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As I said in post 15 at




After all my years as a psychologist, using hypnosis in my practice and having clients who were neurotic (or psychotic) because of cognitive dissonance created by unreasonable religious beliefs conflicting with everyday life in rational mode... I made the broad, sweeping generalization that "all religion is mass hypnosis."


Anyone here want to argue otherwise?



hello michael always a pleasure:)


I made the broad, sweeping generalization that "all religion is mass hypnosis."

I do believe a large part of various religions do indeed, employ a form of hypnotism, but i cannot say all.Many individuals have their own personal ideology and thus religion.It can be comprised of many things, not with standing a formal religious text or concept.I imagine some individuals may perform a type of self hypnosis on themselves to further their belief, but to assume all, is not warranted.Life experiences and concepts borrowed are adapted to this ideology through suggestion.i do not equate suggestion with hypnotism.Suggestion can be utilized in a hypnotic state, but here i am only referring to the ability to embrace a concept. Okay, Michael, your counter argument;)

hello michael always a pleasure:)



I do believe a large part of various religions do indeed, employ a form of hypnotism, but i cannot say all.Many individuals have their own personal ideology and thus religion.It can be comprised of many things, not with standing a formal religious text or concept.I imagine some individuals may perform a type of self hypnosis on themselves to further their belief, but to assume all, is not warranted.Life experiences and concepts borrowed are adapted to this ideology through suggestion.i do not equate suggestion with hypnotism.Suggestion can be utilized in a hypnotic state, but here i am only referring to the ability to embrace a concept. Okay, Michael, your counter argument;)


I distinguish between belief and knowing (gnosis.)

When one says "I believe in God," it is fair to ask what brought the believer to that belief. No matter whether it is the church or reading whatever "scriptures" or belief systems on one's own or developing one's own belief system, all of the above are processes of "programing" the bio-computer (cognitively, affectively, and sometimes physically)... which is a functional definition of hypnosis.

(The "suggested belief" becomes "true for me" as in hypnosis.)


On the other hand gnosis does not depend on belief. In fact gnosis requires a suspension or permanent transcendence of all belief, all bio-programing. This is "de-programing" and in gnosis that includes the the "self identity program"... the basics of which I have already shared as the "This is who I am..." litany.


Ok? Hope this clarifies what I mean.


Your basing of your faith on your research which is non-scientific i must say, is an act of hypnosis itself. :)

I disavow "faith." Gnosis is knowing by resonance-in-identity, the "part" or individual with the whole, consciousness itself as the one identity/consciousness in all parts.

Look up "epiphany" for another definition of the above.

This is not presented as science (this is the theology section) and this kind of direct, immediate experience is not "research" any more than ones direct perception of the computer screen is research, but both are direct perception not requiring faith or belief, except that you can trust your eyes to be seeing the "real object," computer screen. (Many here are subjective idealists and do not trust their eyes to be seeing "real objects," but I am not one of them."


If you are interested in the research my family has done in the

paranormal field, check out my Transpersonal Psychology thread.



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