kvraghavaiah Posted September 3, 2010 Report Posted September 3, 2010 LIFE IN THE UNIVERSEAbstract:A living being is a concrete object which does peculiar actions. Living beings can be classified in to two categories with respect to human sense. One category is sensible living beings; which are like animals, plants, etc. The second category is super sensual living beings; whose activities are not identifiable through sense organs and so they are not generally identifiable through sense organs directly.Key words: living being, super natural force, lifeIntroduction:This paper gives universal definition for ‘living being’ and explains the characteristics of living beings with examples. Living beings are categorized in this paper. This paper includes explanation on super sensual living beings, which are known as super natural forces. A formula, derived from the definition to quantify the livelihood of a living being is provided.Index:1. Living Being (definition and explanation)2. Categorization of living beings3. Characteristics of living beings4. Quantification of livelihoodAppendix (Definitions)1. Living Being (definition and explanation):Definition:A living being is a concrete object which does peculiar (strange/abnormal/distinguished) actions.Explanation:We call the concrete objects with distinguished (peculiar/strange/abnormal) properties in the nature as living beings. The entire natural animal and plant world on earth has got some common properties like having genes, reproducing, growing, consuming food, etc; though these are not the properties by which we perceive them as living beings primarily; and these need not be the properties for living beings through out the universe.Living beings are just objects (to be understood as concrete matter objects) doing peculiar activities in their environment.Generally the action peculiarity of an object comes by its operational complexity and operational complexity comes by its complex structure.For example, if we consider human,Human is known as a living being because human sees, walks, eats, talks, thinks, etc.; all of which are distinguished/peculiar activities in nature. All these are peculiar activities because they are very complex (This complexity is rare) activities in nature. Human has got this operational complexity by his complex body organization (structure).2. Categorization of living beings:Categorization 1:A. Sensible Living Beings:The living beings, whose livelihood (peculiar actions) can be identified through sense organs directly.E.g.: We can identify the actins of an animal (making sounds, walking, eating, etc). We can identify the growth, flowering and giving of fruits in trees. So theirPeculiar actions (livelihood) are sensible.We can identify the activities of a microbe by seeing through a microscope (using the sense organ - eye for identification).B. Super Sensual Living Beings:The living beings whose livelihood can not be identified through sense organs directly, but may be identifiable indirectly through the identification and understanding of their effects on their environment. Super sensual living beings are living objects, which do not have sensually directly identifiable peculiar actions of living; but have peculiar actions through interactions like electro-magnetic interactions, electric interactions, magnetic interactions, etc…; within themselves and the environment. For example, we can not identify a computer as executing an application by seeing the CPU hardware box of a computer. We can identify the computer as a working machine only by observing it through a monitor designed to observe the computer. Similarly, we may not be able to directly identify some super sensual living beings in the nature, which are a part of it; as they do not exhibit any sensually directly identifiable activities. Let us consider a model(Model for illustration, not proposed) for a natural super sensual living beingGods’ idols and dhvajasthambas in temples:1. The idols of Gods are mostly stones or alloys, which are all metallic and so they can sense and process the radiation signals around them in a very good manner. Thus, they can easily interact with humans’ brain (super sensual system in brain) and other super sensual living beings.2. Dhvajasthambas, which are tall poles existing in temples contain pancha-loha (Alloy of Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc and Iron) as the external covering layer and flag shaped top. A Dhvajasthamba is fixed in front of the God’s idol in the temple. This pole, which has metallic outer layer acts as an antenna and processor system, that establishes communication between the Gods idol in the temple and other super sensual networks in its environment through radiation. Thus, devotees can better communicate with the biggersuper sensual systems through the god’s idol and dhvajasthambas in the temple. Actually, nothing in this universe can be super natural. Some of the super sensual living beings are considered as super natural forces in some literatures, as they could not be identified directly. Like the sensible living beings on earth form a very complex environment, super sensual living beings also possess a structured and complex environment in the universe and so on the Earth also. These living beings can affect or interact with the sensible living beings and the environment in which super sensual living beings exist. It is possible that some systems in our bodies can interact with super sensual living beings or be super sensual living beings themselves. An animal body cell can function as an animal’s fundamental building unit and some part of the cell could be also working as a building block of a super sensual system.We some times get some thoughts, dreams, sixth sense of some things happening or going to happen due to this type of interaction of some bridge system in our brain or our environment with brain and some super sensual natural living system in the environment. That super sensual system can be a very big network spread over the earth or in the universe.Categorization 2:A. Natural Living Beings: These are the living beings existing naturally. These can be either sensible living beings or super sensual living beings.B. Artificial living beings: Computers and other man made electronic machines are artificial living beings as they behave peculiarly. Artificial living beings can be either sensible living beings like mechanical engines or super sensual living beings like computer processing units.3. Characteristics of living beings:1. The peculiar activities of some living beings can be directly sensed through sense organs and identified. In the case of some living beings, their livelihood can not be identified directly through sense organs, but can be sometimes understood by observing their effects on their environment (that is, their indirect effects can be sensed and from the analysis of their indirect effects, existence of corresponding living beings can be understood). Let us call the living beings with directly identifiable livelihood as sensible living beings and the latter as super sensual living beings.2. Living beings interact with their environment.3. Since environmental conditions and/or constituent elements of a concrete object can change with time and place in the universe, livelihood of a concrete object can change with time and place.4. A concrete object can be a compound living being. In a compound living being, different living beings share the same matter content and are either dependent on each other or independent on each other for survival.Example 1: A computer can act as both a part of internet and as an independent system. Here, internet is a lively network and an independent computer also is a lively system. So, internet is a compound lively system where many lively sub systems coexist in it.Example 2: A man lives as a sensible living being while some part of his brain is a super sensual living being or part of a super sensual living network.Example 3: The Earth can be considered as a big living being because of its very peculiar properties in the known universe. Animals and trees are small living beings on the Earth.4. Quantification of livelihood:By fixing certain object as a standard reference, lively-hoods of other objects can be measured. Since the livelihood of a concrete object can be expressed relative to livelihoods of other concrete objects, all objects have livelihood from 0 to the most.The very common activities of objects in nature like ‘moving on application of force’, ‘absorbing heat when heated’, etc. can be considered as near zero peculiar activities. ‘Reading a book’ is an activity with much peculiar value. So, rocks and stones are near zero lively sensible living beings. Plants and Animals are sensible living beings with much livelihood.If we take the human being as standard reference and take the livelihood of human as 1 L (1 unit),Livelihood of human = total peculiarity of human actions= sum of peculiarities of different types of human actions like eating,memorizing, walking, reading, seeing, listening, thinking, etc..= 1 LTo measure the livelihood of coconut tree, total peculiarity of actions of coconut tree hasto be compared to the total peculiarity of actions of human.Livelihood of coconut tree= Total relative peculiarity of actions of coconut tree= sum of relative peculiarities of actions like flowering, growing,giving coconuts, etc… with respect to the total peculiarity ofactions of a human.= 0.5 L (assume).Appendix:Definitions:1. Living Being:A living being is a concrete object which does peculiar actions.2. Sensible living beings:The living beings, whose livelihood can be identified through sense organs directly.3. super sensual living beings:The living beings whose livelihood can not be identified through sense organs directly, but may be identifiable indirectly through the identification and understanding of their effects on their environment. Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 22, 2011 Author Report Posted March 22, 2011 what are your views, friends Quote
joekgamer Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 We can identify the computer as a working machine only by observing it through a monitor designed to observe the computer Nope. We can also identify it with such things are the alignment of the magnetic domains in the hard drive, the position of the fan, and other physical characteristics. 1. The idols of Gods are mostly stones or alloys, which are all metallic and so they can sense and process the radiation signals around them in a very good manner. Thus, they can easily interact with humans’ brain (super sensual system in brain) and other super sensual living beings. How? How can metal and/or stone 'sense' or 'process' anything? 2. Dhvajasthambas, which are tall poles existing in temples contain pancha-loha (Alloy of Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc and Iron) as the external covering layer and flag shaped top. A Dhvajasthamba is fixed in front of the God’s idol in the temple. This pole, which has metallic outer layer acts as an antenna and processor system, that establishes communication between the Gods idol in the temple and other super sensual networks in its environment through radiation How? What kind of ratiation? Electromagnetic? Nuclear (alpha/beta particle decay)? How does the 'reciever' end decode the message? Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 23, 2011 Author Report Posted March 23, 2011 Nope. We can also identify it with such things are the alignment of the magnetic domains in the hard drive, the position of the fan, and other physical characteristics. How? How can metal and/or stone 'sense' or 'process' anything? How? What kind of ratiation? Electromagnetic? Nuclear (alpha/beta particle decay)? How does the 'reciever' end decode the message? i am saying...we can notice the complex functionality of computer through monitor or another such means only. a wood is poor in conducting. so, metallic substances can conduct and so can be part of a processing system. It could be electromagnetic or some other radiation we do not know. I mean to say..it communicates in some way. Quote
joekgamer Posted March 23, 2011 Report Posted March 23, 2011 If you open up a computer while it is in use, then you would be able to see it working. Where is the proof that statues communicate? Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 23, 2011 Author Report Posted March 23, 2011 If you open up a computer while it is in use, then you would be able to see it working. Where is the proof that statues communicate? good that at least you got my point on identifying computer as a complex working system. ok now coming to your question, If you come to india, you can see and feel the complex processes done in temples and experience miracles surrounding temples. Those miracles would not be possible with out the objects in the temple having life. While establishing the god's idol and the pole, very complex and strictly sequenced procedures are done in temples. They involve...inviting all gods by hymns, telling specialised words including a few particular (AUM:invitation to positive powers, NAMAH:similar to aum , SWAHA:asking to accept the party item, AVAHAYAMI: requesting to enter the idol)words in many phrases, giving offers to all invited gods through fire, etc etc. If you ask..how can words and manual procedures bring life in to stones and metals,..my answer is..it can happen in many ways. Some complex super sensual system in the environment may consider the manual procedures and invitations and start modifying the stones and metals at minute level to bring life in to them. Or..stones and metals in temple may start responding with out regard to any change in their material structure, but by direct achievement of mind(mind does not need structured/networked elements like neurons/transistors always. It can happen with out them also. refer my other article "creation-Bramha" for more clarity on this) Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 23, 2011 Author Report Posted March 23, 2011 In soccer 2010, an octopus identified the winning team correctly in advance, before every match. It is a famous fact.500 years ago, a man in india told many incidents and names of people of current time. So, you have to accept the existence of the things beyond what you know currently.Accept them and if you have doubts about the logic behind them ask me i will tell detailed logic, in scientific way. Quote
joekgamer Posted March 23, 2011 Report Posted March 23, 2011 miracles surrounding temples What kind of miracles? Why are they considered miracles? objects in the temple having life How? You said yourself that the objects are wood/metal/etc. Therefore, they are static. How could they be living and nonliving at the same time? In soccer 2010, an octopus identified the winning team correctly in advance, before every match. It is a famous fact.500 years ago, a man in india told many incidents and names of people of current time Interesting. Could you provide a link to a source? Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 23, 2011 Author Report Posted March 23, 2011 What kind of miracles? Why are they considered miracles? How? You said yourself that the objects are wood/metal/etc. Therefore, they are static. How could they be living and nonliving at the same time? Interesting. Could you provide a link to a source? miracles like curing deseases, making dreams come true on going to temple, destroying a person definitely if any harm is done to any god's idols and items, etc etc. there were rare incidents of god/goddess or idols directly walking out from temple or taliking(idols with extreme powers). There is a separate procedures for getting rains(many times a YAGA happens for rain, there is a rain when rain is not expected in that season/days.), etc etc. a source for youhttp://www.breakingnewsonline.net/features/2825-paul-the-octopus-soccer-astrologer.html Quote
joekgamer Posted March 23, 2011 Report Posted March 23, 2011 miracles like curing deseases, How so? Could you elaborate? What kind of diseases? How could they tell that the disease was cured? making dreams come true on going to temple, Like what? Could you elaborate/give examples? destroying a person definitely if any harm is done to any god's idols and items How do people know that a god did it? How well-documented are these? With the 'Paul the Octopus' part, it was not scientifically proven that Paul was using precognition. In fact, the current Paul is a new one, after the original died. It is possible that someone beforehand ran simulations on a computer to work out the most likely outcome and put some sort of mark (probably a scent one) on the box that had the country that was most likely to win in it, so that Paul would choose that box. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Octopus Etienne Roquain admitted that chance was not necessarily the only explanation for Paul's choices, and said that the octopus could have been choosing boxes systematically—if not on the basis of football expertise, then perhaps on the animal's attraction to the design of the countries' flags, or the superior quality of individual food items that were offered.[19] The species Octopus vulgaris is almost certainly color blind; neither behavioral studies nor electroretinogram experiments show any discrimination of a color's hue.[20] In this case, individuals would still be able to distinguish brightness as well as an object's size, shape, and orientation. Shelagh Malham, research lecturer at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, suggested that they are drawn to horizontal shapes.[21] Daniel Fey, a Sea Life Aquarium spokesman suggested that Paul was confused by the similarities between the German and Spanish flags; this was on 6 July, when Fey expressed hope that Paul's latest pick would be wrong.[22] Matthew Fuller, the senior aquarist at the Weymouth park, judged the flag-shape theory to be plausible: "[Octopuses] are the most intelligent of all the invertebrates and studies have shown they are able to distinguish shapes and patterns so maybe he's able to recognise flags."[23] Vyacheslav Bisikov, a Russian biologist, agrees that it is possible for an octopus to become attracted to a striped flag.[24] Pascal Coutant, director of the La Rochelle Aquarium states: "It's complete chance that guides his choices."[25] Octopus vulgaris is also equipped with sensitive chemoreceptors on its tentacles, which are used to taste food and smell the water. Biologist Volker Miske, of the University of Greifswald, suggests that minor chemical differences on the surface of each box might account for Paul's decisions.[26] Bisikov states that Paul could be easily trained to choose the right box by smell[24] – though of course the "right" box is not apparent until after the match is completed, whereas all Paul's predictions are made before the match begins. According to Paul's keepers, there are holes in the jars to help him choose - although his choices were all made before each match began and while the result was not known.[27] Another potential bias may have been spatial preference or related factors such as light intensity. On six out of eight predictions for the World Cup the octopus chose the right-hand box (from the camera point of view), skipping the boxes with the Australian and, later, English flags. On three out of seven predictions, the German flag was on the right-hand box, with it being the left-hand box for matches with Australia, Serbia, England and Spain – all correctly predicted by Paul, with Germany winning two and losing two. Paul's keepers put the first team as officially listed by FIFA in the left-hand box, the second team listed by FIFA in the right-hand box, for all predictions.[28] Theories to explain his behavior could have been systematically tested if Paul had repeated his selection many times, but he only selected one box per game.[26] A real scientific experiment would have been more vigilant about attempting to eliminate possible sources of bias, including the flag visuals and any differences in the preparation (such as for example the size or freshness) of the individual food items.[19] Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 24, 2011 Author Report Posted March 24, 2011 How so? Could you elaborate? What kind of diseases? How could they tell that the disease was cured? Like what? Could you elaborate/give examples? How do people know that a god did it? How well-documented are these? With the 'Paul the Octopus' part, it was not scientifically proven that Paul was using precognition. In fact, the current Paul is a new one, after the original died. It is possible that someone beforehand ran simulations on a computer to work out the most likely outcome and put some sort of mark (probably a scent one) on the box that had the country that was most likely to win in it, so that Paul would choose that box. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_OctopusSo, you are saying, that octopus prophecy is doubtable..then you will express doubt in anything i explain inspite it is a fact..i take it as waste of my time to explain you any further. You are not able understand the logics of the creation/nature and trying to interpret complex things through a narrow hole. It needs broader knowledge and analytical skills. Quote
C1ay Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 .....giving offers to all invited gods through fire, etc etc.......Accept them and if you have doubts about the logic behind them ask me i will tell detailed logic, in scientific way.I have doubts. Let's see you begin with scientific proof that gods exist.... JMJones0424 and Moontanman 2 Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 24, 2011 Author Report Posted March 24, 2011 I have doubts. Let's see you begin with scientific proof that gods exist.... Is it? here it is. the proof of god. http://theknowledgeone.com/documents/Bramha.htm Quote
joekgamer Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 ...That is pretty much exactly what you posted above. It doesn't prove that a god/gods exists, only that you (or whoever wrote it) believes that it is true. Moontanman 1 Quote
Sci Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 There must be life out there, time and time again. Eternity is long enough for energy to have run through all its paces, and even very far in our own universe, plus in the infinite place of space where it all came from. This is not a special time or place. Quote
C1ay Posted March 25, 2011 Report Posted March 25, 2011 Is it? here it is. the proof of god. http://theknowledgeone.com/documents/Bramha.htmWrong answer. Mumbo jumbo is not proof of god and especially not scientific proof. Now, support your claim...scientifically. Moontanman 1 Quote
kvraghavaiah Posted March 25, 2011 Author Report Posted March 25, 2011 Wrong answer. Mumbo jumbo is not proof of god and especially not scientific proof. Now, support your claim...scientifically. I understand that you too are incapable of solving the puzzle of clubbing all knowledge pieces of nature together in a correct way. Tell me what is the theoretical fault in the above link content. That content was written by myself(FYI). If you think that i am not a right analyst, refer any other content randomly in my website http://theknowledgeone.com to realize that your understanding about me is not right. Quote
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