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Does masturbation decrease metabolism/cause the division of fatty tissue to increase?

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I am well aware that chronic masturbation causes exhaustion, impotence and a poor performance athletically for me in particular, but when I masturbate chronically, something else happens, I become violent, depressed AND I get a mean sweet tooth along with a bad case of the munchies the next morning, I am so hungry and tired and exhausted and mentally effected that I become violent and my grades decline whenever I go on a masturbation bendge.


I know masturbation causes all of the above except a constant strong compulsive urge to eat the sweetest foods I can find until my stomach can't hold anymore, and I'm still hungry.


I'm addicted to ejaculation and my doctors say it's healthy and normal, I know that if they saw how much I did it, or if they'd listen to me when I say I do it more than usual, they would reconsider if they had any right to be a doctor what-so-ever, but my parents and my doctors don't stop it.


Whats worse is that in order to compensate for a lack of sexual potency due to constant ejaculation, I have once in a great while surfed the web for pornography of an obsene and perverted nature just to think about something new, it's a terrible thing. And perhaps the most severe of my chronic symptoms is that I'm not innocent anymore, I've seen and done things so deragatory that I can't help but peek into the obsene acts that can be performed in sex whenever I'm stimulated in any emotional way.


Hmmm, and I thought it was just hairy palms, I honestly do not think you can really connect masturbation to any of those things. Your own idea of the connection between masturbation and these things is anecdotal at best and possibly brought about by feelings of guilt often associated with masturbation usually rooted in religion. It honestly sounds like you are depressed and need to see a doctor to have what is really wrong sorted out. Self diagnosis is always a bad idea even for Doctors.

Hmmm, and I thought it was just hairy palms, I honestly do not think you can really connect masturbation to any of those things. Your own idea of the connection between masturbation and these things is anecdotal at best and possibly brought about by feelings of guilt often associated with masturbation usually rooted in religion. It honestly sounds like you are depressed and need to see a doctor to have what is really wrong sorted out. Self diagnosis is always a bad idea even for Doctors.


You can't be so ubtose? If it weren't for my aquiring knowledge of masturbation as a child, or if it weren't for masturbation period, then I would not even dream of forcing my body to feel pleasures by discovering unhealthy, perverted or obsene sexual acts, I have been charged for sexual harrassment for doing something I thought was justified at the time, I wouldn't dare mention the types of pornography I have fornicated to on public forums, because it's sick and humiliating. If I weren't masturbating at the time, I would never dream of fornicating to the sort.


Guardamorg, I am not qualified to diagnose you, I doubt anyone here is either. If masturbation caused any of the things you described I'd have cornered the market on them by the time I was 12. Trust me when I say you are not the first young man to masturbate incessantly nor almost certainly doing it any more than most. Most simply do not admit to it. You cannot damage your self by masturbation, it's a self limiting behavior. Please see a mental health professional to see if you have a real problem with depression. That is honestly the best advise I can give.


hey gardamorg,

although i am not a doctor, your post reminded me of obsessive compulsive disorder. From Wiki


Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). The symptoms of this anxiety disorder range from repetitive hand-washing and extensive hoarding to preoccupation with sexual, religious, or aggressive impulses. These symptoms can be alienating and time-consuming, and often cause severe emotional and economic loss. Although the acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and come across to others as psychotic, OCD sufferers often recognize their thoughts and subsequent actions as irrational, and they may become further distressed by this realization.

Obsessive–compulsive disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Take some time to research this area and speak with a professional accordingly. Be kind to yourself, this is not life and death. We all go through many stages of growth in our lives and experience things that may not seem the norm to others. We are all different and unique and special:)


Instincts uses carrots on the string, to help lead to their final end. Food subjectively tastes good, which is the carrot, to lead us to eat. When the impulse to eat is present, the carrot appears, which makes us savor how good it will be to eat, with higher hunger impulse making more carrots look better to us. If you are starving anything will look good. If barely hungry only a few carrots look good enough.


One can also use the carrot on the string, as its own loop, even when there is no instinctive or natural impulse to eat. Essentially, one loops at the level of the pleasure of eating or carrot on the string, and can eat just for pleasure, even without any instinctive need. This can lead to getting overweight. The end if not connected to the bio-chemisty of the body, but the pleasure loop, with a loop not really having a definitive end.


Sexuality also uses a carrot on the string, which is the pleasure. If we waited for the natural impulse, the natural carrot appears. But like eating, one can also loop at the level of the carrot on the string, even when the instinctive impulse is not active. This can lead to something analogous to sexual obesity, because it is detached from the natural appetites and shut off, but focused at the carrot on the string, loop.


If you look at natural hunger, once the need is satisfied, the carrot goes away, placing a limit on the action. Once you are full, the chocolate cake is not as tasty, as it was when the hunger was greater. But at the level of a carrot on the string loop, the more we reinforce it, with willpower, the loop can become renegade and detached from the instinctive loop, which is designed to shut down when certain biochemical triggers are activated.


It is like shutting off a computer program. It should shut down, but sometimes it will hang. If it does that, it can set up a wall that prevents access to other aspects of the computer, which normally come next. The potential goes into the loop, with higher detachment from the natural operating system creating higher potential. We may have to force shut down the process, using a ctrl, alt delete, to view the process that is hanging up. .


Relative to Gardamorg, there is both a sexual and hunger connections to the behavior. This indicates two carrots on the string loops at the same time, explaining the overlapping effect. There are two processes hanging within loops, with hunger the inside loop that becomes obvious when the outer sex loop has lost potential through masturbation. But the inner loop stays on and reactivate the outer loop. Maybe a hunger suppressant can shut of the inner loop, so the two loops are able to detach into two separate effects.


You have 'Presbyterian pud pullers syndrome'.


Symptoms - guilt, shame, embarressment, belief in your own wretchedness and unworthiness...


Entirely religious. Entirely normal unfortunately.


To switch from entirely healthy masturbation to playing with the devils stick shift only requires religious programming. To live a life of your own design without fairy tales ruling your thoughts you need to realise the truth of the world - God does not and never did exist.


Religion is fraudulent crime, masturbation is fun.

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