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Why asymptotic freedom and gluon behave the way they do.

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Why asymptotic freedom and gluon behave the way they do



Attraction is weaker when quarks are closer to one another, called asymptotic freedom, and attraction is stronger when quarks are farther from one another due to gluon.


Asymptotic freedom is like the center of earth where even heavy iron floats because there is no gravity. And gluon is like the gravity at surface of earth which is the strongest attraction. But at sub-atomic level, the compact nucleus, the proportion of strength/attraction, though at short distance, is enormous, call it strong nuclear force.


Inside the confinement (and outside) of proton, the quarks have three colors, UUD, have positive and negative property or colored UD meson. Like bar magnet which has positive and negative, the farthest at both ends of the bar is the strongest force, the nearest at the middle of the bar is the weakest, neutral…like asymptotic freedom. Note that when quarks are closest to one another, they phase out (become white), just like in the middle of magnet bar, just like in the center of earth.


The positive and negative, colors of quarks, are indivisible and indestructible, no matter how smaller, and smaller the particles are subdivided to sub-sub-particles, because positive and negative property is inherent in all matters, all particles. They are intrinsically one. But because it is in the sub-stratum confinement of proton, quarks behave like elastic. When quarks are constricted closer into one, and colored white, asymptotic freedom, when quarks are stretched farther to one another, it is like stretching a bar magnet, stretching, making longer positive side and negative side, thus stronger attraction (gluon)..Gluon is actually inseparable, indestructible colors of quarks, because gluon is part of quarks, is positive and negative joint of one another quarks.


Cut and cut a bar magnet, and always the smaller cut has positive and negative. Such is the behavior of the Law of Opposite that operates and governs even the sub-strata of fundamental particles. If quarks are sub-divided, always there is positive and negative in the subdivided. Even in state of plasma, where quarks are sub-divided into subtler fundamental particles, the positive and negative cannot be separated nor destroyed. Why because both are intrinsically one.








Sam, please be more careful with your wording.


jsaldea12, what exactly was the aim behind posting that in the intro thread, are you trying to prove something, are you trying to be informative, are you trying to intimidate someone, i'm just trying to figure you out... Just that generally you'd hope to see something in the format similar to "Hello, my name is [blank], i'm a student at [blank], i like [blank], [blank] and [blank]", and i think that you'll agree that your post, no matter how we twist it, could fit into that. What's up, what's on your mind?

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