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Hello hello, I'm kjf.


I'm pursuing my dream of becoming a civil engineer at UQ. (University of Queensland, Australia maaate)

Into all sorts of stuff, mainly working on my car... Nothing like a bit of mechanics in the morning eh?


I don't know if there's much else to add here?


This is an awesome community full of very knowledgeable people, and I hope to one day make the jump from "asking questions" to answering them :)



Oh sorry, I didn't catch your name. What was it?:hihi:


Well, you'll find plenty of gear heads around here :) I'm personally more into bikes, but i love talking about cars and mechanics and things like that, and there is something better then some mechanics early in the morning, applied mechanics (actually using the damn thing) :hihi:


Looking forward to your posts, and welcome to hypography, the only place you know, that you know you don't know, or at least the probability of you knowing that is pretty close to one :)

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