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:) Hey everyone, Keith here. OmegaX7 is my "HALO" & "HALO"2 gameplayer name. Just thought it sounded cool, - - or not. If you visit multiple physics sites, you may have seen me by the name "BettysFetish", that was the name of a rock band I was in for a few years. I work with the mentally handicapped monday thru friday and play music or games on the weekends, oh yea, and we stop to feed the kids and the cats once in a while. :) I started studying physics about 10 years ago. By now I've read about every book at my library on science and physics. Most everything from "Thales" (apx. 650 b.c.), to Newton, and thru the likes of Hawking, who by the way holds the same chair at Chambridge that Newton held. I'm interested in a short list of things, like "Time", "The Creation of Matter", and the debait over "Cyclic, Static, or Expanding Universe", as well as their associated problems and theorys.




:) Hey, - - - I'm back, finally. I began a response to who Betty is, but with 7 kids, 3 cats and one wife, I got digressed. Anyway, BettysFetish (one word) was the name of a band I played bass in for a few years, however the drugs got the best of a couple members and everything went to pieces - - - Oh well. The name has a sorted conception. While sitting at the dining room table, drinking beers and all else that happens at decadent parties, we were discussing a good name for the band. In the course of the evening we discussed the unusual preferences of an aquaintence at said party, and yes, "her" name was Betty. The phrase "Well thats Betty,s fetish" was heard, and that was it. "BettysFetish"; one word, catchy, and kinky enough to sell. So there. Hope the story was interesting and informative. I'll move on to the forums now. Talk with you all soon.


"After all is said and done, "Gravity Rules". :)

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