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the most powerful explosions in the universe... impossible to predict. difficult to find. and deadly if you stand in its way. gamma ray bursts are the final death blow of the most ancient, massive stars in the universe.

there has been recent speculation that a gamma ray burst may have been responsible for the extinction of life on earth millions of years ago. and it wasn't even in our own galaxy! the fact that a grb a few billion light years away can have such an impact on life here on earth should come as a shock to most people. but, considering just how powerful a grb can be, I believe that we (or more specifficaly, astronomers with the proper detection equipment) should spend more time searching for these potention death bombs from space. and study more carefully what makes these time-bombs tick so that we can search for potential gamma ray bursters here in our own galactic neck of the woods.


for further reading go here here


Interesting read DS, I think I may have read this before, not sure.


If a GRB could do that to life on earth, the Gamma Ray would have to stay extremely concentrated and not get scattered in anyway for it to be able to affect us from that far away. Just hard to imagine.



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