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p and q are real numbers.


If p < q then

[p, q] = {x : p <= x <= q} or

(p, q] = {x : p < x <= q} or

[p, q) = {x : p <= x < q} or

(p, q) = {x : p < x < q} .


A single-simultaneous-connection is any single real number included in p, q

( = D = Discreteness = a localized element = {.} ).


Double-simultaneous-connection is a connection between any two different real numbers included in p, q , where any connection has exactly 1 D as a common element with some other connection ( = C = Continuum = a non-localized element = {.___.} ).


Therefore, x is . XOR .___.


Any C is not a "normal" real number but a connector (a 1-1 correspondence element) between any two different "normal" real numbers (D elements).


No single "normal" real number (a D element) has this property, to be a connector between some two different "normal" real numbers (D elements).




For more detailes please look at:






I'll be glad to get your remarks and insights.





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