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Moderation Note: this post has been moved from 14313 as it is mostly an issue of user feedback and can garner appropriate replies in this forum.


Hello. I forgot all about this place. 3 months ago I was apparently on this group long enough to post 21 times. I stopped posting here and moved on when someone named Turtle threatened that I would be booted if I didn't do things his way (as I remember it). Once the "We can boot you" card is played, it's all over. Apparently Turtle is a big shot or the OWNER of HYPOGRAPHY and I don't mess around with big shots, especially science big shots. But it's not a problem, once I'm threatened with booting, I just leave. Whoever is left can jack-off by themselves. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to un-register and so I continue to get occasional notices about activities here.


Hi Majeston. Nice to "see" you again. How's the discussion going with the science guys? I found a nice forum called "TOL" or "Theology Online." It's quite a robust place and I have seen no sign of moderator heavy-handedness or arrogance there. They apparently actually WANT members and a diversity of opinion. I see where Moontanman below doesn't actually deal with what you wrote, Majeston, he seems to have gone off on another tangent. Turtle, are you here? Could you please follow through with your threat to boot me? Either that, or apologize for making the threat and promise me that you will never do it again. And if you are not really the OWNER or CHIEF MODERATOR but you just act as if you are, could you direct me to someone who is? I would like to talk to them. I would appreciate it as I can't see any way to unsub or unregister and I can't stay on any group where the "We can boot you" threat is used. Here is a copy of your threat to me and my reply, from sometime back in June:


Re: Urantia Book - Who Could've Hoaxed This?


Originally Posted by Turtle


Turtle wrote:

If your aim is to simply rattle everyone's cage 'til you get the boot, that accomodation is available.


And I replied:

Ok. Take care.



I never have been able to figure out why people go to so much trouble to start a forum like this, and then threaten to boot people who join up. I suppose every clique wants to control it's membership.


Take care.


Norm. email me at: <[email protected]>



Hey Majeston, how's it going? The reason you haven't seen that is due to that river in Egypt. The idea that the book of urantia contains scientific information is implicit in the texts, haven't you read them? Everyone who has supported the book of urantia has at one time or another tried to point out the scientific accuracy of your religions holy text, with total failure, but none the less they have pushed that view point. There is no other reason to think the book of urantia is anymore than the musings of just another scam artist trying to start yet another religion if you take away the sciencie parts of it.

Hey Norm good to see you, evidently you sail the river in Egypt as well. My answer to Magiston was more than realistic and I think Reason had the time to point it out in detail. What do you have to ask? Or are you here just to tweak noses? I've been to the religious forums, as soon as you disagree they boot you, at least here you can disagree and even get kudos for it if you can back up your stuff, can you back up your stuff Norm? Hey Turtle, where did you buy the power to boot people, can I have some too?!!


Good grief!


remove your notifications - go to your CP, click view all subscribed threads, click on the box next to notifications (this will select all threads on the page), scroll to the bottom where there will be a box that says "selected threads", click the arrow, select "delete subscription".

...unfortunately there seems to be no way to un-register and so I continue to get occasional notices about activities here. ...


correct; you can't "un-register". you can however stop notifications. in the upper left on the blue bar click "User CP". scroll down & click "Edit Options". scroll down to "Messaging & Notification" and un-check the boxes. scroll down & click "Save".


ps i fixed that speeling heir. ;) :P


I deem it very important that we treat each other with respect.We could all use a refresher look on the rules here at Hypography.This forum is for debate and learning and not for ridicule or slander against members.

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