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Maybe it would be nice to start a forum here about Linux and open source software? We could also put up a news section on the topic.


I am asking out of personal interest since I have finally got SuSE linux 9.2 up and running on my home PC and although I will be dual-booting for a long while yet I realize I have caught a Linux bug and it would be nice to follow it up with a separate forum.


It would be a nice addition to our forum and also perhaps a good reason to start reorganizing our forum structure by splitting some of the forums into multiple forums since the topics are become rather wide.


What do you folks think? Any other Linux users here apart from Alex...? :xx:

What do you folks think? Any other Linux users here apart from Alex...? :xx:

My usual linux box is awaiting another hard drive at the moment so I'm running knoppix on my windoze box whenever I need Linux for the time being. Normally I try to keep one or two of my boxes running one distro or another. I don't know how much I would use a forum though. Once in a while, if I encounter a question I can't find the answer to in one of the how-tos, I just post it to one of the LUGs.


Well, so far i know that aside from myself, Irish, Nemo, Killean and Uncle Al, all use Linux to some extent (Irish (and Nemo) most of the time the time, Killean started a Slack box, and Unle is a pretty heavy linux user)

I'm a "windoze" user myself.


Sorry alex!

You dont have to be sorry, Dark, however the fact that you have not yet been converted to Linux is sad, as long as you at least realize that there is something out there that is a lot better than windows and that there is an environment out there that offers you true freedom, something that is as beautiful as the crisp chill before the sunrise on a very hot day, the nature after a rainstorm in the middle of the driest season the land has seen in decades, the smell of freshly ground coffee when you open up your eyes to wake up, that well-deserved A on a test that you didnt study for, the smell of fresh flowers in the mountain air after a few long months of cold winter... (ok, i think thats enough with metaphors)

I'm a "windoze" user myself.


Sorry alex!

If you'd like to try Linux download and burn a copy of Knoppix. It's a version you can run live from a cd without installing it on your computer. You'll need use a broadband connection for the download since it's around 750mb. Of the available locations I've had the best luck with this server. The latest release is KNOPPIX_V3.8.1-2005-04-08-EN.iso


but there is a problem with knoppix, so many people only boot knoppix, and never boot knoppix 2 and work without any gui, but think what that is true and real linux (you can also use fluxbox), then they get to real linux and they get all mad about not being able to do something in a gui and having to do that something through command line (even though command line is still much more versatile and powerful than any gui)...

but there is a problem with knoppix, so many people only boot knoppix, and never boot knoppix 2 and work without any gui, but think what that is true and real linux (you can also use fluxbox), then they get to real linux and they get all mad about not being able to do something in a gui and having to do that something through command line (even though command line is still much more versatile and powerful than any gui)...

Isn't it better that they try it at all as opposed to plugging along in windoze without ever trying linux. One of the things I like best about Knoppix is burning a few cds and taking them over to Best Buy or Circuit City and rebooting their demo boxes in Linux. It's fun to listen from the next aisle over as you hear things like "ooooh! ahhhh! Is this the next Windows?" from other customers checking them out :xx:


A forum dedicated to linux and open source software would be interesting to have, but don't you think our list of pro users is kind of short? The best places to get an answer would be linuxquestions.org or your distro's forum (if available), or so that's my two cents.


sorry must be that south park episode (where a big coffee shop moves into town)that was getting to me...

Heh, Tweak's father does prattle on an aweful lot doesn't he? :xx:

Isn't it better that they try it at all as opposed to plugging along in windoze without ever trying linux....
I apologize for my total ignorance on this, but does the Linux gui (how many are there?) run Windows compatible applications (notably Office and Quicken)?
I apologize for my total ignorance on this, but does the Linux gui (how many are there?) run Windows compatible applications (notably Office and Quicken)?

No! You can run Windows in a VM under linux and use those applications if you must. OpenOffice is an alternative office suite, among others, that happens to offer the same funtionality as MS Office except for MS Access. You might want to try the Windows version of OpenOffice as well. It's hundreds of dollars cheaper than MS Office since it's.......FREE :xx: To my knowledge there isn't a good financial application available for Linux yet. There are several projects being worked on to overcome this though.


BTW, there are a wide range of GUIs available under Linux. KDE is so much like Windows you won't be sure you're using Linux and Gnome offers a powerful desktop as well. There are also more than a dozen Unix GUIs that have been ported to Linux as have many research applications originally written to run on university unix boxes. For scientific work there is a whole world of free software out there that would cost 10s or 100s of thousands to get for Windows.

Well, you can actually run MS Office on Linux now. Crossover Office is supposed to help you with this. I think it costs money though:



That's one of the several projects I was referring to. It revolves around Wine (Windows emulation for those unaware) which hopes to let many windows applications run on windows. Win4lin is another.


I think it sounds like a good idea... at the moment, I'm looking for a few good open source examples -- this will probably be in Perl, but I'm open to suggestions -- of scripts that automatically make GET requests to pay per click advertising links [like the one at the top of this page]. Any suggestions?

I'm looking for a few good open source examples -- this will probably be in Perl, but I'm open to suggestions -- of scripts that automatically make GET requests to pay per click advertising links [like the one at the top of this page]. Any suggestions?

I can't think of any off of the top of my head but why would you want one. Most advertising agreements include some type of punitive clause for the use of artificial traffic. If you get caught they won't pay you for the clicks on their ads and they will ban you fom using their ad service in the future. They will also share your name with other advertisers effectively black listing you. IMO it wouldn't be worth the risk for a small number of automated clicks.

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