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I have all the secrets of infinity in my hands,

i really want to spread it to as many scientists

as possible. so here i go.


here's a simple scientific test you can experiement



wear black clothes and go to a busy mall

you will notice your mind really hurts, this

is because black colors ( or dark colors )

are pulling other humans imagination and bringing

them to close to you and you read it.


this causes stress especially when you are

surrounded by religious people or something.


but when you WEAR WHITE CLOTHES..

the opposite is true, you reject everyones idealogy

and you get to feel free with your own science.


your own imagination is not disturbed.


you can optimize and re-test this if you want.

you can even wax the body hair you have

and dye your hair to yellow or white.


trust me, this is extreme science like no other

and i have it cracked, this can be used to

stop aging, reverse aging,


we can use this to time travel, be immortal

and make money too


because infinity's law suggests the more people

you spread this truth to of, the more money

you are likely to make. ( it's the reward you

get from infinity for giving people the secret )


so tell people to wear white ( be nice, by force

is prohibited by federal law of infinity ).


or just wear white clothes and walk around

shopping malls, you become a role model

and your influence alone will earn you money.


WHITE as you know is a color that pushes

while BLACK is a color that pulls light.


so imagine if you were made up of light

and you were wearing black clothes.


you'd age faster than anyone else.


if you were wearing white, because it pushes

the light back, you could stop yourself

from aging.


try experiementing this with luxury places

because there is a competition going on, on earth.


it's as if everyones soul has some jealousy

inside them and they do not like it when

someone is about to spread the truth and rise

into power.


so keep yourself safe, experienment around

luxury stores where your safety is not jeapordized.


if you are a highly scientific person, try avoiding

conversation with highly religious people.


my own great parents are religious, so i am not

talking to them not even on the phone.


their voice and the way they think can interfier

with my imagination and distort the science

i am working on.


please feel free to ask me for more information

i am on youtube right now



post comments on my channel i'll respond 24/7

to every question you have.


on my youtube page i found david's video wow

i really want to give this guy all the secrets i have

he can put it into media, become a billionaire

and spark a revolution that can save us all.


i mean all of us, we are all about to become

immortal supreme beings.


all we have to do is wear white clothes

and be obsessed with white stuff.


very simple.


this is no joke, i am about to get this party started


Summer Time Dance

trust me




this can be used to stop aging, reverse aging,

we can use this to time travel, be immortal

and make money too

Even makes julienne fries! Call now and our operators will throw in some mystical crystals to keep evil spirits out of your underwear... All at no additional cost to YOU! What are you waiting for? Call now!




i mean all of us, we are all about to become

immortal supreme beings.


all we have to do is wear white clothes

and be obsessed with white stuff.


very simple.


this is no joke, i am about to get this party started

It's all so clear to me now. You're high on cocaine, and "obsessed with white stuff."


Wow, suspended at post count 2. lol


But, yeah if you don't like wearing black, that's cool. But I can already say that I feel pretty much the opposite as you do. So, back to the drawing board, mon.


I prefer going to the malls with no cloths, this way it draws all the pretty ladies.


It also turns the sunlight into muscles and makes you stronger.


That post would actually work as a poem.


Sorry if I am offensive, but its honesty.

I prefer going to the malls with no clothes, this way it draws all the pretty ladies.


It also turns the sunlight into muscles and makes you stronger.


It draws a crowd and gets you food and lodging for a while.


Is two posts a record or has somebody tried to use an introduction for solicitation?



"Not Tossed Yet"


Spammers or aggressive/pornographic intros manage at postcount 1. And some usernames manage even to get banned at 0 posts, I sometimes see people with such names on who's online and ban them right away.


Now to break the record of 0 posts I don't really know what one can do...:-)

What is the federal law of infinity anyway?


It's meaningless nonsense, mate. It is some made-up term, a term with zero basis in reality, brain-farted into existence by some seriously deranged person who was recently banned from this site. :smilingsun:

Even makes julienne fries! Call now and our operators will throw in some mystical crystals to keep evil spirits out of your underwear... It's all so clear to me now. You're ..."obsessed with white stuff."
Well that could be.


On the other hand, I wonder sometimes how many people we get who are experiencing emotional dysfunctions, the onset of schitzophrenia, severe autistic-like disorders, and other hallucinatory conditions, delusions of grandeur and visions. I can name two "regulars" who post here frequently who are several sigmas off from reality. Well, three if you count our resident radical honester.



I have all the secrets of infinity in my hands,

i really want to spread it to as many scientists

as possible. so here i go.

hmmm fortune teller?


here's a simple scientific test you can experiement



wear black clothes and go to a busy mall

you will notice your mind really hurts, this

is because black colors ( or dark colors )

are pulling other humans imagination and bringing

them to close to you and you read it.

kinda like reading this post in black font is doing to my mind right now?

this causes stress especially when you are

surrounded by religious people or something.

religious people don't cause me stress, they cause themselves stress

but when you WEAR WHITE CLOTHES..

the opposite is true, you reject everyones idealogy

and you get to feel free with your own science.your own imagination is not disturbed.

hmmm white is not my color, how do you feel about grey and olive green? on second thought, don't answer the grey comment and the green likely invokes the big bucks, eh?


you can optimize and re-test this if you want.

you can even wax the body hair you have

and dye your hair to yellow or white.

oh yikes! can't touch the wax comment and i am way too young for the Gandalf do


trust me, this is extreme science like no other

and i have it cracked, this can be used to

stop aging, reverse aging,

trust you? are you kidding me?

we can use this to time travel, be immortal

and make money too


oh boy....i think you have been traveling somewhere, and no thanks to the immortality-you are really creeping me out

yeah gimme the cash and hit the road pal


because infinity's law suggests the more people

you spread this truth to of, the more money

you are likely to make. ( it's the reward you

get from infinity for giving people the secret )

totally sales pitch dude, did you learn at Zig Zigler's knee?


so tell people to wear white ( be nice, by force

is prohibited by federal law of infinity ).

well although i do make a concentrated effort to be nice, well kinda, not maybe so much in this thread, i really dont want to see the masses floating around in white garb- really creepy


or just wear white clothes and walk around

shopping malls, you become a role model

and your influence alone will earn you money.

well, there again gotta ditch the white and avoiding the mall is always a good thing. Role model makes money??? well i better get my kids to pay up


WHITE as you know is a color that pushes

while BLACK is a color that pulls light.so imagine if you were made up of light

and you were wearing black clothes.

hmmm is that a push-me-pull you? guess you would end up in grey-hey, i like grey

you'd age faster than anyone else

whats wrong with age? i am 46 and proud of it and despite that fact that i indeed do wear black, i look 36 and pretty damn good in that black mini


if you were wearing white, because it pushes

the light back, you could stop yourself

from aging.

really...well the last time that i wore white was on my wedding day and that death sentence certainly aged me beyond my years.

try experiementing this with luxury places

because there is a competition going on, on earth


no competition? geeze, i dunno, those 22 year olds can hold a candle to me


it's as if everyones soul has some jealousy

inside them and they do not like it when

someone is about to spread the truth and rise

into power.


nope i am not jealous no reason to be, plenty of fish in that ocean to be shared with the 22 year olds

so keep yourself safe, experienment around

luxury stores where your safety is not jeapordized


safe is good and keep your wits about you especially in science forums where there lurks all types of trolls


if you are a highly scientific person, try avoiding

conversation with highly religious people


well that bites! some of my most fondest memories are in refuting, stripping and the tearing down of the religious- you are just a no fun kinda guy


my own great parents are religious, so i am not

talking to them not even on the phone.

now that is just plain wrong dude, despite what they believe you should love and respect them as the poor souls that dragged you into this world

their voice and the way they think can interfier

with my imagination and distort the science

i am working on.

well your parents might not be the best choice, but certainly someone needs to get inside your head and undo the distortion that you have created

please feel free to ask me for more information

i am on youtube right now

ugh, i think i have read enough



post comments on my channel i'll respond 24/7

to every question you have.


on my youtube page i found david's video wow

i really want to give this guy all the secrets i have

he can put it into media, become a billionaire

and spark a revolution that can save us all.

oh hell a revolution, i am so outta here on the first space ship and yes wearing red!

i mean all of us, we are all about to become

immortal supreme beings.

pardon me while i go vomit, thanks


all we have to do is wear white clothes

and be obsessed with white stuff.


very simple.

obsessed? may i direct you to the nearest counselor?

this is no joke, i am about to get this party started


Summer Time Dance

will there be tequila? cause it will take more than a few shots to tolerate any more of this garbage

whats wrong with age? i am 46 and proud of it and despite that fact that i indeed do wear black, i look 36 and pretty damn good in that black mini


I have to admit I have no idea what you wrote after that. I guess I'm a sucker for a "little black dress."


Now, about that waxing . . . .




You know, this isn't the first time that some yahoo started a wacko thread, made a few posts, got suspended, and the thread continued on for pages and pages! I think Hypographers are strangely attracted to such 'truncated' threads. I know I am. It's like a blank slate for reflecting philosophically or pontificating on the nature of human pseudo-reasoning.

Hi Pamela! :)

Hi Lemit! :hihi:

We could all wear white, whistle willfully, while away the time in wonder, and stop aging.

We could give up our jobs and stop waging.

We could give up our anger and stop raging.

We could dress all of China in white and stop Beijing.

We could give up posting and stop engaging.


No. That would not do. Where is my blue shirt?


My cat, Buddy Bear is sitting next to my keyboard.

He keeps away all the ideologies. :hihi:


I'm just a little curious why the suggested test was not discussed as something to "put to the test?" To subject it to scientific method?


It seems like it was met with blast the heck out of it, and don't even consider testing validity of it ever.


The OP claims strike me as outlandish, but as I reread OP, it is calling forth test. Sure it's saying other things, but seems like respondents on this thread are playing a game other than "scientific reasoning."


Anyway, dialogue on this thread is helping me get used to the turf on the (part of the) forum. My questions on this thread are really just questions, but if you feel like ripping me a new one, go right on ahead. I'll be okay.


Jway has a point.


Maybe some of us are just cracking some jokes. But I'd have to say when members respond in an insulting way it bothers me.


I didnt even read the OP.. so I can't say much more.

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