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Concentration calculation: comparing gas phase and liquid phase??

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I have a calibration curve for methyl salicylate (MeS) from Gas Chromatography (GC).

Calibration curve point taken into account are 1ppm , 10ppm, 100ppm vs. respective area from GC .

I am trying to bubble MeS gas into impinger in known solution at known amount of quantity.

From this solution I can get area from GC.

Question is how I can calculate concentration of MeS bubbled in impinger.

Points to be noted:

1) MeS used for calibration is in liquid state

2) Concentration of MeS stream to be calculated is in vapor phase

3) Molecular weight of MeS i 152.1494 g/mol

4) Same solution used as a solvent for preparing calibration curve and solvent in impinge

Things I can’t Do: Considering weight of impinge before and after bubbling (too many removable parts )

Some Reference:

1ppm = 0.001gm/Lit = 1mg/L

10ppm = 0.01gm/Lit = 10mg/L

100ppm = 0.1gm/Lit = 100mg/L

Below conversion useful if quantity is in gases state

The conversion equation is based on 25 ºC and 1 atmosphere:

X ppm = (Y mg/m3)(24.45)/(molecular weight)

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