Theory5 Posted April 24, 2009 Report Posted April 24, 2009 Why is Marijuana Illegal?I found this site while I was watching the newest Family Guy episode "420" and I wanted to know why marijuana was really illegal. I couldnt figure out why so I googled it. I put this in the political sciences forum because marijuana was illegalized due not to its effects (its been said that marijuana is actually less dangerous than alchohol, of course that depends on its consumption rate :-P ) but due to the first influx of mexicans from across the border. In Texas, a senator said on the floor of the Senate: "All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] is what makes them crazy." Any suggestions, comments or otherwise? Quote
freeztar Posted April 24, 2009 Report Posted April 24, 2009 I've read many reasons for marijuana being illegal in the US. I've read the reason you give, that the anti-semetic feelings of America towards Mexicans prompted the illegal status. Just before marijuana was made pseudo-illegal, there was a comparitavely large influx of Mexicans into the US. They were looking for work (sound familiar?). They brought their MJ with them and it soon became popular among Americans that were exposed to the Mexican influence. I'm not sure how true this is though in regards to motivating criminalization. Another theory I've read is that hemp (which was grown in great quantities at that time) was threatening the paper industry. It's been said that the "paper czars" of the time deliberately created campaigns to put marijuana in a bad light and eventually criminalize its possession. Again, I'm not sure about the truth of this as it sounds more like conspiracy than actual history. Also, hemp contains little to no THC, so it's somewhat silly that growing hemp is illegal. I say "somewhat", because I've read valid arguments supporting keeping hemp illegal, such as its ability to camouflage marijuana crops and make it difficult for authorities to find illegal marijuana growing operations. In order to really understand it, it's important to look at the legal history of cannabis in the United States, notably the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 and the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. For a more economical approach to the subject, I recommend the following reading: Economists have not yet reached a conclusion on legalizing marijuana. Most believe that legalizing, regulating, and taxing marijuana would both stimulate the economy and reallocate US funds towards enforcing more dangerous crimes than illicit drug possession. Others believe that the social cost of legalizing marijuana outweighs the economic benefits. [47] Economists such as Robert J. Barro and Gary S. Becker believe that Marijuana should be legalized and the profits taxed to act as an economic stimulus to bring the United States out of the recession in 2009. [48] The revenues could be used to increase public awareness about the harmful effects of Marijuana on the body. Legalization would also decrease the $8 billion of government spending on law enforcement in regards to Marijuana possession every year.[49] On the other hand, those such as Joel W. Hay and Paul Taubman believe that the legalization of Marijuana would have negative consequences on society, such as an increase in substance abuse, negating the economic benefits. [50] Overall, the general consensus of economist seems to be opposed to prohibition, but only slightly supporting decriminalization or liberalization. [51] However, most seem to agree that Marijuana Policies in 2008 to 2009 have been ineffective and costly to the government. [52] Daniel K. Benjamin and Roger LeRoy Miller believe that the most effective policy of Marijuana would be the a purely Constitutional approach, which would allow each individual state government to regulate and control Marijuana within their own boarders. [53]Legality of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Even after studying all this though, I'm still baffled as to why MJ use or possession is criminal, especially as medicine. :) Quote
Turtle Posted April 24, 2009 Report Posted April 24, 2009 We already have a thread of this exact title & topic: >> Quote
Moontanman Posted April 24, 2009 Report Posted April 24, 2009 Oh well, one thread two thread..... I saw a show about drugs on the Science channel and the consensus pretty much was the Mexican/cannabis deal. The idea behind keeping fiber quality MJ illegal because it could be used to hide drug MJ is kind of like boot strapping isn't it? Once the hype used to make it illegal become "common knowledge" any chance of real discussion became implausible at best. I think the most likely reason MJ is illegal is because MJ is illegal...... Quote
Theory5 Posted April 25, 2009 Author Report Posted April 25, 2009 Paul Taubman believe that the legalization of Marijuana would have negative consequences on society, such as an increase in substance abuse, negating the economic benefits.This is one of the big things that gets me. People claim that legalizing MJ would be a bad thing due to substance abuse. But look at it this way, MJ is already readily available. Yes, the stuff you can smoke. I bet you know someone who can get you a dime bag ($10 dollars worth) easy as pie. I know I can. I go to a vocational school that specializes in manual labor vocations (it was a mistake to go there for IT :-( ) anyways I know for a fact that some of the kids there drink and smoke and probably do much worse than MJ, unfortunatly. And I know someone who does MJ recreationally. Anyways, what I am trying to get across is that its already out there, underage kids can get a hold of it, anyone can get a hold of it, and yet the leading cause of vehicle related death is still drunk driving, not stoned driving. I say that if MJ was legalized there would be no more substance abuse other than what is going on now. BUT if MJ was legalized and regulated, people wouldnt get MJ laced with stuff like cocaine to keep them coming back to their dealers. I say that MJ is less harmful than alchohol (and less abused) while still being as easy to get, if not easier. What say you? Quote
Michaelangelica Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 because the USA gets mean and nasty and becomes a big bully to any nation trying to soften its laws on it.Despite this in two Staes in Oz it has been decriminalised and mostly you get a slap on the wrist for having small quantities, on a first offence, in other States.Other reasons could include:-It is too profitable to too many (politicians, judges, law enforcers, police, organised crime, private jails?) to make legal.Christians are dead scared of it.Smoking is bad for your lungs Overuse can be hamfullIt can stuff adolescent's brains.Is is the USA's biggest employer (?) Quote
Moontanman Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 because the USA gets mean and nasty and becomes a big bully to any nation trying to soften its laws on it. Sadly it often goes beyond this, the USA not only uses it's economic and political clout to influence other countries into keeping any drugs the USA disapproves of illegal they also use that clout to "push" their own drug of choice, tobacco. trade agreements with other countries, especially third world countries, includes relatively free access to the markets of said country to American tobacco. The UN is influenced by the USA in this and becomes the biggest drug pusher in the world! Despite this in two Staes in Oz it has been decriminalised and mostly you get a slap on the wrist for having small quantities, on a first offence, in other States. In Alaska MJ used to be pretty much legal until the Conservative movement changed that. MJ was minimally illegal in several states with some just issuing a ticket for simple possession of pot. all that has changed now with many states doing their absolute best to ruin the life of anyone caught with MJ, really sad.... Other reasons could include:-It is too profitable to too many (politicians, judges, law enforcers, police, organised crime, private jails?) to make legal. I've often heard this but i really don't know how accurate it is, no doubt some people with influence would rather keep it illegal for these reasons. Christians are dead scared of it. OH yes, they have swallowed government prpaganda hook line and sinker! MJ is Satan in herb form, it causes everything from homosexuality to murder. Smoking is bad for your lungs Hard to argue that but if it's a reason for MJ being illegal why if tobacco legal? Overuse can be hamfull Not sure what you mean by overuse, MJ cannot kill you though Over Dose, staying stoned 24/7 is no doubt a bad thing as is being drunk 24/7 and probably a symptom of an underlaying problem not connected with your drug of choice. It can stuff adolescent's brains. If legal MJ would be more difficult for adolescents to obtain, not easier. Anything illegal being sold by amoral people will be difficult to control access to by kids. Is is the USA's biggest employer (?) I've heard this off and on most of my life, I'm not convinced it's completely true but I am sure there are people who would be hurt financially if MJ were to be legalized. Quote
Theory5 Posted April 26, 2009 Author Report Posted April 26, 2009 Despite this in two Staes in Oz What? Smoking is bad for your lungs Of course it is. But I agree with moontanman, why isnt cigars and ciggerettes illegal then?One reason is because those companies had enough political clout to keep cigars and cigerettes from getting illegalized. Another thing is that cigerettes and cigars have tar (thats right real tar, the stuff that they pave the roads with) which gets into your lungs and fills them up over times. Overuse can be hamfull Once again, like moontanman said, you cannot OD on MJ. BUT I belive that after a looong while of smoking MJ your senses can become dulled, and your reaction times longer and longer. Quote
Michaelangelica Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 You will get no arguments from me, the law is as ***. See the thread I started on MJ as a medicine. I, like a few of my generation, have never inhaled. But a crop in my old age may help my alcohol ravaged liver. The ironic thing about MJ, Heroin and Cocaine use in Oz, is that it was seriously introduced into Australia (especially Sydney and Kings Cross) by US Vets on R&R in the 60s and 70s. It may of been around before then but it was uncommon and probably restricted to a few in the "arty" push/set. And the CIA & US/NATO forces can't find it in Afghanistan (or Burma) because. . . (put reason here)? In the last 5/7? years the female NSW jail population has doubled due to heroin! Great idea guys, a fantastic way to treat addiction problems-especially when heroin is freely available in jail.A career criminal I talked too bemoaned the state of our jails and had "gone straight" because "jails weren't good places any more";- far too evil and dangerous. There used to be honour among thieves, and it was Screws Vs Inmates, he said. Now inmates would do anything for a"fix".The good thing is we have an extensive, proactive needle exchange programme everywhere and a lot of people on methadone maintenance.Medically Supervised "shooting galleries" are being trailed but there is/was? a lot of resistance from some Christians.I think too, a lot of sane things are happening quietly without any media hype or fuss, some, by some ,of those "evil" Christians I mentioned.The 'shooting gallery' idea came from the Catholic Church's Charity Nuns, who happen to live in the middle of Kings Cross.(Just don't tell the Nazi Pope). Quote
Boerseun Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 Marijuana was originally banned to protect both the cotton growers (hemp kinda screwed with their market) and the established tobacco farmers. Turns out later that it was a good thing, because whether you agree with it or not, there is a very good argument to be made that marijuana acts as a "gateway" drug, seemingly innocent, but opening the door to ever-more addictive and ever-more harmful and dangerous drugs. Marijuana might have been banned for all the wrong reasons, and the original motive would not pass any monopoly laws anywhere in the world, but it sure as hell is no reason to lift the ban, as far as I'm concerned. Quote
sanctus Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 Wow much to say: I believe that MJ is worse than alcohol, because, mainly if you smoke when you are young, there is a risk that you become schizophrenic (you have to already have the brain in way that it is possible that you become schizophrenic, but how do you know?). If you become an alcoholic and then you manage to get out, the only thing you will have the rest of your life is that you never ever can drink even a drop of alchol. But if you get schizophrenic, the rest of your life changes quite a lot more. I am not on a anti-MJ-crusade, I think it just important to know the risks; and this thing of schizophrenia I had 2 friends who got schizophrenic due do smoking heaps of MJ (one of them died, due to a side-effect of the medicaments he had to take, last summer at age 23...) so not making it upThe heroin distribution programs we have in Switzerland are one of the most useful things done for the addicts living in the streets. Usually it is not the heroin itself (it does not destroy the body like eg. crack), but the life they have to live which destroys them. Making them not live in the streets is a big help (much better than the jail!). This is what every person working in this field says and also the addicts or ex-addicts themselves say (due to the work of my father I know quite a few).Even those christians or other people really against it, should be happy about this, simply because "their kids" (as they love to say) wouldn't need to see anymore people in the park with the needle in their arm. I am in favor of legalizing MJ, just because as someone said here it permits more control (once again, in Switzerland just recently it was voted against ). It will always be possible to get it underage, but by it being legal it will be much harder (just like when buying alcohol when I was 14, it is possible but not easy). In conclusion, I do not know why it is illegal, but although it is dangerous, it should be legal because it permits better control. Quote
lemit Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 My first response to the question is, well, because we're really dumb. But I need to qualify that by confessing that I've only tried the substance in question a couple of times and the only thing I seemed to get was clogged sinuses. I think maybe either we have those qualities of creativity inside us or we don't. Ascribing the qualities to a foreign substance might be a misdirection and might keep us from discovering the creative and wonderful qualities that we really have. Does that sound like somebody who used to teach writing? Yeah, I suspect it does. Sorry, but I can't keep from wanting to discover and exploit that kernel of knowledge and expression that's within each of us, and I can't keep from wanting to find a drug-free way to do that. I'm sorry to take this away from the original purpose, but I want all of you to remember that you're probably pretty good all by yourself. --lemit Quote
maddog Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 Why is Marijuana Illegal?I found this site while I was watching the newest Family Guy episode "420" and I wanted to know why marijuana was really illegal. I couldnt figure out why so I googled it. I put this in the political sciences forum because marijuana was illegalized due not to its effects (its been said that marijuana is actually less dangerous than alchohol, of course that depends on its consumption rate :-P ) but due to the first influx of mexicans from across the border. In Texas, a senator said on the floor of the Senate: "All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] is what makes them crazy."Any suggestions, comments or otherwise?I was not aware of the quote from the Texas Senate. Though your theory of Illegalizationof Marijuana in 1937 used to combat Mexican Immigration is what I have heard as well.Harry Anslinger was hire to head the original organization (I forget the acronym -- seeFreeze's links). The "gateway connection" theory was totally concocted. Effects are on par with alcoholmaybe, though because of the combustion temperature of Marijuana over Tobacco, thelong term effect for the lungs are not thought to be zero. Even without all the additivesin Tobacco, the Tar in Tobacco is worse than equivalent components in Marijuana (noactual Tar per se). I do feel strongly that if Marijuana ever gets legalized in US thatsevere Driving Restrictions are imposed (like alcohol) as judgment is definitely impaired. :) maddog Quote
maddog Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 because the USA gets mean and nasty and becomes a big bully to any nation trying to soften its laws on it.Despite this in two Staes in Oz it has been decriminalised and mostly you get a slap on the wrist for having small quantities, on a first offence, in other States.In what continent is "OZ" ? Are we talking about Kansas ?Other reasons could include:-It is too profitable to too many(politicians, judges, law enforcers, police, organised crime, private jails?)to make legal.Organized Crime both with/without US have vested interest in keeping MJ Illegal.This is the Perfect reason to legalize it within US for both Medical and Recreationreasons. The tax base alone could assist in repaying National Debt.Christians are dead scared of it.Kinda' like Homosexuality, etc.Smoking is bad for your lungsOveruse can be hamfullAbsolutely Anything in excess will kill you eventually. If you were to drink about 3 GalH2O per day before a week is out your kidneys would probably give out. So just like with MJ, Smoke a lb of Pot / day for 20 years and your lungs will probablybe kaput. I would think though the whole time your brain would be just a bit foggy andif you did happen to quit your brain might even clear up eventually, your lungs might not.It can stuff adolescent's brains.It might be that I might have finished a PhD in Physics had I not come across MJ in mylife (I tried it back then). More likely life got in the way of my intentions.Is is the USA's biggest employer (?)More a reason why to tax it than ever! maddog Quote
Theory5 Posted April 27, 2009 Author Report Posted April 27, 2009 In what continent is "OZ" ? Are we talking about Kansas ?I belive they are reffering to Austrailia, either that or a Oz, Isère, a city in france. :-)I looked it up on wikipedia. Quote
Moontanman Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 In what continent is "OZ" ? Are we talking about Kansas ? It's a far off, strange and windy land where they eat Vegemite sandwiches and wrestle crocodiles Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder? Cant you hear, cant you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover. :phones: Quote
Ganoderma Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 wait a second. Can we really can this an illegal drug, at leas in countries like the USA? i mean to make it outright illegal goes against the no, cannot do that. It is a "Controlled Substance". yes, that sounds right. can't get in trouble for taking away freedom if its simply controlled, cause there is still possible access in a word like "controlled" Turns out later that it was a good thing, because whether you agree with it or not, there is a very good argument to be made that marijuana acts as a "gateway" drug, seemingly innocent, but opening the door to ever-more addictive and ever-more harmful and dangerous drugs. that has always been a common, but very flawed/weak argument. The only way marijuana, or any illegal substance, acts as a gateways drug is through the social conditioning that you are a criminal, your doing it makes a person out to be a bad drug criminal, and shortens the gap between a "soft" drug and a "hard". if perhaps you don't agree with that, perhaps it's the mind altering affects that marijuana causes. by that very standard like stated above alcohol nad even tobacco should be illegal. fact is marijuana is less harmful than legal drugs and it alters perception as much as other legal substances. the controlled nature of this plant is really hypocritical cause by the standards they claim either marijuana, and others, should be legal OR alcohol/tobacco and others should be controlled. it is a double standard that has no logic or reason. freeztar 1 Quote
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