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Hello All,


If you’ve been following along these thread you’ll know that I am the author of a modern cosmologic model that is revolutionary, both in terms of its methodology and its primary hypothesis. Although several popular, yet unverified, existing assumptions are over-turned by the new model, all of the experimental and observational data is both compatible and explained by the new Dominium model—even data that is without explanation under traditional approached, e.g., the massive antimatter cloud at the center of our galaxy, See thread: http://hypography.com/forums/astronomy-and-cosmology/19807-digesting-the-galactic-big-mac.html


Although the Dominium model has had a very good run here on hypography.com, itneeds to expand out and be reviewed by more people within the scientific community. The question is this:


“How/where to publish a work as meverick as the Dominium so that it can be read and reviewed by as many science-minded people as possible?”


I should probably tell all a little about myself. Actually, I have three paper written journal style and semi-ready to go at this site: The Dominium I’m strangely terrified of the process and haven’t even attempted to contact anyone about publishing them. Why? Because I work in a high school. I am your typical Gen-X “underachiever,” though the truth is there were no opportunities for my generation. Even though I graduated in the top 10% of my class, the recession of the 1990’s meant no job. None of my friends got jobs. I was one step away from standing in the bread-line that formed every Sunday at the Lutheran book-store. Long strong short, out of desperation I applied for p/t work at the schools, and ultimately that led to the vocation of teaching. Having the summers free meant that I had three months to take educational sabbaticals, enroll in classes, and do formal research in any of the local universities. UMASS Boston had the most convenient library for me to do my research for the Dominium. CERN, nine years ago, is where I learned and worked all summer in the HST program. NASA (space-camp) is where I learned additional aspects of cosmology. And then in 2007 was an MIT symposium that introduced me to self-assembly from a nanotechnology lecturer. This is also the time that the Dominium was first being written. I love science. Back in grade-school kids used to tease me dubbing me “nature boy” because I have always been so fascinated about every single aspect of science. Actually, the moniker never really bothered me, I could never understand how those same classmates could be so obtuse when it came to the natural beauty that is essentially everywhere. So basically, I’m just a humble man who loves all the sciences. I live in, of all places, Dot Mass (Dot is the locals name for Dorchester; Mass is the short version of Massachusetts.) I don’t know how to publish these papers. I do not know procedures. I do not know who to call or talk to. What I do know is that the Dominium model is damn near perfect. If anyone does know something about journal publishing—the summer started yesterday 6/26—I have the time, energy, motivation, and a beautiful, seamless, and inclusive model to promote—all I need is a little direction and advise. Hopefully the readers of this forum and thread can supply the answers and insight that I require. Thank you.



For reference sake, see the two main Dominium discussions here at hypography (I’d start w/ part 2, since part part 1 is summarized in the first post, and if interested go back to the beginning.)



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