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well, I have always been sensitive to mutilation and gore in the movies. it depends on what it is really, the small stuff usually doesn't bother me, and I can watch rated R movies without any problems, usually. Sin City, glory, a worst case scenario Metal fabrication video we had to watch in shop, and million dollar baby are three movies that I nearly passed out on, due to some form of mutilation or another (the scene in million dollar baby was when she broke her nose and he fixed it). Lately though it has been getting progressivly worse. Now if I anticipate something bad will happen I can get kind of dizzy, and A few days ago I saw Iron Man 2 and I felt dizzy after the scene when the suit twisted 180 with the guy inside. Last year that wouldn't have happened. I have no problem with needles or anything like that, I find it interesting to watch them take my blood. I had heard that the way to 'cure' myself of this is more exposure to mutilation and gore so I try to expose myself to this stuff when it comes up and it doesn't work! Is there anyway to 'cure' myself?


Yes - you should be able to desensitize yourself to gore if you wallow in it.


But there is no reason to lower yourself to what society expects of its consumers. Movies are getting more grizzly and gore-filled exactly because they've shown too much of it in the past, and the viewers have become desensitized.


I think your little island of dizziness and disgust at movie gore might be one of the few islands of sanity and decency left out there. Don't screw it up, dude. The media's crazy, not you.


I am overly sensitive to it myself, I often wonder if it is related to my phobia of dentists...in particular the whine of the dentist's drill (I have to shut my ears and look away). I can even fell ill when seeing someone inject a needle for a blood sample (!) - even if I have no problems when I visit the doctor myself.


Gore and mutilation scenes are difficult for me. The more realistic the setting is, the more difficult I find it to handle. I think I try to sense what the afflicted character must feel. In war movies the action is sometimes so fast that you ignore it, but when it becomes the focus of attention I'm in trouble.


Splatter movies is nothing for me, not really for the splatter but for the insanely stupid plots, so I guess that's a different story.

Yes - you should be able to desensitize yourself to gore if you wallow in it.


But there is no reason to lower yourself to what society expects of its consumers. Movies are getting more grizzly and gore-filled exactly because they've shown too much of it in the past, and the viewers have become desensitized.


I think your little island of dizziness and disgust at movie gore might be one of the few islands of sanity and decency left out there. Don't screw it up, dude. The media's crazy, not you.


well it will still be disgusting to me, but the real problem I have is that I will almost pass out, become ghost white and break out in a sweat. It has happened twice in school and each time when i stood up to get water I pass out for not even a second and find myself sitting on the ground. Its even more embarrassing when I was at a friends house and the five of us were sitting around watching a movie.

I really don't like those SAW movies or other movies with that kind of killing and I have no intention of lowering myself to THAT level. I just want to be able to handle the gory scenes in movies such as the ones I listed. I figure that even movies could not desensitize me to real violence and stuff like that, and I think that is the case with many people.


Well, Theory5, all this gore has no effect on me, but this not because I am "cool" or so, but because I am able to tell myself that it is only a movie and so it just passes me by. But then I walked once past an accident (ambulance already there so nothing to do...), but I heard a guy screaming for real pain (didn't even see anything), then it is a completly different story. Believe me, no actor is good enough to make pain sound real...


So, my suggestion to you is to try to put it away as "being just a movie", if you really wanna try to get over it. But I wonder why you want that? I mean I see nothing bad in being sensitive to such things and you are not missing anything in life if you can't watch such movies ;-).


Yes - you should be able to desensitize yourself to gore if you wallow in it.

I don't know if kubrick agrees, at least in in Clockwork Orange ;-)


I gave up watching gory, bloody, mutilatious movies long ago. They made me feel sick to my stomach, and the nervous reaction (heart racing, etc.) was even worse. I make no apologies to my wife or friends when they want to watch CSI episodes where a young girl is brutally raped and killed. I just say, "this is gonna be too gory for me" and I leave the room.


I figger that my brain has only so much room for memories and feelings and experiences. Why should I waste room up there for ****?


So, my suggestion to you is to try to put it away as "being just a movie", if you really wanna try to get over it. But I wonder why you want that? I mean I see nothing bad in being sensitive to such things and you are not missing anything in life if you can't watch such movies ;-).



I don't know if kubrick agrees, at least in in Clockwork Orange ;-)


I try to tell myself its fake, usually to no effect. I tried that with the metal fabrication video, this guy got his arm ripped off by a lathe and they recreated it, you could clearly tell the arm was fake as it flapped around the lathe, but that did nothing for me. Its mainly mutalation though that does that, I watch Bones all the time and thats interesting for me.

I have similar feelings about that too, pyrotex, as I said I stay away from SAW and those other gore movies.

I just want to be able to deal with the brief scene of gore and mutalation in an otherwise gore/mutalation free movie. But I would prefer not to wallow in it.

I was reading something about how when you feel like you are going to pass out you contract all your muscles and thats supposed to get the blood flowing again.

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