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According to MWI or Parallel Universe or Multiverse , all possible alternative events are to be played out.

Assuming if MWI is correct can it be possible that in some other Universe god exists considering the fact that all alternatives should occur.

It opens a box of possibilities like all the animated character in "Avatar" , Terminator movie Alien movie etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc , exist in some other Universe??


Who's to say they don't exist in ours?


Come on. Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean, am I tough, organized? I can't even balance my checkbook! ;)



and in what form do you envisioned god exists in other universes?


in this world, god believed to exists in the form of spirit. spirit is the word we use to name something not known and yet the effect is felt. just like the wind. generally speaking, the cause of something.


so if there are multi universes, the aggroupation of this many worlds, if they are in some way also interconnected would constitute as "THE UNIVERSE" . then existence in general would have to be attributed to a cause again. and most likely, the idea of god would still be there for sentient beings.




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