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Here's a LONG list of internet acronyms (some of which may actually be seen here), hope it helps:


2L8 Too late

2U2 To you too

4GM Forgive me

4RL? For real?

AAMOF As a matter of fact

AAYF As always, your friend

AFAIK As far as I know

AFK Away from keyboard

AKA Also known as

ASAP As soon as possible

ASL Age, sex, location?

ASLP Age, sex, location, picture?

ATM At the moment

ATYS Anything you say

AWA As well as

B4 Before

B4N Bye for now

BAC Back at computer

BAK Back at keyboard

BBL Be back later

BBS Be back soon

BCNU Be seein' you

BD Big deal

BF Boyfriend

BFN Bye for now

B/C Because

BCNU Be seein' you

BOT Back on topic

BRB Be right back

BTDT Been there, done that

BTW By the way

CU See you

CUL Catch you later

CUL8R See you later

CWOT Complete waste of time

CYA See ya

DHYB Don't hold your breath

DIY Do it yourself

EG Evil grin

EOD End of discussion

EOL End of lecture

EOR End of rant

F2F Face to face

FCOL For crying out loud

FNB Football and beer

FUBAR F***d up beyond all recognition

FWIW For what it's worth

FYI For your information

G Grin

G2G Gotta go

GAL Get a life

GAS Greetings and salutations

GBH Great big hug

GF Girlfriend

GG Good game

GJ Good job

GL Good luck

GM Good move/match

GMTA Great minds think alike

GR8 Great

GTG Got to go

H Hug

HB Hug back

H&K Hugs and kisses

HAND Have a nice day

HCIT How cool is that?

HF Have fun

HH Ha-ha

HHVF Ha-ha, very funny

H/O Hold on

HOAS Hold on a second

HTH Hope that helps

IAC In any case

IB2D I beg to differ

IC I see

IDGI I don't get it

IDK I don't know

IIRC If I remember correctly

IK I know

IKWUM I know what you mean

IMAO In my arrogant opinion

IME In my experience

IMHO In my humble opinion

IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion

IMO In my opinion

INRS It's not rocket science

IOW In other words

IRL In real life

ISWYM I see what you mean

J/K Just kidding


KIR Keepin' it real

KISS Keep it simple, stupid

KIT Keep in touch

KWIM Know what I mean?

L8R Later

LMK Let me know

LTR Long term relationship

LYK Let you know

LYLAB Love you like a brother

LYLAS Love you like a sister

LMAO Laughing my a*** off

LOL Laugh out loud

LTNS Long time, no see

LUM Love you, man

M8 Mate

ME2 Me too

MMA Meet me at...

MMAMP Meet me at my place

MYOB Mind your own business

NBD No big deal

N/C Not cool

NE1 Anyone

NLT No later than...

NM Nevermind

NMJC Nothing much, just chillin'

NNITO Not necessarily in that order

NO1 No-one

NOYB None of your business

NP No problem

NW No way

OIC Oh, I see

OMG Oh my gosh

ONNA Oh no, not again

OT Off topic

OTOH On the other hand

PLZ Please

POS Parent over shoulder

PPL People

QT Cutie

RFC Request for comment

ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLMAO Rolling on floor, laughing my a*** off

RTFM Read the flippin' manual

S2R Send to receive

S/B Should be

SCNR Sorry, could not resist

SLY Still love you

SOS Someone Special

SOS Same old stuff

SOS Sibling over shoulder

SYSOP System Operator (chat monitor)

TBC To be continued

TOH The other half

THX Thanks

TNX Thanks

TIA Thanks in advance

TMA Take my advice

TMI Too much information

TTFN Ta-ta for now

TTYL Talk to you later

TWIMC To whom it may concern

TYVM Thank you very much

U2 You too

UR You are

UR Your

VBG Very big grin

W/ With

W2F Way too funny

W8 Wait

W8AM Wait a minute

WAEFRD When all else fails, read directions

WB Welcome back

WDMB Will do my best

W/E Whatever

WNDITWB We never did it this way before

W/O Without

WRT With regard to

WTF What the f***?

WTG Way to go!

WWJD What would Jesus do?

XOXOXO Hugs and kisses

Y Why?

YMMV Your mileage may vary

YRG You are good!

YVW You're very welcome

>U! Screw you!

?4U Question for you


Add some if find any that aren't here, and good luck finding them :).


You left off some of my favorites:


YW or W: rejoinders to NW

IANAL: I am not a lawyer (usually followed by legal advice)

WEAIGTPD: My daughter's favorite: "Whatever, As If, Get the picture, Duh!"

JBSCIO: My favorite (I usually write it out here): "Joe Bob Sez, Check It Out"




  • 1 month later...

Here's some common acronyms that I'm not sure many people know the true meaning behind.


i.e. = Id Est (that is). Abbreviation from Latin.

e.g. = Exempli Gratia (for example). Abbreviation from Latin.




(i.e. It's intent was to... ) = That is, it's intent was to...

(e.g. A perpetual motion machine could work, if in theoretical or idealistic conditions.)= For example, a perpetual motion machine could work, if in theoretical or idealistic conditions not found on Earth.


Hope this helps some people in the future if you're not sure which to use ;).


This is not really an acronym, but it falls along the same lines... my brother used to get a kick out of seeing who could figure it out (and I'm sure half of you have seen it before)




I am such a geek :)


Oh, and also, I use "ta" often = thanks a lot

i will never have any intentions on forgiving anybody that can't actually spell out "forgive me"


Hehe... so true!! "forgive me, but don't expect me to put any effort into it..."

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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