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Combat boot s are for sissies! The ladies (we gots a couple) at work wear steel toes...now dat's a real man's woman! molten steel by day smokin' sheets at night:evil:


well my combat boots are dress boots ya know, but i must admit i am partial to a steel toe;)

Combat boot s are for sissies! The ladies (we gots a couple) at work wear steel toes...now dat's a real man's woman! molten steel by day smokin' sheets at night:evil:


Uh huh so do you have first hand knowledge of the sexual prowess of these ladies or are you using your SPD? (Sexual Prowess Detector!)


while the purpose of this thread was to poke a little fun at observances, i am infact, surprised at the lack of posting the attributes of the female minded mind of which there are many.I am wondering if anyone really takes the time to even contemplate the differences in thought that drives the action.Is it just easier to overlook the idiosyncrasies in our interactions that often cause confusion and misunderstanding and lead to argument, strife and anger? Is the world thought really so flat that we simply look at the surface and fail to see the well roundedness of what drives the mind?

or has life, thought and action been reduced to a life of shoe shopping and watching football and drinking beer?

while the purpose of this thread was to poke a little fun at observances, i am infact, surprised at the lack of posting the attributes of the female minded mind of which there are many....
Hey! Wait a minute!


I didn't say much because (1) the thread had the air of a personal conversation among three folks; (2) there was no initial "question" or invitation for general observations. I thought the whole thing on "shoes" was honest, right-on, and complete.


But if you ARE asking for female observations, then I do have one: pronounitis.


Although there are a few adult males who suffer from this, pronounitis is by and large a female affliction. It is the unconscious over-use of the words, it, them, those, he, she, they, we, her, his, their, there, and thing (the honorary pronoun) to the extent that without a written guide, or a diagram on a white board, understanding becomes impossible.


My sweet, darling, and much beloved wife, Gwen, has a bad case of pronounitis.


"Oh, Nelson, guess what? She found it!"

--She? Who she?

"You know, the woman who lives over there [points toward corner of living room] that I met last weekend who was looking for the thing she got from her mother, only it wasn't there?"

--Woman? Does she have a name?

"Nelson! [rolls eyes] I told you about it, remember? They were supposed to get it to her only the other they forgot to bring it and she couldn't find it? Well, she found it!"

--Well, uh... that's great, honey. I'm glad the woman you met found the... uh, thing.

"Not her, you dummy! Her mother found it!"

--And this thing. What was it exactly?

"Don't you ever listen?! ..."


Oddly enough, two women, both suffering from pronounitis, can carry on lengthy conversations with each other, and neither of them ever appear to get "lost". I think it has something to do with the hand gestures and voice inflections. I dunno.


Please feel free to disagree, challenge, question or add to this thought.

you are right pyro, i should have reduced this to

disagree, challenge, question, add;)

to comment of your exchange, gwen is certainly vague and i would be as lost as you.Chances are, there was fluff from the onset and the meaning got lost in the translation.


Oddly enough, two women, both suffering from pronounitis, can carry on lengthy conversations with each other, and neither of them ever appear to get "lost". I think it has something to do with the hand gestures and voice inflections. I dunno

Hmmmn interesting.... I find myself using inflection and gestures in said conversations, but it is in response to frustration. What i find helpful is this~

after a paragraph has been spoken, i interject.Now that might be construed as interrupt, but i have to call for clarification.I state what i have absorbed and verify that it was correct.At this point, any and all misconceptions are up front.Now mind you it is no easy task, to listen and filter at the same time, so oft, i am wrong. I imagine the more, i develop this technique, the better served i will be at comprehension

  • 1 month later...

How very interesting, thank you for the insights. I'm not sure though that our Mayor would be terribly attracted to ladies wearing ex army boots, mini skirts and exposed bosoms, then riding riding motor bicycles ! So unbecoming, so unfeminine, not chic at all. May I recommend Baroness Stafford's excellent book on etiquette and Mrs Beaton on house-hold management, as for sports a little tennis some croquet ( not to much as it excites). Driving unveiled is bad for the complexion, beer never never !!!!

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