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Alright, I registered at this site a while ago but haven't had time to get involved yet. So I would like to start things out by asking for your opinions regarding a paper I have to compose for ethics class..


If you have something to say, be brief, if you don't, pls don't ramble..Answers don't have to be lengthy, just thorough, thanks yall..


What do you believe Q's


1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?



2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?



3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?



4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?



5) How do you determine truth? Why?



6) What happens when you die? Why?



7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?



8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?



9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?



10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?

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1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?


I believe in Intelligent Design, kind of by default. Questions such as how could something come from nothing, how can life come from non-life, combined with the indisputible (sp?) truths of VERY complex properties woven throughout our world, acknowledging some sort of Supernatural Being when regarding the origins seems to be the only plausible choice..



2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?


In addition to what was stated above, I believe one of the strongest arguements to point to God, is, to quote Morpheus, "the question that drives us." How could we be able to know the concept perfection, or even WONDER about God, if such a thing didn't exist. We, as a human race, have never been able to be aware of something that doesn't exist, because it uhh..doesn't exist..



3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?


I believe in a little religious plurlism, but I am really not sure how to answer this one..I suppose it is all about what is in your heart..any ideas on this one would be helpful..



4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?


By the logic and truth that, in my mind, i believe to be the most accurate..



5) How do you determine truth? Why?


Observing..and basing my logic and truth on what I discover from that..



6) What happens when you die? Why?


I am not even gonna try on this one..



7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?


Unconditional Love..All there is to it right? Treat other's like the Creation of God that they are..



8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?


Never ok..spiritual warfare is the only battle worth fighting, I think physical war is a result of ignorance brought upon by emotion/spiritual lethargy/fatigue..I do think war is necessary since we couldnt appreciate peace without it..



9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?


Eh, the battle should be centered on getting the girl to understand that she needs to avoid getting in the situation in the first place. Rape, etc, i believe it is the girl's choice in cases of that nature..



10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?


I think it is wrong, but do not judge those who do it, for a lot of times the feelings they have are imposed on their subconscious before they are even old enough to know what's going on..I still oppose it though..especially with all the beautiful ladies out there :-D



What do you believe???


I'll bite.


1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?


It is a natural outcome of the properties of our universe. There was no intelligence behind the emergence of life. Life has emerged many places in the universe, and continues to do so. I believe that life emerged quite early after the Big Bang, perhaps as soon as 2-3 billion years, after the first galaxies had formed. Life will exist for a long time in many places in the universe, but might eventually die out everywhere because the universe will end.


2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?


I don't know which God you refer to, but I don't believe in any.


3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?


Not applicable.


4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?


Gut feelings, cultural baggage, spur-of-the-moment decisions, general feeling of "this is right" or "this is wrong".


5) How do you determine truth? Why?


Gut feeling or check facts. Usually both if practical and possible. Often the same as the above answer.


6) What happens when you die? Why?


My body is decomposed and recycled. My mind is gone. My family and friends grieve (hopefully). The memory of me lives on for a brief perion. The End.


7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?


This is an extremely complex question. If I say "do unto others" etc I'd be lying. I am a human being so I treat people differently. I protect my close family. I shy away from people I dislike. I treat my friends and colleagues with respect. People should try to be themselves, and let others do the same. But people must also learn to stand up for themselves.


8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?


War is never good. It is never necessary. But to participate in defensive actions is required because one has to stand up for what one believes in. I would fight for my country but I would not go to war against another nation as the aggressor.


9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?


I am pro-abortion. The "why" is difficult to be brief about. There are many reasons - social, human, legal, ethical, personal. For example, I do not think abortion should not be used as a contraceptive. I do however think abortion is an issue that should be left to the parents-to-be. I think abortion is a horrible thing but I also think it is inevitable, and that it has been so for thousands of years. It is a part of human nature. Spontaneous abortions and miscarriages are also sad facts of life.


10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?


I support it. I do not see why two people of the same sex cannot choose to share their life just as two persons of opposite sex.


1) Origins of life?

Abiogenisis. Under primordial earth conditions, the basic formation of simple life seems to be inevitable. Life arose very quickly after the solidification of the Earth. Life then really didn't do a whole lot for a few billion years. Then they started hanging out amonst eachother and decided apartment living was ok and formed the eukaryotes. These guys then had lots of fun making new and cool shapes and chemicals. Then, they too decided, they liked hanging out w/ each other and started this fad of multi-cellular organisms, etc., etc......


2) God?

No. No complelling evidence for, and a lot IMO that argues against.


3) Drections to god...

I tried mapquest.... ;) . Hard to get nowhere...


4) Right and wrong?

A personal morality based on the "golden rule concept".


5) Truth?

Truth is construct. Truth seems to impart some mystical weight that has no relavence or berring on what is real. Reality = truth.



Worm poop. Why? They are hungry and have to bring home the bacon to all their little wormletts at home and their adoring worm wife.


7)Relationship w/ fellow man?

We are biologically much more related than many people realize. Humans are pretty inbred. As for interaction, see #4.


8) War?

What is it good for? Huuun! Absolutely nothing! (You know you all were humming that in your head already..) Force should be used only as a defensive.



I'm a guy. It doesn't matter what I think.


10)Same-sex marriage?

Get over it. The US has this wannabe puritanical streak that thinks it knows what is right for everyone. If two (hell, or more) consentual people want to do something, let them. It is not your life, stay the hell out of it.


I think it is wrong, but do not judge those who do it, for a lot of times the feelings they have are imposed on their subconscious before they are even old enough to know what's going on..I still oppose it though..especially with all the beautiful ladies out there :-D


Granted this a belief question, I think you should really do some examination of the facts before coming to such a biased and condescending position.


1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?

I believe that life emerged from evolution because there's evidence to support it. No one's positive EXACTLY how life began so neither am I.


2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?

I don't believe in any god, person or otherwise.


3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?

I don't think there is anyway to any god because I do not believe in god.


4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?

Right and wrong is a social construct. It's a necessary contruct but a social one, nonetheless. I determine right and wrong based on what I was taught by my family, teachers, and other facets of society.


5) How do you determine truth? Why?

I don't think that there is an inherent truth. The truth is based on the knowledge that you have at that particular time, whether it is right or not.


6) What happens when you die? Why?

I decompose and my energy returns to the earth, then my remains feed other creatures and gives birth to new generations...and so the food chain continues.


7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?

A person's relationship with other human beings is based on its past experiences. I think that people should always treat one another with respect whether they agree or disagree with the other person's actions.


8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?

I don't think war is ever a good thing. War is usually the product of some type of corruption, whether it be for power, money, or some other greedy reason. War is never necessary. If there are no agressors then they is no reason to defend yourself.


9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?

I am pro-abortion but like Tormod said, I don't think that it should be used as a method of birth control. Sometimes there are circumstances that make abortion necessary so I think that it should be an option for those who need it.


10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?


I think same-sex marriage is fine, it's just two people joined by the state and recognized by the state as a couple. I don't see any reason why same-sex marriage should not be legal.


1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?

i believe we evolved over millions of years. why? well, because evolution is all around us and it makes the most sense to me.


2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?

i believe that man created god in an effort to explain what could not be explained at the time (most of which [NOT ALL] is explainable now, which makes that funny ;) ) i believe this because it's totally obvious.


3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?

there's probably an infinite way to god. take that road, wear those shoes, be that person. looks like the possibilities are endless to me.


4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?

right and wrong is all a matter of opinion to me.


5) How do you determine truth? Why?

with facts and observation. why? well it seems better than assuming the truth by listening to millions of people tell you what's right, even with they are horribly wrong.


6) What happens when you die? Why?

well, when WE did, everything that made us who we were shuts down. we can no longer be, you are dead. everything has ended. and no, that doesn't mean it's a bunch of nothingingness, because nothingingness (abyss) is still a place, an endless place at that. i assume it feels being put under, an uncontrollable fall into subconciousness. comforting and sad. we have no souls that live on and float towards the heavens which don't exist at all, all what's left after death is our legacy which who knows how long will live. life is beautiful and short, make the best of it. seriously, don't just say it. actually do it. because the years will pass and all you'll have to do is look back with your nostalgic, withering eyes and wish.


7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?

we are social creatures. we should interact how we please, being ourselves and this is all an opinion. well i guess all of these are.


8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?

if you like to kill, be killed, or know people are dying when they don't really have to die, then sure war can be great! ;)



9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?

women should DEFINITELY have the choice of whether or not they want to have an abortion. it is HORRIBLE that religion, or laws, are getting in the way of peoples choice of whether or not they can support a child. some pregnancies are a mistake, and i don't believe it's all that bad to kill a fetus that doesn't even know what's going on. IT'S A FETUS. come on! a fetus!! so what?!!?!?!?! we are as insignificant as that fetus too, ahh i find that beautifully hilarious.



10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?

if someone is gay, WHO CARES!? all they want to do is just live their lives, and be happy. let them marry, once again-religion and laws getting into the way of peoples choices. PATHETIC. humans should just be able to marry humans, regardless of orientation.

now, if we start marrying animals (like india) thennnnnn i think i'll have a problem.


Warning: this is NOT as humorous as it might appear, and as my sig sez, may not reflect the opinions of the author....


1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?

BOOOOOM! Quarks, Hydrogen, Crunch, Bang, Crunch, Bang, Movin up the Periodic Table, Molecules, Amino Acids,...[missing links dropped for convenience]...Evolution... Beings who ask interesting questions.


Because it makes sense and I can go to the museum/university and verify it if I want.


2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?

Who? What's a God? Oh, yeah, in the old days since people didn't have the scientific method they had to make up stories to explain why things were which was manipulated to help establish hierarchies in societies so that we could get to the point of having time to do science. We need these God things anymore?


3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?

Is there a reason I'm supposed to find her? What does she look like? Is there a reward? Who can tell me this stuff? Is there an authority on how to identify God? If its a popular thing to be, how can I tell when someone who says they're a God, isn't?


4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?

I always treat others as I would have them treat me. Murder is bad cuz I don't want to be murdered. Says so in Hammurabi's code. More recently proven in game theory that if we do good things for eachother we all end up better off.


5) How do you determine truth? Why?

That's a hard one! I have to determine truth all the time. Is my kid lying about having done her homework? Is Social Security in trouble? Its hard. Usually I have to do research ("done? Show it to me so I can see what you're learning."), weigh various biased opinions ("Sky is falling!" "Its fine until 2040"), and ultimately have to make value judgements on who I trust based on past performance, compute the probabilities, then roll the dice for the last bit if necessary. Its tiring. No wonder most folks just wanna get their truth spoon fed to them so they can regurgitate it when necessary.


6) What happens when you die? Why?

Well, they don't allow you to drive anymore, and they either put you in a very small box or burn you to a crisp. I don't remember anything much before being born, and I've never talked to a dead person, so I don't think its possible to say anything about it. OTOH, its fun to make stuff up! Whooo, clouds! halos! But I'd really rather get a God issued Les Paul and Marshall stack than one of those silly harps. Some people make heaven sound positively boring, but of course if the only alternative is Hell, well, I guess being bored out of your gourd for eternity isn't so bad, huh?


7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?

Remember your manners. Always say "please" and "thank you" Do not flip off bad drivers. Do not shoot anyone with a gun if you can help it.


8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?

Oh yes! If there is someone who wants to kill you, your kid or anyone else in your family, it really is better to kill them first, but you'd better be ready to do some serious 'splainin' afterward Lucy!


9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?

Surgical removal of a growth that could become costly to take care of later. Potential life? Geez, seems like the homosexuality and auto-eroticism are just as heinous as abortion if you care too much about what *might* happen. Course some people want to outlaw those too...


10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?

Sounds fine to me. Only a couple of probs: can't marry your cousin unless you promise not to have kids cuz they'll be deformed and that's mean and cruel to them. The "three's a crowd, and more is a much bigger crowd" can't have more than two in a marriage cuz all of a sudden each partner can NOT say they are "totally committed" to the other partner, and it results in unfairness, conflict, meanness, and can never possibly work. Foments jealousy hatred and other nasty things.





1) What do you believe about the origins of life? Why?

I tend to believe in abiogenesis as the origin and evolution for development. I do not believe in any Gods and therefore do not believe in a creator. I feel that a belief in evolution is supported by science.


2) What do you believe about the existance of God? Why?

God is an invention of man from ancient times. God is man's effort to explain all of the things he could not understand. God was invented in man's image instead of the reverse. For men, God has been everything man has wanted him to be. Man has endowed his creation with all of the qualities he felt God should have and then turned to worship him.


3) Is there more than one way to God? Why or why not?

redundant, see #2


4) How do you determine right and wrong? Why?

The golden rule, treat others the way you would like to be treated.


5) How do you determine truth? Why?

That's a broad question. For physical things I believe in the scientific method. For people things you have to rely on instinct, and questions and answers or witnesses or ...... Like I said, that's a broad question for such a short space.


6) What happens when you die? Why?

They'll harvest any organs that are fit for use and give them to someone that can use them and science will take what's left and do what they want with it. On the off chance that you were asking about my life force it will just go out like a candle does.


7) What is a person's relationship to his/her fellow human being? How should they interact/treat one another? Why?

redundant, see #4


8) Is war ever good? Is it sometimes necessary? Why?

War is not good but sometimes it is necessary. I think the first Gulf War is probably a good example. Iraq attempted to conquer someone and that was wrong.


9) What is your stance on abortion? Why?

I would prefer to see alternative methods of birth control employed. As technology moves forward so does the viability of younger and younger fetuses. I am personally at a point where I think 1st trimester abortions should be up to the parents and allowed but, my feelings on 2nd or 3rd trimester abortions are up in the air as I am beginning to wonder if a viable fetus should have any rights of it's own. At any rate I think it is only fair that each pregnancy is considered on an individual basis. There will never be a blanket law that is fair to all cases. If I apply #4 above I think that I would want to be born and adopted out if my parents didn't want me if I had made it to the 3rd trimester of development.


10) What is your stance on same-sex marraige? Why?

redundant again see #4




I have spent a loooonnnnggg time researching the evolution/creation debate and cannot believe that this many "smart" people completely reject anything having to do with God.


I will not turn this into an evolution/creation thread, but may start another one since I know all of you have probably posted in at least 230857 different ones, and would love to post in one more ;) (i will dig one up if theres a recent one..dont worry)..


But wow...this suprised me..anyway continue with the responses, thanks for all of your time so far..


[edit] also, all this hate on war, but dont yall think it is necessary to be able to appreciate times of peace? I'm sure yall have heard the "if the world was perfect we wouldnt know" saying, but doesnt it seem to relate to war/peace as well?

I have spent a loooonnnnggg time researching the evolution/creation debate and cannot believe that this many "smart" people completely reject anything having to do with God....also, all this hate on war, but dont yall think it is necessary to be able to appreciate times of peace?
"You talkin' to ME?!? You sayin' I'm only quote-unquote "smart" cuz ya think I reject anything having to do with God? You callin' me a war monger??? Huh? HUH?!?"


Be very careful of the conclusions you draw about us individually or collectively based on these responses....Things are not always as simple as they might seem...





I couldn't agree with you more..things are often never as they seem..


It's just that I know a few people who would make everyone who has posted so far (including me) look like 3rd graders intellectually who believe in God so surely that it isnt even believing for them its knowing..I was just suprised to see such open, hardcore rejection of an issue that can never be answered the way we would like to see it be answered..


And the "smart" had to do with the fact that all yall must be a little educated or you prolly wouldnt be at these forums..it had no sarcastic intent aimed at "non-believers"..

..I was just suprised to see such open, hardcore rejection of an issue that can never be answered the way we would like to see it be answered....
That's my point: don't interpret it as hardcore rejection: a bunch of the respondents believe (and you'll see some indications of this in their other posts), that there might well be a God, but since its unknowable, what's the point? We tend to use the word "metaphysics" to describe this stuff that can't be proven one way or the other... render unto Ceasar...




It's just that I know a few people who would make everyone who has posted so far (including me) look like 3rd graders intellectually who believe in God so surely that it isnt even believing for them its knowing..


What sort of silly argument is this? "My dad is stronger than your dad"? If anyone *knows* God exists then they are not religious. A basic tenement of religion is faith.


I was just suprised to see such open, hardcore rejection of an issue that can never be answered the way we would like to see it be answered..


The way *who* would like it answered? ;)


And the "smart" had to do with the fact that all yall must be a little educated or you prolly wouldnt be at these forums..it had no sarcastic intent aimed at "non-believers"..



Originally: Huh? I hope this is a joke or you are on thin ice here. I think you'll find that those who responded to your questions so far have a lot of education, apart from Orb who is in high school and still getting one. If you think we are here because we have little education you have misunderstood the point of Hypography.


New: Sorry I misread this. *Lowering my guard*. My apologies.


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