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We are working on a quote module and it will appear as if by magic one day or another. First we need to solve the new user promotion system which we recently had a competition for. Believe me, it will make all of you want to post a lot more. Say goodbye to your free time, pals.


LOL. I already have. I really enjoy my time spent on this site. Thanks Tormod for starting it and thanks IrishEyes and Killean for keeping it running!! :naughty:


The quote is ubiquitous. Ubiquity is wothy of study. Study demands records. OP5 requests a record. Ergo, a new thread. I offer this quote:


"Mathematics is the highest rung on the ladder of human achievment."

___Havelock Ellis


Just in case you were wondering Turtle, I merge the thread you created in Social Sciences with the existing quotes thread. :hyper: Only need one of em until vBa Simple Quotes is installed.


How can Management be held responsible when they never lift the heavy end? Management makes decisions, workers make mistakes.


If you want to find the bottleneck, the first place to look is at the top of the bottle.


Mystics are baffled by the obvious yet possess a complete understanding of the nonexistent.


We will not defer to vermin defining truth and morality by convenience of the moment.


The Democrat Party has a severe handicap: Their left hands don't know what their far-left hands are doing.


History is a graveyard in which the magnificence of its markers bears little relationship to the interred.


The Seven Dreadful Sins: ignorance, stupidity, insanity, fetish, religiosity, malice, irresponsbility


Marine artillery brings dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl


To err is human, to forgive, divine. Neither one is Marine Corps policy.


A liberal feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he pays off with your money.


The simple measure of a country is how many immigrants want in... and how many citizens want out.


Hunger is due to weather, famine is due to politics.


An advocate makes virtue of failure. The worse the cure the better the treatment - and the more that is required.


Democracy is a hollow farce without an armed populace to make it work.


I don't have a license to kill, but I do have a learner's permit.


Education: that which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Human life is sacred. Sacrifice it to your gods.


Elitism insists the better is preferable to the worse.


Results can be funded, research cannot.


The money I make belongs to me and my family, not to a government stooge who takes a cut and dumps the rest on slum bunnies for squirting out babies.


Republicans steal from what you have, democrats steal from what you might have. The difference is hunger vs. famine.


Kill an economy and the entire population surrenders.


Best efforts will not substitute for knowledge.


Rather than foster brilliance, we allocate for it.


It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.


Government cannot award people what it first has not stolen from them. What one man receives without effort is confiscated from another who labors.


So I just wanna recap...Is the idea of a quote of the day/week going to implamented on the home page here at Hypography, or not?


And was another post moved/combined with this one?


A confused OP5


___Yes, they combined one I started; I lost this one by unsubscibing to it. Ooops. I also think 'they', those grand wizards of Hypography, hinted that the home page may just appear one day with a quote bar or some such.

___In the mean time, we can throw a few around in here. I think it will work best if we post quotes we personally like one at a time, inasmuch as there are so many quote data bases.



---"...running hither and thither with insect authority." Mark Twain --Tom Sawyer


IC, thank you for the recap...i was a lil lost when they added them togeather. Anywho...


I already mentioned my "TIme is money, and i have nether..." quote....

but i also am fond of the quote/saying..

"If you run with an idea and fall, just remember, that your at least moving foward."


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