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It was on a random google search that I found the forums recommending the book. I dont remember the exact words I typed but one of the forums(the one I looked at was) http://www.physicsforums.com , others that I just found are http://www.groupsrv.com/science ,

http://www.zpenergy.com/ (which has StarDrive Engineering under HOT LINKS). http://www.EngineeringForum.org , http://disc.server.com/Indices/68326.html (doesnt recommend book, its about new space propulsion and other theories) , I could keep going but its getting boring :) B)

BTW, for the people who said that the device is not being developed at all did not look at that site at all and are just posting opinions. http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=334 I decided to get this information off of zpenergy because it seems no one wants to believe anything posted on the StarDrive webpage.

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For the record: If someone posts a post recommending a book, it does not mean that the forum itself recommends it.


And before you start slandering us for not reading up I suggest you ease off a little bit. You have gone from being completely enamoured to completely "this is bogus" and back in less than a day. Maybe you should try to post about something else to get your mind into a different state?


You are mistaking "skepticism" for "disbelief". None of us is saying this is not happening. We are saying it is not likely, and that all you have to go on is hearsay. They want to raise money by selling you a book, fine, they obviously succeeded.


Yes, it's getting boring, because you seem unable to talk about anything else...please, PLEASE try to see that we are discussing 1,000 things here and there is nothing wrong with you nor with the research program you have posted. Just (like I said before) don't expect us to believe what you believe. What others post in other forums is not evidence.


And I still wonder how 3 forums and a chat board became a "lot of other forums". :)


One thing that would add some crediance to all this is if these guys would simply go have their idea run by in published format in Peer Review. At least Jack tends to follow such a process and at the very least uses the databases of acceptable Instuitutes to post his own articles on. Granted its getting harder for outsiders to do such all the time unless they are directly connected to a major Institue or backed by one. But the mainline Journals out there will do a Peer Review on this if they'd bother to send an article in on it. Problem is most do not like being told they are wrong. You can learn from mistakes, even small ones and polish an idea up to get it acceptred. Most published authors will tell you about decent articles they did that got shot down over grammer, syntex errors, simply math errors, etc. A no does not always translate to the idea being bad. Sometimes its just the way one presented it. I've seen Reviewers often state that an idea is interesting and worth looking into, yet kill the article simply because of some minor mistake or at least ask you to redo it.


There is a process we tend to follow is accepted science. Generally, most of those who go after patents instead of the normal publishing route are ignored and suspected of being quacks. Science is about the free exchange of ideas. Its not so much about getting rich quick. Though there is nothing wrong with getting rich. The Patent office on the other hand is full of ideas on such things as perpetual motion, etc. All of these different patents were done by people out to make a buck or who thought they really had something. Most of them if they had followed the Peer Review process would have found out early on what was wrong with their idea to begin with and would have perhaps saved the money spent on a patent.


Also, for what its worth I believe this Stardrive Group got listed under Crackpot.com a bit back. Might check the reasoning there for a bit of help. I know Jack's own stardrive group is on that list even though he is considered mainline and has worked for the Government before. Their problem with him stems from his UFO/ESP pronouncements in general.


Lots of things get posted on forums as links that are not gospel truth. Lots of things get discussed on forums that in some cases are either just pure theory or speculation. Time travel is discussed. Its not forbidden in Einstein's Universe. But there are a lot of quantum constraints on such that are often ignored in all the discussion. Its discussed because it is popular. That's why the subject appears in popular science a lot. Star travel has always been a popular subject and perhaps always will. Just because someone says something is in development does not mean it is. You cannot always trust what people say.


Warp Drive is still popular even after Natario's article enough so that there are newer articles out there on the subject. Partly because not everone out there accepted Natario's arguments and partly because it connects at the popular level. But, to settle the issue a bit there is absolutely nothing known is established science that would allow us the tech at present to build such a drive or even fully experiment with such outside of perhaps the Woodward effect. That comes from an honest research on the subject with published and unpublished preprints on Lanl, Cern, etc on the subject of a stardrive as its sometimes called. I also know several guys at NASA including Marc Mills who'd back up what I'm saying. I correspond with them regularly. Yes, BPP was killed by the government. But the researchers on such still are out there in NASA today and they are still alive and thinking.


I like everyone that has posted on this even though they disagree with me. Except for you Tormod. Whenever I state something that makes sense you just work your way around it with whatever you want to say or dont say anything at all. Also you asked me where I got the lot of science forums just because you wanted to prove me wrong? I believe this is how real UFO's would actually work. There are limited ways of actually traveling at very fast speeds (light speed) not including wormholes because that is differnt. UFO skeptics have long speculated that something was moving inside a UFO to make it run. UFO's must be shaped as they are in order for them to reach light speeds and not get destroyed. The shape is special in that it can withstand extreme forces. After seeing that show about the stones from china I believe they came off of a UFO that crash landed there. Which was what the show was about. A UFO supposedly crashed there and the inhabitants of it were said to of reproduced with the chinese people, creating midget dwarfs no more than 3 feet tall. Which was later blammed on some toxins in the water. Like I said the stones were tested and found to be near such extreme energy that it was impossible they were of earth origin. Nothing on earth can produce such energy. The stones disappeared and were never found agian. And no I have not fallen to any sales pitch. I have not baught any book. You have no need StarDrive and its complete instructions are availiable free on the web. I believe people are allowed their opinions just like I am allowed mine. Also why not have a little debate in these forums. You dont have to be right all the time. Let me quote the bible.


"If two things exist, and there be one above the other, there shall be greater things above them; therefore Kolob is the greatest of all the Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, because it is nearest unto me. Now, if there be two things, one above the other, and the moon be above the earth, then it may be that a planet or a star may exist above it; and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it. Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal."


What would you make of this quote?


In my religion people who are not open minded and are stuck in pure material thinking are considered the 3rd level. The bible calls for debate, and without debate there would be no revelations. The bible states there are multiple universes not just a single universe. It also states the the universe is infinit not limited. But for people stuck in material thinking are actually ingolfed in the religion of man, not god. This is a science forum, but science is in the bible and clearly stated, so talking about religion should not be off topid here.


Where did you find that quote?


As it IS a science forum... how were those stones tested? By whom? What evidence is there of "extreme energy?" Where can I go to look at the evidence?


Obviously, religion and science are not mutually exclusive. But that doesn't make the Bible a superior scientific textbook, so you'll need more sources then that to make claims about UFO's...


Also, I've looked at the papers on that website. While the concept is tantalizing, I'm not sure I understand where this energy is coming from. He claims to be pulling energy from the same place EM force and gravity are pulled from, some aether place where energy is boundless- since those forces require energy, and they are constant, and do not require energy from the source.


But I thought those forces were mediated by virtual, massless particles, thus particles which require no energy to "produce," and their decrease in strength was simply a geometery excersize in distance.

I believe this is how real UFO's would actually work. There are limited ways of actually traveling at very fast speeds (light speed) not including wormholes because that is differnt. UFO skeptics have long speculated that something was moving inside a UFO to make it run. UFO's must be shaped as they are in order for them to reach light speeds and not get destroyed. The shape is special in that it can withstand extreme forces.


It sounds like you have now decided all of this is fact instead of theory. You are certainly entitled to this opinion but don't be offended if no one else here feels that way. As scientists, we are set in the use of scientific method which includes proof before theories are accepted as fact. I saw nothing myself at StarDesign's site that would meet he tests of scientific method. I personally think they have a long way to go because of my skeptical, scientific nature. I think this is all that Tormod was expressing as well.


This is a science forum, but science is in the bible and clearly stated, so talking about religion should not be off topid here.


I don't think anyone here said that religion is off topic. You will find numerous debates here on God vs Evolution and ID vs Evolution, etc.. While these discussions would be off topic in a thread discussing gluon plasma they are not off topic for their own threads. Browse around and take a look at the variety of discussion. I think you'll find there's plenty of topics to discuss including religion in the context of science.


There stones were called the Dropa stones. As I said I watched the show on the discovery channel but I went and did a google search on them, and will include links. I believe they were either tested by russian scientists or the chinese. After china's temporary revolution the stones just disappeared and still have not be found. You can do you own search on google if you would like. But ill include links for you to check out. Just type in "missing dropa stones china." on a google search. BTW, some information that I forgot to include is that cameras off of shuttles in space, and off of the space station have recorded massive dropa stones floating in space. With energy pulsing through the center and out. It is quite strange. A guy tried to disprove it with a convensional camera technique but the recordings were done in inferred. The bold links talks about the dropa stones seen in space.

Picture taken from--http://www.subversiveelement.com/files/dropa1.jpg


Dead body of ancient chinese person found near dropa stones, believed to be cross bread with aliens

Picture taken from--http://ancientx.com/images/al26big.jpg


















I think that should be enough links for you to get the information you require. Sorry, the links came out messed up at first I just fixed them.

I like everyone that has posted on this even though they disagree with me. Except for you Tormod. Whenever I state something that makes sense you just work your way around it with whatever you want to say or dont say anything at all. Also you asked me where I got the lot of science forums just because you wanted to prove me wrong?

We certainly mean no offense to any of your opinions, though we do require proof of any 'strange' claims/theories made (Please refer to Hypography's Frequently Asked Questions), which Tormod was simply trying to do. Also, make sure that you do not offend any of the administration or moderators when trying to prove a point. That is a big no no and you get a slap on the wrist for now, next time we may not be so forgiving.


[edit]Please place a link or credit under the images you posted. Last thing we need is angry developers saying we stole their stuff without giving some credit.[/edit]


Yes I am sorry for the lack of information. I have just provided a wealth of information about the dropa stones. I ment no disrespect to Tormod and have already said so in a private message to him. Sorry for any disrespect I may have shown. I was just hoping to hear Tormods insight to certian aspects I was writting about. And got a little upset when he did not talk about it at all. Once agian sorry for any disrespect as that was not my intensions.


PS, that quote came from Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price-Abraham 3:16-19


The first address in bold includes this facinating information...


"Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian - and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown."


Look up The Tether Incedent on google. It's possibly the most convincing piece of possible alien spacecraft video you will ever see. The Dropa stones closely resemble what is seen in space flying around. The recordings were done by NASA in inferred.


"Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian - and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown."


The original Dropa stones where found in caves with artwork dated to around 12000 BC, which is way after the Precambrian time period. As for the new finds perhaps those were found in rocks from that period of time since the region is different. Most of the information out there concerns the original stones themselves.


At one time some of the UFO buffs had published books in which something that looks very much like a modern insulator was found in simular age stone. However, I've never seen an honest study of that even though the same stone makes it into mention in Ripley's records as an interest artifact. Point being that these type of odd discovers do happen from time to time. Its hard to honestly get anything published on them simply because usually being incased in stone and time has altered them to the point its impossible to do anything outside of try to age them, determine their chemical makup, and speculate what they actually are.


Here the problems when it comes to UFO's and honest research:


1.) By even UFO buff admital the Government if it has information is seldom forthcoming on such. For decades the Government basically denied that Groom Lake existed untill News media crews photographed the place from a distance. Then after admitting the place existed they simply annexed the land around there till no one could get close. Anyone who was ever in the Military with the right connection could have told the public that place existed and what was kept and tested there. Try the first test flights of crafts like the Stealth fighters, the SR-71, etc. Its a Military test sight for experimental aircraft. How that place ever got the legend of being the site of the so-called hanger 18 is rather apperant. Its a top secret base, hidden away in the desert and tended to make sence to some people who did not know the history of the place.


If Roswell was the sight of some crashed UFO then that crash took place way before Groom Lake was ever built or thought about. At that time period Wright Patterson was the research base. So we have a real problem when it comes to information sources and the stories that abound out there.


2.) If UFO's are real(I'm not saying they are not either) then we have a problem on how they get from where ever they come from to here in the first place. Whatever they use is way beyond anything we have and I doub't we'd be very good at figureing out their methods of propulsion without something akin to a major lesson from them to begin with. Though if they are real I'd love to have a shot at doing just that.


3.) Without funding to do such research its hard for any honest scientific group to do such.


I could tell you a couple of things I personally witnessed while working for the DoD at one time. Real cases that made me open to the subject. But I also cannot think of a scientific way to explain how those things managed to move outside of perhaps gravity control of some type and possibly interdimensional travel which are both given our tech speculation at best based upon pure theory. Is there something to some of those reports? Yes, I'd be denying the truth if I said no. Something of an unknown nature on occasions has been tracked on Radar performing feats our best jets only dream of. Something of an unknown nature has been witnessed by honest people before and tracked on radar at the same time. What they are, where they come from is anyone's guess. There might even be a natural explination for such. Maybe someday we will know, maybe not. Only time will tell.

BTW, some information that I forgot to include is that cameras off of shuttles in space, and off of the space station have recorded massive dropa stones floating in space.


i would love to see some evidence of this...that is extremely intrigueing. after reviewing this thread this just seems like a bunch of hoax's believed by some.


Look up The Tether Incedent on google. It's possibly the most convincing piece of possible alien spacecraft video you will ever see. The Dropa stones closely resemble what is seen in space flying around. The recordings were done by NASA in inferred.


I already posted that information clearly. I guess you have a reading problem or something. You might want to get that checked out man.


Looks like a gong? Geee thats nice. Does this look like a gong also? A gong made out of stone? If your trying to prove something here. I suggest you actually read the threads, which you must not be doing if you didnt see the information above. Wow man your worse than Tormod... I am done with these forums now. As there is nothing anyone of you can actually teach me. Paul I would like to say that you are the only one with actually good posts on this thread, and I thank you for that. I dont have time for narrow minded morons(not including paul, and im sure other people on these forums) If im getting banned it is not a big deal to me. Considering I will never come back to these forums agian, and there are countless forums of science and related subjects. Where there is actually people who are open to unproven theories, such stuff as that.


Picture taken from--http://www.crystalinks.com/stonedisc1.jpg


whoa there buddy.

the picture you posted on the previous page resembles a gong, this one does not. forgive my lack of perspective on these stones, for this is the first time i have ever heard about them.

hey thanks for the advice though, i just made an appointment with a reading doctor, maybe he'll get me all fixed up! see ya skyline.


as you suggested i just looked up the tether incident, not inCEDent, and it showed me 4 pictures of the a dropa stone floating in space.


now, in a friendly manner, i have a friendly question.

how authentic are these pictures? to me it just looks like a really bad camera, a plank of some sort, and a "dropa stone"

look, i know almost nothing about this, but from my observations that dropa stone in the pictures of the tether incident looks totally fake. the lighting on is just cheap, and looks fake. i'm not saying it is, because i don't know..just saying that's the way it LOOKS. and why is it perfectly angled facing the camera? chances are if it was really in orbit, it would be moving around, changing angles.

skyline, if you come back and read this forum even though you said you wouldn't, nobody is against you. we are just thinking about all of this scientifically.

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