed when light hits the card in the correct position). The universe´s programming is so sophisticated and powerful - I´m comparing the universe to a combination of computer and hologram technology - that every state of everything has its own image (which is accompanied by qualities called sound, electric charge, magnetism, gravity, mass, etc. etc.) Each image (and its companion properties) is revealed when our limited perceptions/experiences/instruments/mathematics interact with an aspect of the universal programmed hologram. Such technology is only a dream today ... but the power of computers is estimated to double about every 2 years. If this rate continues, the machine I´m writing with will be well over a billion times more powerful in 60 years. And this is only an everyday desktop - imagine what a network of specialized supercomputers will be able to achieve in the year 2070 (and beyond). (In computer art, randomness is introduced into the chain of repetitive calculations producing a mountain range so a convincingly rugged image will result.) Mutations/randomness in the code behind the universal Programmed Hologram permit a degree of free will. Since we can control our movements, this means we have influence over mutations and programming. It is not the muscles in our arms/legs which influence the Hologram Program, but the signals in our brains. So why can´t we ordinarily and effortlessly move external objects with our thoughts, disregarding distances in space or time? This could be answered by my belief that we all live in 2 worlds. The universe would actually be a unified field at the deepest level of reality ie from the perspective of the holographic world. But superficially (from the viewpoint of the world of space-time we know through our everyday thoughts and senses and experiences), we cannot disregard distances in space or time, and we need our legs and arms. My writing seeks to merely modify both Darwin´s theory of evolution and the concept of Intelligent Design, and show that these modifications enable the concepts to coexist. I believe all life (you, me, everyone) and everything shares the "common ancestor" of the intelligently-designed universal hologram and mutations/randomness are essential for our development. Speaking of Intelligent Design - The concept of God intrigues me because I believe it´s related to the nature of the universe. I believe everything in space and time is connected by infinitesimal pulses of energy that are many millions of times smaller than anything that even the most powerful microscopes can reveal (this is similar to the way everything on a computer screen is connected by pulses of electricity, and spacetime’s energy pulses are the basic units constituting the motions or currents within what physicists call “heterotic superstring theory”). Maybe the "sea of energy" in the universe causes those qualities which churchgoers say are God´s. These are qualities like being everywhere in space-time (as well as outside space-time, in what I´ve referred to elsewhere as hyperspace), having unlimited power and knowing everything (the universe would be filled with something similar to advanced computers´ Artificial Intelligence). This is one explanation of God (it´s my favourite, because it agrees with the Islamic (Moslem) Koran, and the Bible, that there is only one God). A second one is that I´m certain humans will eventually be capable of creating universes, using presently-incomprehensible mental abilities, and genetically engineering themselves/travelling anywhere in space or time to establish colonies on other planets in the present, past and future. Maybe this 2nd explanation is a description of the word "Elohim" (a name used in the Old Testament for God) ... Elohim means the "plural majesty of the one God". In a cosmic unification, all of humankind would be a plurality constituting one being - but we could not say humans are God because the rest of the universe is also included in this plurality or unification. (God would have a personality because of the One Being’s partially-human composition.) Speaking of "us" and "others" is simply a matter of convenience coz in reality, everyone springs from the one source - the software behind the universal and megauniversal hologram; and Hindu Tantrism would correctly state that unity of the worshipper with the worshipped is ultimately achieved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote
pamela Posted March 26, 2009 Report Posted March 26, 2009 hello Rodney, welcome!!:lol:I see that you have posted your article in the science paper forum, all comments should be directed there Quote
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