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[News] Fossil of Rare Armor-Plated Worm-Like Creature Discovered in Canada's Capital

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Fossil of Rare Armor-Plated Worm-Like Creature Discovered in Canada's Capital


ScienceDaily (Mar. 18, 2010) — Scientists have unearthed the remains of one of the world's rarest fossils -- in downtown Ottawa, Canada. The 450-million-year-old fossil preserves the complete skeleton of a plumulitid machaeridian, one of only 8 such specimens known. Plumulitids were annelid worms -- the group including earthworms, bristleworms and leeches, today found everywhere from the deepest sea to the soil in your yard -- and although plumulitids were small they reveal important evidence of how this major group of organisms evolved.


Fossil of rare armor-plated worm-like creature discovered in Canada's capital

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