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The Place of NATURE in the Hierarchy of Unique–One and Only-God(s) from the point of

Folkloric Remnants of

Eurasian People’s Sub-Consciousness


Prof. Dr. M. E. SURAT****

***The internationally official authority of Religious Music. (See please more about the author and his relevant studies in the publication –in two volumes- of II. International Counsel of Religion: Volume 2- 284/295 pages printed by the Turkish Republic Religious Affairs Department Chairmanship.






Of the Mesopotamian ,even, the Eurasian people using the term “Betrayal Goddess”!They don’t mold their beliefs in a formal or systematically designed explanation in the way of religious attitude yet both in the historical and contemporary folk songs’ librettos of theirs THE HIERARCHY OF GODS-PARADOXICALLY-IN A MONOTHEIST RELIGION is apparent!

In this sort of belief on the top something that shall live forever, and to that everything belong! His abstract name is RIGHT (HAK) when He is silent; sometimes He speaks, and when He speaks we call Him RAB as defined by Rabbis or Imams! Of the lower degrees, blue against the sky and towards the green earth we sense two-nearly-equaling- competitive POWERS: The GOD that even we look for Him in the sky, and call Him Sky-FELEK for which one can make search in GOOGLE- He is in everywhere. In the rear the dark outline of the One and Only God, Satan is sharply defined against Him yet at times the betray us both of them. When this “Only and One” God betrays mankind HER name is the SKY-the PROSTİTUDE- or FELEK! On the other side of the RELIGIOUS LIFE since there is also pure INDIVIDUAL GOD CONCEPTIONS of EVERY SIMPLE BODY, those aforesaid Eurasians have got-each one of them-one’s own GOD individually defined, and He is MEVLA-who saves our souls in emergency*!

*Emergency need must imply a defect as described in the vulgar line of Ottoman people-KAMBUR FELEK/Hunchback Deity- in the routine, and the defect is something always to be defined by means of mathematical exact formulae! Gaining the lines from Turkish Saint YUNUS EMRE-Let me call for the help of flora/DAĞLAR İLE TAŞLAR İLE ÇAĞIRAYIM MEVLAM SENİ-I’ve reached an implicitly uttered bio-mathematical rescuing formula- Handicapped Deity-FELEK in numerically breaking point: 1/k + 0,1k = l –there!

(For further more information about the author and the formulation glance at the Biological Essay tagged to the selected songs please!)





These are the actual revelations of a long time observation lover scholar-artist that reflects the living semi-hymns related to the title of the study compiled and played by the author as an artist and even written by the same person-himself- as the observing scholar.

Every title of music parts-semi-hymns-referred by the adjacent names-underlined with turbid color- in Turkish could be found in “GOOGLE” and be translated by clicking the linked box available in it.(Make first search for HAK-Right)!

Ancient Ottoman Empire People-no matter they are Sunnis or Shiites- have said in every event weird enough, ‘Whoever creates this is a whore, and we have the right to ask the reason of her* betrayal!: ‘KAHPE FELEK SANA NETTİM NEYLEDİM? ’(see in GOOGLE)

Notice: FELEK or SKY-According to the librettos alike the lowest rank functionary body of ALLAH-the daily name of GOD who shields us against sin-is SKY which gender is female here.


They have said: Those who seek the reasons of weird events should not stop seeking until they find it reiterating the refrain: ‘The God who is our parent God does something that when we find the reason of weird things’ coming to life, they will be disturbing, and when they are disturbing, we shall find them marvelous!’ It is MEVLA-the parent God of us and will rule over all in running worldly life: ‘MEVLA GÖRELİM NEYLER, NEYLERSE GÜZEL EYLER!’ (see in GOOGLE)


They have said, ‘Your reason orders to you, “Look, the (Teacher's) imperial rule is in the universe,” then the rules of the sky and earth will precede you. If it says to you, “It is in the sea,” then the rules of water will precede you. Rather, the (Teacher's) imperial rule is inside you and outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are students of the living Teacher. But

if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.’ HIS NAME IS THE RABBI OF ALL RABBIS! ‘YA RAB, KALBİMİN SAHİBİ NERDE?’ (see in GOOGLE)


*Allah’ın Kızları”na soruşturma

Yazar Nedim Gürsel’in son romanı Allah’ın Kızları’na, “halkı kin ve düşmanlığa tahrik veya aşağılama” suçundan soruşturma başlatıldı. Gürsel, “Amacım dini eleştirmek değildi, kaldı ki din eleştirilebilir de” diyor.


REF.:5th APRIL 2009


I have visited the irregular triangle between Eastern parts of Taurus Mountains-The Tigris river-Syrian Border for several years. It seemed to me-probably- after the sufferings of World War I. out of the nature of some tribes has come despair; showing an abandonment to grief that was capable to tend incredibly irrational responses even not convenient to observe from the point of religion or moral values; which could produce swearing to the holiest names in the case of a terribly uncontrollable rage; bitterness ,and not blasphemy yet swearing a lower rank God ; anguish that wept in whispering mixed with revolt that could find a strange voice; sorrow that was expressed in the tongue of aliens. They have, obviously- passed through every possible mood of suffering so that they were obliged to discover the Hierarchy of Gods putting the lowest deity to the female position in gender.

Better than The worshipper praying to the Gum-Tree (Pistacia lentiscus/Sakız Ağacı) and swearing the evil ones’ God (Allah) himself I know what he meant when he swore:

'**** your deity/Even it has the evil nature of infinity”!

But while there were times when he rejoiced in the idea that his sufferings haven’t been endless in the past, and he could discern a higher rank God-RAB he couldn’t have the chance to be if it had not been. Now he find hidden somewhere away in his happy childhood something that tells him that nothing in the whole world is absolutely bad for there are a teacher God-RAB, and he has rendered suffering to be able causing evil at the least of all bad things. RAB is something that hidden away in the cosmos, like the fertility in the field.

It is the last thing left in Turkish Folklore, and the best: the ultimate discovery at which I have arrived, the starting-point for a fresh development in recognizing the Hierarchal Positions of the Gods without infringing the “One and Only God” conception of Abraham related religions. It has come to me right out of myself, so I know that it has come at the proper time.


Now I have realized that it is in generally in Anatolian Folk Songs, I see quite clearly what I ought to do in translating the LIBRETTO OF GOD’S HIERARCHY SONGS and TO PLAY THE MELODIES TO BE RECORDED** in CDs to be listened to by the reader of this study; in fact, must do.

I am completely rich to afford it, and absolutely famous in internet world. Yet there are better things in the world than that. I am quite non-biased, candid when I say that rather than go out from this paradox inducing thought with bewilderedness in my heart having not been against the world of, I would gladly and readily share my HOLY bread with everybody.

If I got nothing common in the house of the poor I would get something at the house of the rich. Those who are philistine are often blind to the family members of their own while they show pervert attitudes; those who have little always share. I would not a bit mind standing inadvertently in my tepid room in the temple, and when dispute came on sheltering me by the serene community after the daddy prophet Abraham! Then the external things of ordinary religious life will seem to me of no importance at all.

You can see to what intensity of individualism in evaluating the power of a God which should superiority upon the God one would have recognized!

**Of course one may not know that I’m an officially accepted virtuous AANOON-Hebrew Harp of antiquity-player (look for my name in GOOGLE): capable to play aforesaid folk songs – in an utmost virtuosity- clear, and touching to play but through “YOUTUBE” could appreciate my “sermons and melody”. My supreme performance in the CD to be attached shall give way to analyze the queer folkloric excerpts of a MONOTHEIST PEOPLE narrating through their musical arts the hierarchy of GODS of which one of them they swear without shame or remorse, say, naturally!







A southeastern section of the main triangle between contemporary countries SYRİA-TURKEY-IRAQ in ancient soils of OTTOMAN EMPIRE!

In a city off a Plato- AMİK Moors in the West Part of Tigris. The bright, scourging sun may be at the zenith of the sky, throws a dazzling light on the roads. The cluster of the lonely clouds could be calm and the people go on to live in stagnant mood or in the valleys of the famous geographical places of The EURASIA! Let the landscape be whatever it might it’s time now to give living samples of the GOD’S HIERARCHY SHOWING MONOTHEIST folk songs!



From the North Part of Ararat

(Azerbaijan Archives)

It’s subtitle begins with lines: “MEVLAM BİR ÇOK DERT VERMİŞ / BERABER DERMAN VERMİŞ”, and can be found in ERZURUM BÖLGE RADIO-Turkey)


Opening on the quarters of the town, as a proof

The state's carpenter-what might be called the petty officer of

The biggest whore- the destination

Or the despot organization

On my bulwark there is also a short stairway, like a section of fire escape, Leading-actually- up to the betraying prostitute-FELEK’ s trap to rape

The top of my dream

The sketch of which can be seen and protected by MEVLAM

And by HAK: the right.

Think for a minute:

What’s in the center of female GOD’s betrayal?

Rules of Woods Elasticity* infringed by the condemned SATAN-our foe,

And it’s brainless enemy: prostitute deity-THOU!


*The reader who wish to learn something about the critical point that may be shown by the Science of Acoustics within a concise formula (The fault point of Female even Prostitute Deity-FELEK): 1/k + 0,1k = l according to the composition of WOOD-HEATH AND HUMIDITY might read (within the letter size10-12)the text below:



A Season Motivated Proposal:

Dr. MES’s Growth Law




Summary: The term Law within the title containing both mathematical analyses and botanic related concepts and formulating with the function-“Growth” must be understand in a special way that the future statements of this study should describe well defined means, and both pro and post applications of the procedures that those means are to be involved to some extent.

The purpose of this study is to offer a law of plants’ growth with the possible success in applying scientific comparisons.


Key Words

The Growth: The common term of any post-reproduction phase by means of natural or semi-synthetic intervention.

The Law of Growth specifically covering the cause and the result relation within putting weight and enlarging type progress!


.* Dr., Dr. (MD. Ph. D.) MUSTAFA ERDOGAN SURAT , Assoc & Maestro Prof. Dr.(1951)—scientist, mathematician of acoustics, author and eco-pacifist, but above all the first and only Family Health Academician of Turkey, holder of official trustee of patent rights appointed by Turkish Republic Justice Ministry—lived in Ankara during the years 1987 to 2007, some of the most important years in a person's life. He grew accomplished his post graduate studies, received his academic and administrative titles, (Lecturer, the member of academic board, chairman of the department, vice-dean, Associate Professor and lector of IEP: successively: ANADOLU Uni., ATATURK University, HACETTEPE University. NİĞDE University and Southeastern & Huron Universities was shaped as a human being in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the Turkish capital where different nationalities and cultures mixed and where inter disciplinary sciences and health service policies developed in a dynamic interaction between Western European tradition and the aspirations of the Turkish intelligentsia. Here are the roots of his international titles—the member of European Community Health Study Group, the Honorary Prince of DERBENT, the columnist of Turkish National Press Network and Judeo-Espanola Press—which made him world-famous .













a-Of the tuning bar measurement,







The structural material of the bar (in the meaning of quality of structure; i.e. what the bar is made of)

1-Dried; at least two years old, hazel nut plank. (As shown grey in color; below)

2-The pair of tensioning nails (black, conspicuous two nails over the plank)

3-One single and tensed “String”




1st apparatus: 10X15X100 (cm s)

2nd apparatus: 5mm diameter and as long as 10 cm s nail

3rd apparatus 0.8 mm diameter DUPONT T.M, one meter length nylon string




Of the Tuning Bar measurements


After tuned the string is to be controlled in order to attain 220 Hertz stably if the atmospheric conditions (in a chamber or in any standard room) are changed towards giving the result of raising temperatures, the string having been lengthened by the higher heating starts to vibrate within more values than 220 Hertz; for instance 180s!






ATTENTION: Flawing Hint:


After the humidity excesses the values betwixt &50-60, and the room temperature stands above 37-38 Celsius Degrees, the standard plank is also to lengthen as a result of lengthening by means of both higher heath degree and higher humidity. We can define this critical turning point as “heath up to 38 C, hertz down to 180” and draw up it in a formulating wrap:


Ht 38-Hz 180 S. P. (Stipulation Point)



Of the chosen plant’s growing variations


At the same place and on the same plant:


Between the 15th July and 30th August 2007 summer days period (or rather one and half month duration the new hatched green leaves of ADNATE Stipule’s growth rate (square centimeter per week) were observed and the relating surfaces of three different weeks having shown the heath and humidity dualities as shown below:

1- 37-38 Celsius top degree in shadow and %50-60 relative humidity,

2- Around 30 Celsius t. d in shadow and %50-60 r. h,

3- Around 30 Celsius t. d in shadow and around %30 r. h



After measuring and calculating the surfaces of the aforesaid plant’s average sample leaves’ surfaces by integral:


The representative of weekly group 1 has been found the largest one;

The other two are approximately share the same values from the point of view.





Dr. MES’S Growth Law


The proportion of the largeness of the largest leaf compared to the undersized leaves can be found by using the formula below: under the stipulating condition of:

Ht 38-Hz 180 S. P. (Stipulation Point)


The “k” being the co-efficient which value is above-mentioned 38;

And “l” being the times indicating largeness of the largest surface

1/k + 0,1k = l







Natural disasters opposes to each other, in order to produce between them agreeable conformities. For example global warming might turn some green creatures into the rescuers by enlargement of them. This law offered in this study might acknowledge from the highest compensatory mechanism to produce more oxygen and to consume more carbon dioxide by means of plants’ relatively enlarged leaves.

I consider this great truth as the key of all philosophy for not to be afraid of industrial development. It can be more fruitful in our comments of man or other parasite made disasters!







Anonymous in Anatolia


Occupying most of the space,

You’re the largest, highest that I can’t dare to raise

The number one

Covered with galaxies, battened down

For the day or the night

So that I cannot fight!


Most of the farmers and all of the workers are sitting on the dried land

Am I supposed to be leaning against the condemned SATAN’s hand,

The upper part of your

Silly figure

Outlined against the filthy dictators’ states

You let them hit one who hates

Betrayal of you

And Satanic tricks .Boo*!

*(RUHI OF BAGHDAD-See below)

Çarh-ı feleğin sa'dine vü nahsine lâ'net

Kevkeblerinin sâbit ü seyyârına hem yuf




Anonymous in Anatolia

(YAĞAMASAN DA GÜRLE/If you not able* to rain…)

*The critical paradigms of this abundance disability are-for a place located at 956meters altitude in Northern Hemisphere 56 parallel-26 Celsius degree 66 % Hygrometers, 126 Barometers-Summer Time.


Why have you left the ABUNDANCE, o deity

The disabled lady?

And what are you doing here?

Surely you are not be engaged in an action


Certainly not.

Then anybody has been helping you?


And who is he, eh?

A young plant which is known YELLOW FLOWER

I do not remember that plant, and I wonder

What is the source which it brings forward for

Your sake?

What is the source? Well, a very powerful phenomenon

Which shows a good deal of character in

The young atmosphere of genuine RELIGION!


For which you are certainly to be despised;

Who can say someone knows how the days are corrupted and

Who is the corruptor?

We fancy that one must be a wise man

Even wiser than

Himself, and seeing that he is anything but a wise one,

One has to find oneself out,

And is expected to be going to accuse the lady


Corrupting the days which are only

For one thing:

Prayer and thanksgiving!

That is the first step; one will afterwards attend to the elder

If one goes on as one has begun, one will be a public benefactor.


We hope that we may; but we rather fear,

Betraying or disabled deity that the reverse won’t turn out better. Our opinion is that in attacking you he is simply aiming a blow at The situation in a sacred plot.


We bring a wonderful accusation against you,

Which at first hearing excites surprise:

You may say that I are a maker of angels,

And that we make new gods and deny the existence

Of you;

This is groundless. Boo*!



Çarh-ı feleğin sa'dine vü nahsine lâ'net…….hem yuf!











(Form of the Hierarchy of Gods)


It’s apparent that in this form of Hierarchy there are two levels only. HAK (as IBRAHIM HAKKI described in his “MARİFETNAME” within a line: “HAKKIN OLACAK İŞLER); RAB (The teacher as Imams and Rabbis defined) and MEVLA (fulfilling parent’s function -as the church fathers defined-for the mankind) are on the first level, and they are absolutely able not to make any wrong!

And the executive one and only God-prostitute deity: FELEK- is on the second level or rank relatively; she may betray and has got faults around a breaking point which has been formulated with numerical values related to FLORA-HEATH-HUMIDITY in this study already!






Been researching some ancient religions and mores for a book I'm working on. I've not run into this Goddess before, but I thought it would be interesting to hear from our many biblical scholars.


Asherah and the God of the Early Israelites


Though all three ancient Levantine great goddesses appear in the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Old Testament, Asherah occurs most often: forty times in nine books. The biblical texts are hostile witnesses, for they either vilify the goddess or, more often, obliterate her grammatically, for instance, by referring to her in the masculine plural as "the asherahs." Until the Ugaritic tablets were deciphered beginning in the 1930s, most scholars did not even speculate that "the asherahs" might be obscuring a goddess(Hadley 2000:4). They interpreted "the asherahs" as either wooden poles, cult objects from Baal worship, or groves of trees. Only a brave few claimed that "the asherahs" referred to a goddess citing such passages as I Kings 18, in which "prophets of Asherah"(1) served Queen Jezebel(Binger 1997:111; Yamashita 1963:126). The first detailed study of Asherah in the Hebrew Bible after the Ugaritic discoveries concluded that "the asherah" represented both a wooden cult object and a goddess (Reed 1949:37, 53), a position some scholars still hold today.


Unquestionably, "the asherahs" were usually wooden; they stood upright, often beside altars, along with stone pillars. However, in at least eight instances, they are described as carved(Pettey 1990:45). Thus, far from being merely wooden "cult poles," they were probably quite large carved images. As was the case with cult statues in other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean, "the asherahs" almost certainly would have been "animated" ritually (Walker and Dick 1999:57). Thus they did not just represent the goddess, but actually were worshipped as Asherah herself. Further, according to the Bible, a statue of Asherah stood in the Solomonic temple in Jerusalem for about two-thirds of its existence (Patai 1990:50). Asherah "must, then, have been a legitimate part of the cult of Yahweh" (Olyan 1988:13).


The Hebrew Scriptures regularly pair Asherah's name, especially "the asherahs," with Baal's, so that some scholars have wondered whether Asherah had ousted Astarte as Baal's consort. In 1963 Yamashita noted that most of the references to Asherah in the Hebrew Bible, including those pairing Asherah with Baal, were associated with only one source (1963:123-137). Later, Olyan argued very convincingly that the biblical attacks on Asherah were "restricted to the Deuteronomistic History"(2) and to texts exhibiting Deuteronomistic influence. For instance, the numerous pairings of Baal with Asherah's "cult symbol," called "the asherah," are part of a reformist, monotheistic "anti-asherah polemic" aimed at discrediting "the asherah" by associating it with Baal and Astarte (Olyan 1988: 1, 3, 13-14). This polemic was necessary because Asherah "had some role in the cult of Yahweh … not only in popular Yahwism, but in the official cult as well" (Olyan 1988:74).


In addition to the testimony of the Hebrew Bible, there is also considerable archaeological evidence that may throw light on the role of Asherah in the religion of the early Israelites. First, a considerable number of small, clay, female statuettes, which archaeologists usually call "pillar figurines," have been unearthed all over Israel. Dating to the eighth and early seventh centuries, that is, to the height of the Israelite monarchy, they occur in almost every excavation of the period (Kletter 1996: 4, 40-41).(3) So many pillar figurines have been excavated in the heartland of Judah that they are often regarded as "a characteristic expression of Judahite piety"


This statuette depicts a female naked to the waist with prominent, usually heavy breasts, which she supports or cups with her hands. The backs of most are rough, perhaps indicating that they were to be viewed from the front, maybe in a household shrine (Keel and Uehlinger 1998:332). The figurines get their name from the fact that the lower part, which looks like a long, flared skirt, is usually described as a pillar or a pedestal, even as "pole-like" (Kletter 1996:28; Keel and Uehlinger 1998:332).


In the past twenty-five years, a number of scholars have suggested that the pillar figurines may depict the goddess Asherah (Toorn 1998:95; Kletter 1996:81; Hestrin 1991:57). Some base their arguments on seeing the lower part of the statuette as like a pole, a description which suggests that they interpret the biblical "asherahs" as poles and therefore understand the figurines as "small clay counterparts of the larger wooden Asherah poles which were set up by implanting them in the ground" (Patai 1990:39). However, such a suggestion seems unlikely, since the flared bases of the figurines are not "pole-like." On the other hand, the clay figurines could have been "popular, domestic copies of some larger Asherah image" from an important shrine (Hadley 2000:202).


Whatever explanation we give for both the textual "asherahs" and the pillar figurines, it seems likely that, during the Israelite Monarchy, both were associated not with Canaanite worship, but with Israelite official and popular religion. That leads me to ask the obvious question: What was Asherah's role in Israelite religion? Could she have been the consort of the Israelite god?


My current view; God is and God is nothing what we could think God would be. Think God, then you need to think Devil....if you do not think God how could you think Devil? Then, What is left, all what is, without thinking. Thinking just creates unnecessary symbols/words which are not God.


Thank you my dear friend. I share your concepts related to "god" yet the mesopotamian interesting subcosciousness and its very term: Kader the female god under the stage of jesus the christ and his father the owner of the holly spirit is worth to be scrutinized!


Best regards

yours solzhi

God is just a man made word and it's not even a good word because its meaning is horribly inconsistent.



Could you imagine any word which is not man made? So all our words are mere symbols, therefore more or less inconsistent, not actual things or events...words are only existing in our minds and are interpreted in diffrent way in diffrent mind..what is left when you take out all the words, that what really is...What is, do not need words to exist.


"I am , therefore I think". I am, therefore I feel..Thinking or feeling is not primary for existence


"God" do not need religions, men do

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