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The psychology and sociology of the International Global Warming Debate

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i guess idiocy is not the exclusive purview of the US as you thought. too bad pearson didn't conduct his experiment in the bush during your fire outbreak rather than in his kitchen. maybe you can write him and suggest he use his kitchen, methane, and a match to unequivocally show that methane is no greenhouse gas either. :lol: no, it's not funny i know; but the alternative is just too damn depressing. good luck with all that michael.


Hi Turtle,


i guess idiocy is not the exclusive purview of the US as you thought.

The joke gets worse because the previous state government for over 10 years was turfed out 4 months ago.


I heard an American professor on ABC Radio National a few months ago and he had made a study of Australia's power generating system and had some very interesting figures. In the 12 years since our National Electricity Market (NEM) was introduced we now get 45 percent, on average, of our power from other states and lose 65% of the electricity generated before it gets used in a states power network on average.


Our federal politicians have created a national system where distance means that a very high proportion of our generated electricity is wasted in transit and at the same time they introduced their carbon tax they reduced the rebate people get paid for excess electricity pumped back into the local network from home solar arrays from 44c to 7c per kwhr. Apparently it would become uneconomic for the long line power companies to build new assets if they were in competion with cheap local solar power installations.


It's no wonder they (the politicians and the power company bosses) gave themselves minimum 50K payrises, screwing and shearing must be bloody hard work!


The US professor was working at a Sydney university and he also commented that Israel, with a climate similar to Australia's, had made solar power mandatory on new homes over 20 years ago.


The following article titled 'Elictricity price hikes being reviewed' by Sid Maher appeared in the Australian Newspaper today.


The Council of Australian Governments has expressed concern over recent massive electricity price hikes and expects a series of reviews to be finished by the end of this year.

With a large proportion of the price increases being driven by investments in transmission networks and distribution charges, the meeting asked energy ministers to focus reviews on "achieving efficient future investment which does not result in undue price pressures on consumers and business". COAG asked its taskforce handling the issue to provide advice to it by late this year "on any additional action required to deliver a regulatory framework that promotes a competitive retail electricity market, including appropriate support for vulnerable customers, and efficient investment".

Electricity prices have risen substantially in recent years, including about 18 percent in many jurisdictions in the current financial year.

The most recent rises were driven largely by investments in poles and wires and the introduction of the carbon price.



Surely a real hard look at the problems at hand should have happened 12 years ago before using psychology and sociology to sell new taxes or the whole thing just turns out to be more political propaganda.


So how does wasting 30% of our continents generated electricity help to fix the environment?

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