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So M-theory predicts no less than 11 dimensions necessary for the math to balance among its equations.


(True Story)


I was looking at my bathroom cabinets today just sitting there on the toilet half asleep. Now I saw



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Now I kept looking at that and thinking how are there extra dimensions...well there are 6 sides 4 pionts. I didnt completley understand what I was thinking at the time..so I drew it on a piece of paper exactly as you see it in the picture there.


and I thought I wonder if I can re-arrange this to make 10..not even sure if I knew of what (10) I was referring to. So grabbed a note book and sketched something like this.



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Now this most likely has no significance nor any relevance to anything remotely correct..but I figured that the object shown here would cast a shadow..1 of a 3d object and 1 of a 2d object (the square inside my bathroom cabinets)..now depending on which way I look at the object At certain points I can only see the shadow of the 3d object (looking at the bottom we cant see the square in the middle) so at certain times the shadow appears to be from 3d object and at other times both 2d and 3d..


is it possible this is how the "other" inconceivable dimensions work..that we cannot see their shadow because of a certain way we look at them at a given point in time is simply out of phase?

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