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Moontanman you say nobody lied to your son but all his movie heros were lying to him smoking is not cool it is not something you give a dying man it is not something you should give to anyone (like giving a rock to a drowning man).


The way of thinking I hear from mr twin is so far removed to many other ways of thinking in the world. Unfortunately it is also common. These free enterprise freaks - what's free about it? Profiting from death and calling it free enterprise is gutless pandering to corporate interests and the greed of the few outweighing everything else. Some people are too stupid to be allowed to choose.


Freeztar, yes, scare campaigns don't work. Adding up benefits doesn't work either.


I think Alan Carr hit it on the head. The whole smoking thing is a giant crock - brainwashing - and the actual addiction becomes significant due to our programming - that dying man sucking on a cigarette his best friend gives him is a powerful and oft repeated scene - we are presented with smoking as some sort of special thing that imparts us with the ability to face even death - but the reality is the only real payoff is the scraching of a mild physical itch caused by the cigarettes themselves.


The brainwashing is the real fight. Every little pang becomes a means for your mind to start talking crap to itself. Years of brainwashing have their power. Look at the ways fundamentals religious indoctrination can see young people discard their lives for an ideal, why wouldn't billions and billions in funds spread over decades and decades of programming product placement and advertising have some mental power over the general populace.


Most crimes against humanity are dwarfed by comparison with the tobacco giants and the govts and industries they sleep with. They poison a large percentage of our population for financial gain while inundating and overloading our health systems worldwide. Ordinary folks we all love just like you and yours die prematurely of horrible indignities and the trade continues.


Free enterprise. Jerks.:naughty:


You still miss several key points.


1. making anything illegal increases crime rates.

Not only those related to the production and use of the product....but those related to feeding the addicts habits such as burglary, muggings, armed robbery, etc.


2. Making things illegal makes kids want to try it even more and increases the "COOL FACTOR" which draws in even more.


3. making anything illegal creates a market where the safety and quality of the product take a back seat to profits....granted cigarettes aren't safe to begin with but how about after the tobacco is "cut" with tomato and niteshade leaves, plants closely related to tobacco but poisonous (yes the leaves and stalks of tomatoes are toxic). dried these plants are strikingly similar to tobacco in appearance, taste and smell but contain a substantial amount of atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine


4.Trading freedoms for protections from one's own stupidity creates a slippery slope on which the Govt. deciding it's people are too stupid to exercise basic common sense makes additional laws stripping away even more freedoms to protect us from ourselves.


5.Shorter life spans are good for the economy and the environment.


6. Several billion years of natural selection can't be wrong.....perhaps it's best we stop trying to prevent nature from taking it's course.

4.Trading freedoms for protections from one's own stupidity creates a slippery slope on which the Govt. deciding it's people are too stupid to exercise basic common sense makes additional laws stripping away even more freedoms to protect us from ourselves.

Electric stimulation therapy can be very effective in the treatment of joint aches and pains, where you basically tape conductive pads to your body and run a current across them. Some people find this even pleasurable. Yet, you do not find lethal electric chairs of the Ol' Sparky variety available for sale over the counter.


Dd's twin, you are so far moved from reality, where is it you hang out to hear such tripe voiced as reason.


Making anything illegal increases crime rates - well duh! Mate, what are you saying, if rape was legalised we could lower crime? WTF?


Make things illegal kids want to try it even more - hmm, didn't raise the homosexuality rate. In fact, I'm sure there's more than ever here now it is legal and less people are haters. Good on them, everyone deserves love (except me, dd's vacuous twin has pointed out what a %$$@#% and #$^^& and #$^%^& I am).


Anything illegal and quality suffers - Go have a rushed through highly profitable and completely unneccessary swine flu jab or two and tell me about how quality it was. Go check out the $2 shop for legal quality. Ill informed nonsense once again. You say the buyer has the choice, so what is the point of this point?


4. "Trading freedoms for protections from one's own stupidity" - you must be industry, only they talk such two faced garbage trying to make a consumer feel bad and calling him stupid for thinking they shouldn't sell poison.


As for 5 and 6, is this your attempts at humour?


You appear to have a very limited intellect, it is quite common, I think I'll go talk to my plants.


Pardon me while I light up to reduce my stress after reading the slanderous discourse in this thread. Thank you. :shrug:

Yeah, I hate smoking, been addicted for many moons now. Those times when I have quit were rather short lived, however, that did not give me the right to be abusive towards others while experiencing my anxiety.

4. "Trading freedoms for protections from one's own stupidity" - you must be industry, only they talk such two faced garbage trying to make a consumer feel bad and calling him stupid for thinking they shouldn't sell poison.
Nope just a lowly steel fabricator....and were it not for persons like yourself with the lack of common sense or the ability to take responsibility for their own actions this discussion would not even be happening.... you cant quit smoking.....you believe it to be "big tobaccos fault" that you started and now "can't quit".....in spite of the fact that no one forced you to start though I bet there were responsible adults that tried to stop you and that millions quit every year and a lot of us even manage stay off tobacco....A lack of will power and a desire not to be the one to blame for a problem you created for yourself does not make you right just pathetic.


Quit looking for excuses and take responsibility for yourself and your own actions....or in other words Quit getting a life and get a life already.


Making anything illegal increases crime rates - well duh! Mate, what are you saying, if rape was legalised we could lower crime? WTF?
You're a "skimmer" aren't you? there was a lot more there that you "conveniently" overlooked.


I'll finish this when I'm sporting a cooler head

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