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I am trying to find the best (safest) method to move a hydrogen oxygen (2:1) mixture through a distance of 5 ft or so. I need to find out what conditions can adversely affect the contained mixture without scale testing. The volumes will be in the .5 to 2.5 liter range and will be un-pressurized. I plan to integrate blow out features in the delivery system in order to counteract potential failure. Any suggestions?


Talk with Matheson or Liquid Carbonic, etc. You will need in-line flash arrestors and blowout valves. Great care must be taken to avoid catalytic species and static sparking (tribocharging) in the line and its fittings. Can't you get by with separate gas delivery plus a static mixer array at the end?


Take three child's small balloons, a long stick with a candle at the end, and ballistic earmuffs. Inflate the first balloon with hydrogen, tether, and ignite from a distance. Whoomp! No big deal.


Half inflate the second balloon with hydrogen, inflate the rest with your breath, tether, and ignite from a distance. WHAMMO! That's impressive.


Half inflate the third balloon with hydrogen, inflate the rest with oxygen, tether, and ignite from a distance. KA-BLOODY-BOOM! Your ears will ring through the ballistic ear muffs. Stuff will fall down from the ceiling. Do that in metal and you are riddled with shrapnel.


Well then. I suppose the system will need to deliver the gasses separately. Although this makes things a bit more complicated, it does not need to include a mixer. Mixing can be accomplished within the primary (beneficiary)system.

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