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At school we learned, it was hormon cycle, but I doubted, and thought : is it not women fightng among them, and hurting the vaginas of others with objects until they bleed ?

At school we learned, it was hormon cycle, but I doubted, and thought : is it not women fightng among them, and hurting the vaginas of others with objects until they bleed ?


I'm pretty sure you should stick with what you learned in school.


Yeah right, and strangely these fights happen exactly once every month (or all the time, but have the climax(=start bleeding) always exactly in a 4 weeks timespan)...


Speaking as an admin of these forums:

What do you want to achieve with this post? I mean do you intend a serious discussion about your new theory? If yes, then please make it sound serious, because now it comes over as (I emphasize "comes over as", I acknowledge that it could be due to foreign language for example) completely childish and out of place, otherwise it will be moved to silly claims or deleted. If you are wondering for example why it is the hormon cycle and not anything else like your thought and how we can know it, then you are welcome to ask this in this medical science forum.


Yes, how can we prove that it's only internal chemicals, and that no physical action are involved..


That's right I put here something childish, cause in fact, in real life we most of the time are alone.


And why is the cycle around a month.

Yes, how can we prove that it's only internal chemicals, and that no physical action are involved..


Since you're the one making up this assertion about physical damage then the burden is on you to prove why it is that as opposed to a natural physical process. It is clear that you are completely ignorant of this biological reproductive mechanism, so why don't you research it instead of just placing some ridiculous unsubstantiated claim in this forum.


Here's a link: Menstruation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



That's right I put here something childish, cause in fact, in real life we most of the time are alone.


This statement doesn't make any sense. Please try and be a bit more discretionary about what you post.

Yes, how can we prove that it's only internal chemicals, and that no physical action are involved.... And why is the cycle around a month.

We don't really need to prove anything.

It has already been proven over and over again for thousands of years.

This proof is well understood by young women and their mothers.

Your idea that some "physical action" (violence) may be involved sounds like a fantasy dreamed up by a young boy who never had a sister or a girlfriend.

The cycle is a month long because the Moon takes 28 days to go through a lunar cycle.

That's not a joke.


Some people speak of a climax in life, but it's not in time, it's in space : not too far from to keep an eye, but not too near, because of the smell, and of the dangers of hitting.


A23, I don't know where you're going with this, and I don't care.

Please cease and desist.

We do not want a thread on the subject of child mutilation.

I request ADMIN close this thread.

It seems, couples have such a violence, psychically and physcally.<(we see in the street the ads)


This makes no sense, what ads are you talking about?


More globally, could we say that the mechanism of internal fecondation, like in mammals, is bad noted, due to the contact violence, compared to fishes, where eggs are feconded outside the body of the female ? No measure of this can be found.


Again, this makes no sense.


Internal fecondation is weak compared to the other, just need to keep the male and female separated, and all those species will die.


Evidently something is being lost in translation or you are totally inexperienced or maybe you are just jerking this forum around. i suggest you get this translated by someone who speaks and reads English. So far you make no sense what so ever. You sound like you are spouting gibberish like one of the spam bots that just key on certain words.



If indeed this is just a translation problem then get back to us after you get someone to explain to you in your native language why this stuff makes no sense. Sadly I only speak English so I can't help you.


What is interesting to me, is the connection to the 28 day moon cycle. If we assume, the effect is genetic, what are the odds that the DNA randomly ends up with gene for the same cycle as the moon cycle, and stays close? Is this an environmental cause and effect, with the genetics the effect? T


Although menstruation uses the 28 day moon cycle, it can cycle anywhere during an actual moon cycle. Some woman will start any time of the month. This observation factors out gravity as the cause, since if it was gravity, wouldn't all women sort of synchronize to the gravity=>DNA. What is left is the mind and the sensory systems. This suggests the cause and effect is connected to the human brain engage the genetics.


Women who are close can begin to synchronize the days of their cycles, but will still remain at the lunar cycle. If the primal women had all been close to a moon goddess (so to speak; mythology for commonality), maybe human female DNA acquired the lunar 28 days. Is there data, when 28 days was added the human female genetics?


A23, I can help you of it is really a language-thing, je parle 3 der 4 Sprachen della Svizzera ;-). Just send me a pm in case.


Pyro, let's wait to see how it develops first...

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