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"Howdy," or, "Hi ya'll," as some Kentuckians might say...

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Well, I suppose that I should start with my name. It's Garth. No, not like Garth Brooks, or Garth Algar, but I could go with "like Garth Jennings?". For those of you interested in such things Garth is a derivative of Gareth, which means "Gardener." I don't particularly care what I am called, though Garth is nice.


I found Hypography while searching for evidence to support an Iron core for our planet, not for me mind you, for an "expanding Earth" proponent and defender of Neal Adams that I am having a conversation with on Youtube. Once I discovered this site, my reasons for joining soon became obvious to me. I love science, the scientific method, and the completely natural universe it describes. I consider myself, as much as one can do so, to be an "amateur scientist" if there is such a thing, so this place is perfect for inspiring one such as myself to do some research and learn things.


I would say that learning is my primary interest. I love to learn, always have. Nearly every subject fascinates me, and I just can't get enough. Cosmology and related fields, Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Nanotechnology, Computer Science, Biology, and Anthropology are some of my bigger draws, though I am not apposed to study in any area.


I would say that I lack a great deal of specific knowledge in a great number, indeed, all areas of study, but I have a strong basic overview of reality as we understand it and as I have no fear of learning new and or more complicated things, I guess all I lack is the proper stimulus for me to respond to.


I would consider myself and artist, though I'm not a great painter, drawer, writer, or musician, I enjoy practicing and learning in all that I do. I am a huge Star Trek fan by the way, in case you were wondering.


I would like to thank all that have made positive contributions to this site and to the endeavors of science and progress in general. Since I consider myself an artist, and a student of reality in general, feedback is always appreciated and well received. Even if it is painful.


I look forward to many a discussion.


Thanks everyone!

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