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Modern Economics: Natural or Social Science?


Economics is a natural science because natural science is about the study of objects rather than subjects. Labor, land, and money, the basic elements of economics, are all commodities of modern economics (objects of commerce), i.e. humans are reified (made into objects) thus losing any consideration as subjects.


“A market economy is an economic system controlled, regulated, and directed by market prices; order in the production and distribution of goods is entrusted to this self-regulating mechanism.”


Such a system contains the following assumptions:

1) Human behavior is such as to seek maximum money gains

2) The supply of goods and services are available based on demand at market prices

3) Money, functioning as buying power, is in the hands of prospective buyers

4) Nothing beyond prices must interfere with markets

5) All incomes are supplied through markets

6) Prices, supply, and demand respond only to market forces


Production and distribution will thus depend upon market prices alone. “Self-regulation implies that all production is for sale on the market and all incomes derive from such sales.”


Under feudalism and the guild system land and labor formed a part of the social organization: the status and function of land were determined by legal and provincial rules, all questions about land were removed from any organized market of buying and selling and subjected to various institutional regulations; the same was true regarding matters of labor, the relations between journeymen and apprentice, the terms of craft, and the wages were regulated by the custom and rule of the guild and the town.


“The self-regulating market demands nothing less than the institutional separation of society into an economic and a political sphere…It might be argued that the separateness of the two spheres obtains in every type of society at all times. Such an inference, however, would be based on a fallacy…normally, the economic order is merely a function of the social order…Nineteenth-century society, in which economic activity was isolated and imputed to a distinctive economic motive, was a singular departure.”


A self-regulating market cannot exist unless society is subordinated to its requirements; a market economy can exist only in a market society.


Quotes from The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time by Karl Polanyi

  • 12 years later...

These above-mentioned theses do not answer the question Economics: Natural or Social Science? The main topic of the text is Market; A self-regulating market, market forces, market prices, market society. And what would that be "Market"? Some kind of Deity in which we believe, that is, we should, must believe? Should we then believe that the prices of work, money, goods, and services are also of divine character? If that is so, then banks, stock exchanges, casinos, insurance companies and economics faculties are also God-given institutions! Of course, then the "honest people" who work in these institutions must have God-given salaries, which these God-given people give themselves! These "honorable people" have assigned themselves "knowledge" about the market, money, credit, profit, which they selflessly share (for a "fair" price) with us - mere mortals!

But is that true? Where is the truth? A short course in political economy:
Human being is the manufacturer of products.
Each product is a combination of generic products:
Truth and Lies.
The product is a result of the process.
The production process is the creation of new products with the help of a man and existing products.
Man's role in the production process is called work.
Before of the product exist - need.
After a need, follows satisfaction.
People live from satisfying their and other people need.
Unsatisfied, envious, and malicious people are unhappy.
People exploit others' and their hurt and unhappiness.
The possibility of exploiting hurt and unhappiness encourages greed in people.
Envious, malicious and greedy people produce lies.
Control of human envy, malice and greed is called morality.
All that satisfies people we call commodity.
Commodities are acquired, used and spend by people.
Knowing the possibilities to satisfy some needs creates a desire for commodities.
The desire for commodities initiates the process of acquisition.
The acquisition can be appropriation, begging, adoption, exchange and production.
Method of acquisition divides people to robbers, beggars, students, traders and manufacturers.
Satisfaction finishes by process of the use and consumption.
All people are consumers, and additionally may be users and producers and vermin.
A fool is a man who puts personal interest ahead of the common interest.
People are mostly fools (every man is more or less a fool).
Therefore, the exchange of goods is done by cheating.
Size desire for goods is proportional to the fraud which people tolerate when exchange.
The process of legal cheating we call trade.
Traders have the privilege of cheating both buyers and producers at the same time.
The People who are the object of cheating we call market.
By successfully cheating, people gain a profit.
Profit is appropriated commodity and work.
Working capital (work value) of a market we call money.
The ability of goods to be exchanged and appropriates we call price.
Price of commodity is expressed by money.
Money is a commodity that carries its own price.
Money is a commodity, created by human labor (money = work).
Through the exchange of goods, people actually exchanging someone's work.
Profit allows people to steal each other's capital.
Existing capital is stealing in the name of future profits.
Stealing in the name of future profits is called gambling.
Legal stealing of capital takes place in casinos and on the financial markets.
Bankers have the privilege to cheat at the same time and their debtors and creditors.
Bankers marketed its debt in the form of fake money called credit.
Credit is actually fake money by which usurers and bureaucracy stealing the market and the State.
Bankers continually extract profit from the market, although they are not the owners of capital.
The real owners of banks are their debtors and creditors.
When the government falls under the influence of fools and those who live on human misfortune occurs crisis.
The crisis is a period in which in society flourishes unjust enrichment which we call profiteering.
To conceal the real cause of the crisis profiteers crisis called economic crisis.
The economic crisis does not exist, as there is no mathematical or physical or chemical crisis, especially as there is no economics as a science.
Economic science is actually a modern theology of profiteering and crisis.
Theology is knowledge, beyond science.
Every crisis is deepened and maintained by prophets, preachers, messiahs and believers.

The People who are the object of cheating we call Market! After this known truth, we can only paraphrase Marx: Modern Economics is opium for the masses. Modern Economics is not Science! Modern Economics: Natural or Social Criminal?

In addition to this mendacious, there is also a true natural economy that teaches us to use our most important resource: "man and nature" reasonably, efficiently and justly, and that is our conscience (categorical imperative).

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